The most popular words and phrases for 2019 were released by the organizers last Friday. “Stability” was chosen as the hottest Chinese character related to domestic topics this year, but the phrase that swept the country was “me and my motherland”. They topped a list of popular words and phrases collected by the National Language Resource Monitoring and Research Center and the Commercial Press to assess characters used by Chinese-language media. The hottest character related to international topics was “difficulty”, and the hottest phrase related to international topics in 2019 was “trade frictions”.
The campaign received thousands of suggestions from netizens nationwide since it started on Nov 20. It is the 14th time the list was published.
"Wen" reflects China's effort to maintain stability in response to a changing world over the past year.
Many of the submissions related to domestic and international issues, but the dominant influencing factor was the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China in October.
During the anniversary celebrations, patriotic flash mobs popped up to sing the classic Chinese song Me and My Motherland which was also popular on social media. Pop diva Faye Wong released a new rendition of the song in September, which became an instant hit, riding a wave of nostalgia and patriotism.
The film Me and My Motherland hit theaters on Sept 30, one day before China’s National Day, an anthology of short stories directed by seven directors led by Chen Kaige. Drawing on historical and key moments since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the seven directors focused on the seemingly distant yet close ties between individuals and the country, aiming to awaken the common memories of Chinese people around the world.
国际字词方面, “难”和“贸易摩擦” 最终当选。2019年,各国因战略关切、武器采购、防务费用等产生种种分歧,让全球范围内的双边关系、多边关系和地区形势难题不断。全球范围内的贸易摩擦并不是简单的贸易顺差与逆差的争夺,而是各国国家利益的博弈。古语云:和为贵。贸易摩擦终现转机,求同存异的思路应是解决争端的正确轨道。
In addition to the 2019 Chinese characters and phrases chosen by netizens, the center also unveiled the top 10 media buzzwords and 10 internet slangs.
夜经济(nighttime economy)
5G元年(epoch-making year for 5G)
极限施压(exert maximum pressure)
止暴制乱(ending violence)
接诉即办(handling a complaint upon receipt)
夸夸群(praise group)
基层减负年(the year to alleviate burdens on primary-level authorities)
冰墩墩/雪容融( Bing Dwen Dwen/Shuey Rhon Rhon)
杀猪盘(pig-butchering scam/romance scam)
乡字号/土字号(bucolic brands/agriculture business names)
不忘初心(remain true to our original aspiration)
道路千万条,安全第一条(On countless roads ahead, safety comes first.)
柠檬精(green with envy)
好嗨哟(so happy)
是个狼人(someone is a badass/crackerjack)
雨女无瓜(none of your business)
996(the 996 work schedule)
14亿护旗手(1.4 billion flag-bearers)
断舍离(simplifying life)
我和我的祖国(me and my motherland)
金色十年(golden decade)
学习强国(study to make our country stronger)
中美经贸磋商(China-US trade talks)
最美奋斗者(the most outstanding contributors)
垃圾分类(garbage sorting)
先行示范区(pilot demonstration area)
基层减负年(the year to alleviate burdens on primary-level authorities)
我太南了(What am I supposed to do?)