iOS 项目gitignore文件中包含文件类型解释

标签(空格分隔): iOS

iOS 项目gitignore文件中包含文件类型解释


# Xcode


  1. .DS_Store DS_Store 是用来存储这个文件夹的显示属性的:比如文件图标的摆放位置。删除以后的副作用就是这些信息的失去 (当然,这点副作用其实不是太大)

  2. /build/ 我的理解是,项目编译过程中产生的文件和数据

  3. *.pbxuser
    It stores the user's preferences for the project, e.g. window sizes, active build style, file bookmarks, and a few other things.

  4. !default.pbxuser  保留默认的Xcode IDE配置文件
  5. *.mode2v3 Xcode IDE配置文件 :window states and geometry, breakpoints, custom executables, etc 保存了窗口状态,字体,断电,自定义执行等

  6. !default.mode2v3 保留默认的mode2v3文件
  7. *.perspectivev3
    This is the file where XCode saves the preferences of your "perspective". Where you windows are, if your console is open, where it is on the screen.
    Which groups are open in the side bar etc.
    Basically everything you need that xcode looks the same when you open it next time.
    There is another file name username.pbxuser. Xcode stores for example the code bookmarks in it.
    You don't need them to compile the project. And you should not put them into version control either.
    [Xcode projects — what is a “perspectivev3 file”](

8.!default.perspectivev3 保留默认的perspectivev3文件


   project.xcworkspace说明:is a directory of files describing the workspace or projects. Although some of the answers here indicate it is unnecessary and should be ignored for source control, I don't agree, but it's going to be highly dependent upon how you use your environment. Generally, the contents of the project.xcworkspace directory contains the contents.xcworkspace data file, which lists the projects that are included as top-level entities in your project。

   xcuserdata说明:You can safely delete the xcuserdata directories. It basically contains personal settings like breakpoints, user interface layout, open files, automatic snapshots configuration and so on。
   [iOS xcuserdata](

10.*.moved-aside 鬼知道这是什么东西

11.DerivedData Xcode缓存数据

12.idea/ 存放项目的配置信息,包括历史记录,版本控制信息等

13 *.hmap 鬼知道是什么

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