

  • DO 应始终遵循的准则
  • DON'T 不应该这么使用的准则
  • PREFER 应该遵循的准则,但是在某些情况下,可以根据个人理解忽略,不遵循
  • DON'T 不应该这么使用的准则
  • AVOID 不应该遵循的准则,但是在某些情况下,可以根据个人理解忽略,不遵循
  • CONSIDER 可遵循或者不遵循的规则,取决于个人偏好


DO 格式化注释,例如句子


// Not if there is nothing before it.
if (_chunks.isEmpty) return false;

DON’T 将注释写在文档中

// Good
greet(name) {
  // Assume we have a valid name.
  print('Hi, $name!');

// Bad
greet(name) {
  /* Assume we have a valid name. */
  print('Hi, $name!');

您可以使用块注释(/* ... */)暂时注释掉一段代码,但所有其他注释都应该使用//

Doc 注释

Doc 注释的内容会被解析生成doc提示文档块,类似代码的信息提示块

DO 使用 /// 表示doc注释记录成员和类型


/// The number of characters in this chunk when unsplit. 未拆分时此块中的字符数
int get length => ...


/// Parses a set of option strings. For each option:
/// * If it is `null`, then it is ignored.
/// * If it is a string, then [validate] is called on it.
/// * If it is any other type, it is *not* validated.
void parse(List options) {
  // ...

PREFER 为公共API编写doc注释

Linter规则:package_api_docs, public_member_api_docs

CONSIDER 编写库级文档评论

在library指令之前为文档编写doc 注释,可以向读者介绍其中提供的主要概念和功能。考虑包括:

  • 关于库用途的单句摘要。
  • 整个库使用的术语解释。
  • 一些使用API的完整代码示例。
  • 指向最重要或最常用的类和函数的链接
  • 指向库所关心的域上的外部引用的链接

CONSIDER 为私有API编写doc注释


DO 用单句摘要开始文档评论


// Good
/// 从文件系统中删除[path]中的文件
void delete(String path) {

// Bad
/// 根据文件系统的状态和用户的权限,
/// 可能会或可能不会执行某些操作。如果
/// [path]中没有文件或无法访问该文件,则此函数将分别抛出[IOError] 
/// 或[PermissionError]。否则,这将删除该文件。
void delete(String path) {

DO 将文档评论的第一句作为一个独立的段落


// Good

// Deletes the file at [path].
/// Throws an [IOError] if the file could not be found. Throws a
/// [PermissionError] if the file is present but could not be deleted.
void delete(String path) {

// Bad

/// Deletes the file at [path]. Throws an [IOError] if the file could not
/// be found. Throws a [PermissionError] if the file is present but could
/// not be deleted.
void delete(String path) {

AVOID 与周围环境的冗余


// Good
class RadioButtonWidget extends Widget {
  /// Sets the tooltip to [lines], which should have been word wrapped using
  /// the current font.
  void tooltip(List lines) {

// Bad
class RadioButtonWidget extends Widget {
  /// Sets the tooltip for this radio button widget to the list of strings in
  /// [lines].
  void tooltip(List lines) {

PREFER 启动函数或方法注释与第三人称动词


/// Returns `true` if every element satisfies the [predicate].如果每个元素都满足[predicate],则返回“true”
bool all(bool predicate(T element)) => ...

/// Starts the stopwatch if not already running. 如果尚未运行,则启动秒表
void start() {

PREFER 使用用名词短语注释变量、getter或setter


/// The current day of the week, where `0` is Sunday.
int weekday;

/// The number of checked buttons on the page.
int get checkedCount => ...

PREFER 对库或者类型注释使用名词短语


/// A chunk of non-breaking output text terminated by a hard or soft newline.由硬或软换行符终止的一大块非破坏输出文本
/// ...
class Chunk { ... }

CONSIDER 文档注释中代码示例

/// Returns the lesser of two numbers.
/// ```dart
/// min(5, 3) == 3
/// ```
num min(num a, num b) => ...

DO 使用方括号来引用范围内标识符


/// Throws a [StateError] if ... 抛出[StateError] if  
/// similar to [anotherMethod()], but ... 类似于[anotherMethod ()],但是......


/// Similar to [Duration.inDays], but handles fractional days. 与[Duration.inDays]类似,但...


/// To create a point, call [Point()] or use [Point.polar()] to ...要创建一个点,请调用[Point()]或使用[Point.polar()]来...

DO 用平实的语句来解释参数、返回值和异常。


// Good

/// Defines a flag. 定义一个标志
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] if there is already an option named [name] or 如果已经有一个名为[name]的选项或
/// there is already an option using abbreviation [abbr]. Returns the new flag. 已经有一个使用缩写[abbr]的选项,则抛出[ArgumentError ]。返回新标志
Flag addFlag(String name, String abbr) => ...

// Bad

/// Defines a flag with the given name and abbreviation.定义具有给定名称和缩写的标志
/// @param name The name of the flag. @param name标志的名称
/// @param abbr The abbreviation for the flag.
/// @returns The new flag.
/// @throws ArgumentError If there is already an option with
///     the given name or abbreviation.
Flag addFlag(String name, String abbr) => ...

DO 在元数据注释之前放置文档注释


/// A button that can be flipped on and off. 可以打开和关闭的按钮。
@Component(selector: 'toggle')
class ToggleComponent {}

// Bad

@Component(selector: 'toggle')
/// A button that can be flipped on and off.
class ToggleComponent {}




/// This is a paragraph of regular text.
/// This sentence has *two* _emphasized_ words (italics) and **two**
/// __strong__ ones (bold).
/// A blank line creates a separate paragraph. It has some `inline code`
/// delimited using backticks.
/// * Unordered lists.
/// * Look like ASCII bullet lists.
/// * You can also use `-` or `+`.
/// 1. Numbered lists.
/// 2. Are, well, numbered.
/// 1. But the values don't matter.
///     * You can nest lists too.
///     * They must be indented at least 4 spaces.
///     * (Well, 5 including the space after `///`.)
/// Code blocks are fenced in triple backticks:
/// ```
/// this.code
///     .will
///     .retain(its, formatting);
/// ```
/// The code language (for syntax highlighting) defaults to Dart. You can
/// specify it by putting the name of the language after the opening backticks:
/// ```html

HTML is magical!

/// ``` /// /// Links can be: /// /// * http://www.just-a-bare-url.com /// * [with the URL inline](http://google.com) /// * [or separated out][ref link] /// /// [ref link]: http://google.com /// /// # A Header /// /// ## A subheader /// /// ### A subsubheader /// /// #### If you need this many levels of headers, you're doing it wrong

AVOID 过度使用markdown




PREFER 代码块使用```

// Good

/// You can use [CodeBlockExample] like this:
/// ```
/// var example = CodeBlockExample();
/// print(example.isItGreat); // "Yes."
/// ```

// Bad

/// You can use [CodeBlockExample] like this:
///     var example = CodeBlockExample();



AVOID 缩写和首字母缩略词,除非它们是显而易见的

许多人不知道“ie”,“eg”和“et al。”是什么意思。你确信你所在领域的每个人都知道这个首字母缩略词可能并不像你想象的那么广为人知。

PREFER 首先使用“this”而不是“the”来引用成员的实例


class Box {
  /// The value this wraps.
  var _value;

  /// True if this box contains a value.
  bool get hasValue => _value != null;
