

今天重点摘录小说里米娜Mina Murray的日记部分有关露西的描述。

Whatever my expection was, it was not disappointed, for there, on out favorite seat, the silver light of the moon struck a figure, snowy white. I could not see clearly, for it was quite dark, but it seemed to me as though something dark stood behind teh seat where the white figure shone, and bent over it. What it was, whether man or beast, I could not tell.

I did not wait to catch another glance, but flew down the steep steps to the dock and along by the fish-market to the bridge, which was the only way to reach the East Cliff.

When I got almost to the top of  the stairs leading to the cliff's edge, I could see the seat and the white figure. There was undoubtedly something, long and black, bending over the white figure.

I called in fright, "Lucy!" and something raised a head, and from where I was I could see a white face and red, gleaming eyes. Then the clouds obscured the moon and there was darkness. I ran on, finally reaching Lucy.


再看另一日的描述:I saw only a bat flying about in the moonlight.




She was awfully pale. The red seemed to have gone even from her lips and gums, and the bones of her face stood out prominently. Her breathing was painful to see and hear.



There on the bed lay poor Lucy, more horribly white than ever. Even the lips were white, and the gums seemed to have shrunken back from the teeth, as we sometimes see in a corpse after a prolonged illness.


露西一日更比一日糟糕的身体状况,也暗示在一步步面临死亡。她的朋友亲人在努力帮助她,最后还是无法逃脱死亡之神。露西死后,故事渐渐进入高潮,“吸血鬼”这个词才开始被大家认识。这时,Jonathan 这一条线,还有医生这一条线,露西这一条线,三条线索汇聚在一起,让故事的主线渐渐明朗。

