Ron : we miss you!

My daughter Ivy just went to a interview for a different position in her company yesterday . When she back home she shared with me what had happened during the interview. She said she just can't stop tearing when the interviewer ask her to talk about  someone who she think is smartest person. It's Ron! Who was the one coming her mind immediately . While she talked about Ron she cannot hold her emotion, even though she knew it would affect her performance as a Professional image.

Ron : we miss you!_第1张图片

After she told me this, I cannot stop thinking about Ron either. The past scenes came to my mind like movie. We got to know Ron because one friend introduced and told us that Run helped their family a lot! That time was around 2012 after the big crisis of American, Pessimism overshadowed in North America. People were struggling and  young people faced more challenges than ever before! We just landed at Canada several years, my English skills were very low and poor, I can't communicate with Ron, I can't talk, I can't get full understanding what he was talking about .But from the first time we met him, we immediately had good feeling about him!

You can't imagine how much difficult life is for all new comers must face! No friends,no relatives, little language, unfamiliar with the surrounding environment. You drive on the road you even don't know where you are going to and you end up at nowhere! Confusing,frustrating... and someone who came from America said Detroit is dying and people just left their home and moved to the park as they cannot afford the mortgage . A lot of people in Canada also lost their jobs! "This generation has been facing much challenges than ever before " ,that is what Ron said to us once. We met him is like seeing light in the darkness!

After we share ours stories with Ron  , he said he can be Ivy's mentor. I even don't know what exactly means of "mentor "is! We drove one half hour from downtown toronto to Scarborough almost every weekend to meet with Ron. I remember Ron always brought a blind man with him together. How thoughtful he was! On one side, he might think we were strangers then, he can't meet a young girl only by himself; on the other hand, he took a company who also likes helping others ever though he is blind ,he made comments and encourage people while they share times ,stories...

I never forgot once Ron said to us :" Do not be afraid! Even if you are trapped in a tiger cave, you don't have time to be afraid of, you only need a plan ,need find a way out! Need courage and prepare! " My God! I felt being striked by lighting, what he said has always reminded me not to be afraid , even when going through very tough time,tough things!-my Trigeminal neuralgia, a health problem had been torturing me for several years, Ivy didnt have any clue how she can find job and which job is going to be ? Since then, we had a direction ,had a hope, had courage to take action day by day,month by month. Ron  promised my daughter that he would going through the every interview with her: to edit her resume, practice interview,teach her how to use her real experience to create her own stories to dealing with every single question. I remember that they almost went through several different cases, when Ivy had failed, he always said patiently :"whatever you going through ,every time you will learn some experience from it , you will get there ." He never judge, he never criticizes,he never ever made us uncomfortable. He always smiles ,always encourages, always speaking in a professional and intelligent way. Four months later,Ivy got two offers! We were so excited as you don't know how hard to find a suitable job at that time !

We consider he is the most wise man with big heart and wonderful soul that we have ever met in our life until now! He once said to me that Ivy needs a role model that I know for sure he is the role model for Ivy and for me! When I went back and forth between China and Canada, my daughter was her own, I told her if she had every problem,she should talk with Ron because of his kindness 、his generous 、his extraordinary . All  of his wonderful characteristics won all my trust.

Later on, we had known Ron had been helped many people especially Chinese people . The more people he helped he became more busy. He opened class that gathered professional people and some hadn't find job yet to help each other. People were getting inspired by him, eager to learn from him. Ivy had been the class several times,unfortunately, because of her new job, long distance drive there, or bad weather, ivy didn't continually making contributions to his team work which we both regret that we should have spent as much time as we could to learn from him,for his experience,for his patience, for his attitude,for his generosity ,his humble and wonderful humanity ! We thought we have more time to meet him again, unfortunately,we only got chances to attend his Memorial service in his church! He had cancer and he left us for ever!

We miss you, Ron, from ours heart ! We can't never find someone else like you: smart,intelligent,kind...your spirit will always encourage us for now on and forever!


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