Why Bohemian Rhapsody is a legend, Why Queen is a legend

I went to see the movie yesterday. It was electrifying and mind-blowing. Knowing two hit songs of Queen doesn't make me a big fan of the band, not even a follower. I didn't even know the song "Bohemian Rhapsody" before this movie. But it didn't stop me from being touched and shocked by the song and the movie.

A legend is always a legend.

I feel it inaccurate calling "Bohemian Rhapsody"a song.  It's 3 or 4 songs actually. There are 5 parts in it, a capella, ballad, opera, rock and coda. It's not just a song, it's epic.It can't be defined as any genre. 

It's difficult talking about the song without talking about the man behind the song. Freddie Mercury, lead singer of the Queen. Unlike most of the songs Queen created collaborately in the studio, this one was all in Mercury's head before they even started doing the recording.

Mercury called it an experimentation in sound.  The producing of the song is an experimentation of seeing if he can get the sound in his head out there and make a record for everyone to hear.

The difficulty of making a song using over 180 tracks in that time was beyond  imagination. They use tape to adhere every track. We can always fix the track digitally nowadays, but they couldn't afford any mistake at that time.

So we can see how much insistence, enthusiasm and risk it take to make this song. These are what make it legendary for over 40 years.

Freddie Mercury was always a special person throughout his entire life. His buck teeth made him the most obvious victim when he was a child. He was timid until he found out the musical talent in him. He realized that he was born to be what he is, a performer.

They say that the fans of Queen are the best audiences and with the best appreciation of music. This has everyting to do with Mercury's effort in every concert. He always said that"The audiences are part of the performence". So he would lead the audiences to sing with him everytime.

They even made a song which the audiences can be part of the accompanying music. It is called the famous"We will rock you". We can see this song is played in different occasions by many people together using their bare hands and feet as accompany sound. It is still a hit song even to this day.

There are so many good-sounding songs, but  few songs can hit you in the heart. Queen's songs are the latter type. Because they are four talented musicians who care about people and the world.

Thousands and millions of people acquire the energy from their songs over the years and spread the strenth and love to more people around them.

Some people long a for a life that is simple and planned, some people won't sail the sea cause they're safer on land. But some people rather to take risk to do great things. They are meant to be the one who change the world. And Freddie Mercury is definitely one the these kind.

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