【文献解读】|Multiple intramolecular trafficking signals in RESISTANCE TO POWDERY MILDEW 8.2 are engage...

【文献解读】|Multiple intramolecular trafficking signals in RESISTANCE TO POWDERY MILDEW 8.2 are engage..._第1张图片


The extrahaustorial membrane (EHM) is ahost-derived interfacial membrane encasing the haustorium of powdery mildewfungi. The haustorium is encased by the extrahaustorial membrane (EHM),whichserves as the host-pathogen interface.

Arabidopsis thaliana RESISTANCE TO POWDERYMILDEW 8.2 (RPW8.2)

RPW8.2 is specifically targeted to the EHMupon powdery mildew infection.


【文献解读】|Multiple intramolecular trafficking signals in RESISTANCE TO POWDERY MILDEW 8.2 are engage..._第2张图片

【文献解读】|Multiple intramolecular trafficking signals in RESISTANCE TO POWDERY MILDEW 8.2 are engage..._第3张图片


Recently, increasing evidence supports thatthe nucleocytoplasmic traffic is important for R protein-mediated immuneresponse

Nucleocytoplasmic: 核与质的

Epidermal: ['ɛpə'dɝml]   adj. [解剖][动] 表皮的;外皮的

Spontaneous;[spɒnˈteɪniəs]    adj.自发的;自然的;无意识的

Withered: [ˈwɪðərd] adj. adj. 枯萎的;憔悴的;凋谢了的;尽是皱纹的 v. 干枯;减弱;羞愧(wither的过去分词)

Albeit: [ˌɔːlˈbiːɪt]  conj.虽然,尽管

Grana: ['ɡrenɚ]  n. [细胞] 基粒(granum的复数形式)

Mesophyll: [ˈmezəfɪl; ˈmiːzəfɪl; ˈmesəfɪl;ˈmiːsəfɪl]  n. [植] 叶肉

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