
ECMAScript 5相对于ECMAScript 3的新特性:

  • Getter/setters
  • Trailing commas in array and object literals
  • Reserved words as property names
  • New Object methods (create, defineProperty, keys, seal, freeze, getOwnPropertyNames, etc.)
  • New Array methods (isArray, indexOf, every, some, map, filter, reduce, etc.)
  • String.prototype.trim and property access
  • New Date methods (toISOString, now, toJSON)
  • Function bind
  • JSON
  • Immutable global objects (undefined, NaN, Infinity)
  • Strict mode
  • Other minor changes (parseInt ignores leading zeroes, thown functions have proper this values, etc.)

ECMAScript 6相对于ECMAScript 5的新特性:

  • Let (lexical) and const (unrebindable) bindings
  • Arrow functions (shorter anonymous functions) and lexical this (enclosing scope this)
  • Classes (syntactic suger on top of prototypes)
  • Object literal improvements (computed keys, shorter method definitions, etc.)
  • Template strings
  • Promises
  • Generators, iterables, iterators and for..of
  • Default arguments for functions and the rest operator
  • Spread syntax
  • Destructuring
  • Module syntax
  • New collections (Set, Map, WeakSet, WeakMap)
  • Proxies and Reflection
  • Symbols
  • Typed arrays
  • Support for subclassing built-ins
  • Guaranteed tail-call optimization
  • Simpler Unicode support
  • Binary and octal literals
