A lot of zeros

A lot of zeros


经济学人Finance and economics板块


A lot of zeros

Investors are piling into an illiquid asset. What can possibly go wrong?



[动词 + 名词短语] ~ sth (up) to put things one on top of another; to form a pile 堆放;摞起;叠放

She piled the boxes one on top of the other .


[动词 + 名词短语 + 副词或介词短语] ~ A in(to)/on(to) B | ~ B with A to put sth on/into sth; to load sth with sth 放置;装入

The sofa was piled high with cushions.


[动词 + 副词或介词短语](informal) (of a number of people 许多人) to go somewhere quickly without order or control 蜂拥;拥挤

The coach finally arrived and we all piled on.



[可数名词] a number of things that have been placed on top of each other 摞;垛;沓

a pile of books/clothes/bricks  一摞书籍 / 衣物 / 砖块

He arranged the documents in neat piles.


She looked in horror at the mounting pile of letters on her desk.


[可数名词] a mass of sth that is high in the middle and wider at the bottom than at the top 堆;成堆的东西


a pile of sand  一堆沙

piles of dirty washing  成堆待洗的脏衣物

[可数名词, 常用复数] ~ of sth (informal) a lot of sth 大量;许多

I have got piles of work to do.


He walked out leaving a pile of debts behind him.


[不可数名词, 单数] the short threads, pieces of wool, etc. that form the soft surface of carpets and some types of cloth such as velvet 绒头;绒毛

a deep-pile carpet 一块厚绒地毯

[可数名词] a large wooden, metal or stone post that is fixed into the ground and used to support a building, bridge, etc. 桩;桩柱

[可数名词] (humorous) a large impressive building 宏伟建筑物

MOST money these days is electronic—a series of ones and zeros on a computer. So it is rather neat that bitcoin, a privately created electronic currency, has lurched from $1,000 to above $10,000 this year (see chart), an epic journey to add an extra zero.



tidy and in order; carefully done or arranged 整洁的;整齐的;有序的

a neat desk  整洁的课桌

neat handwriting  工整的笔迹

neat rows of books  一排排整齐的书

She was wearing a neat black suit.


They sat in her neat and tidy kitchen.


(of people 人) liking to keep things tidy and in order; looking tidy or doing things in a tidy way 有条理的;爱整洁的

Try and be neater!  干净利落点!

small, with a pleasing shape or appearance 小巧优雅的

同义词 trim

her neat figure


simple but clever 简洁的;睿智的;灵巧的

a neat explanation  简明的解释

a neat solution to the problem


(North Amercian English,informal) good; excellent 好的;极好的

It's a really neat movie.


We had a great time─it was pretty neat.


(British English) (North Amercian English straight) (especially of alcoholic drinks 尤指酒) not mixed with water or anything else 未掺水的;纯的

neat whisky  纯威士忌酒




to make a sudden, unsteady movement forward or sideways 突然前倾(或向一侧倾斜)

同义词 stagger, sway

Suddenly the horse lurched to one side and the child fell off.


The man lurched drunkenly out of the pub.


(figurative)Their relationship seems to lurch from one crisis to the next.


if your heart or stomach lurches , you have a sudden feeling of fear or excitement (突然感到恐怖或激动时心或胃)猛地一跳(或动)


having the features of an epic 具有史诗性质的;史诗般的

an epic poem史诗般的诗

taking place over a long period of time and involving a lot of difficulties 漫长而艰难的;艰苦卓绝的

an epic journey/struggle


very great and impressive 宏大的;壮丽的;给人深刻印象的

a tragedy of epic proportions巨大的不幸

[可数名词, 不可数名词] a long poem about the actions of great men and women or about a nation's history; this style of poetry 叙事诗;史诗

one of the great Hindu epics


the creative genius of Greek epic


[可数名词] a long film/movie or book that contains a lot of action, usually about a historical subject 史诗般的电影(或书籍)

[可数名词](sometimes humorous) a long and difficult job or activity that you think people should admire 壮举;惊人之举

Their four-hour match on Centre Court was an epic.


On the way, the currency has been controversial. Jamie Dimon, the boss of JPMorgan Chase, has called it a fraud.Nouriel Roubini, an economist,plumped for“gigantic speculative bubble”. Ordinary investors are being tempted into bitcoin by its rapid rise—a phenomenon dubbed FOMO (fear of missing out). Both the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, America’s largest futures market, and the NASDAQ stock exchange have seemingly added their imprimaturs by planning to offer bitcoin-futures contracts.

一路走来,比特币一直备受争议摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)的老板杰米·戴蒙Jamie Dimon称之为骗局。经济学家努里尔·鲁比尼Nouriel Roubini则坚定地认为它是一个“巨大的投机泡沫”。普通投资者比特币快速上涨的诱惑,这种现象被称为“错失恐惧症(FOMO)”。芝加哥商品交易所(美国最大的期货市场),以及纳斯达克证券交易所计划新增比特币期货合约,似乎表明了两大交易所对比特币的认可。


causing a lot of angry public discussion and disagreement 引起争论的;有争议的

a highly controversial topic


a controversial plan to build a new road


Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon were both controversial figures.



[不可数名词, 可数名词] the crime of cheating sb in order to get money or goods illegally 欺诈罪;欺骗罪

She was charged with credit card fraud.


property that has been obtained by fraud


a $100 million fraud


[可数名词] a person who pretends to have qualities, abilities, etc. that they do not really have in order to cheat other people 骗子;行骗的人

He's nothing but a liar and a fraud.


She felt a fraud accepting their sympathy (= because she was not really sad) .


[可数名词] something that is not as good, useful, etc. as people claim it is 伪劣品;冒牌货


based on guessing or on opinions that have been formed without knowing all the facts 推测的;猜测的;推断的

showing that you are trying to guess sth 揣摩的;忖度的;试探的

She cast a speculative look at Kate.


(of business activity 商业活动) done in the hope of making a profit but involving the risk of losing money 投机性的;风险性的


~ sb (into sth/into doing sth)

to attract sb or make sb want to do or have sth, even if they know it is wrong 引诱;诱惑

[动词 + 名词短语]

I was tempted by the dessert menu.


Don't tempt thieves by leaving valuables clearly visible.


[动词 + 名词短语 + 带to的不定式]

I was tempted to take the day off.


to persuade or try to persuade sb to do sth that you want them to do, for example by offering them sth 劝诱;鼓动;怂恿;利诱

[动词 + 名词短语]

How can we tempt young people into engineering?


[动词 + 名词短语 + 带to的不定式]

Nothing would tempt me to live here.


It is easy to muddle two separate issues. One is whether the “blockchain” technology that underpins bitcoin becomes more widely adopted. Block chains, distributed ledgers that record transactions securely, may prove very useful in some areas of finance, and beyond. The second is whether bitcoin will become a widely adopted currency in everyday life. Here the evidence is weak.



[动词 + 名词短语](especially British English)

~ sth (up) to put things in the wrong order or mix them up 弄乱;搅混

Don't do that─you're muddling my papers.


Their letters were all muddled up together in a drawer.


~ sb (up) to confuse sb 使困惑;使糊涂

Slow down a little─you're muddling me.


~ sb/sth (up) | ~ A (up) with B to confuse one person or thing with another 混淆;搅混;分不清

同义词 mix up

I muddled the dates and arrived a week early.


He got all muddled up about what went where.


They look so alike, I always get them muddled up .


[可数名词, 常用单数形式] a state of mental confusion 糊涂;困惑;茫然

Can you start from the beginning again─I'm in a muddle .


[可数名词, 常用单数形式][不可数名词] ~ (about/over sth) a situation in which there is confusion about arrangements, etc. and things are done wrong (局面)一团糟,混乱

There was a muddle over the theatre tickets.


There followed a long period of confusion and muddle.


[可数名词, 常用单数形式][不可数名词] a state of confusion in which things are untidy 混乱;乱七八糟


My papers are all in a muddle .



[动词 + 名词短语]

(formal) to support or form the basis of an argument, a claim, etc. 加强,巩固,构成(…的基础等)

The report is underpinned by extensive research.


(technical 术语) to support a wall by putting metal, concrete, etc. under it 加固(墙)基


a book in which a bank, a business, etc. records the money it has paid and received 收支总账;分类账簿;分户账簿

to enter figures in the purchase/sales ledger

把金额登入购货 / 销售分类账

Bitcoin can be used to buy a few things. But a currency has three main functions: store of value; means of exchange; and unit of account. Bitcoin’s volatility, seen when it fell 20% within minutes on November 29th before rebounding, makes it both a nerve-racking store of value and a poor means of exchange. Imagine buying an iPhone X with bitcoin in January. You would by now be cursing as the same coin could buy ten phones— Christmas gifts for the whole family.

一些商品可以用比特币来支付但是货币具备三大主要职能:价值储藏、流通手段和价值尺度。然而 ,11月29日比特币价格在几分钟内骤跌20%,随后又反弹回升可见,这种波动性让比特币不具备良好的价值储藏职能又是一种糟糕交易方式。试想一下,你在一月份用比特币购买了一台iPhone X,然而同等比特币现在可以购买到10台iPhone,作为全家人的圣诞礼物,那么你一定会破口大骂


noun, 挥发性; 挥发度; 反复无常;




[单独使用的动词] to swear 诅咒

He hit his head as he stood up and cursed loudly.


[动词 + 名词短语] ~ (sb/sth) (for sth) to say rude things to sb or think rude things about sb/sth 咒骂;诅咒;在心里诅咒

She cursed her bad luck.


He cursed himself for his stupidity.


[动词 + 名词短语] to use a magic word or phrase against sb in order to harm them 念咒语诅咒

Legend has it that the whole village had been cursed by a witch.


A currency is also a unit of account for debt. Paul Mortimer-Lee of BNP Paribas, a French bank, tartly remarks: “Imagine if you had financed your house with a bitcoin mortgage.” This year your debt would have risen tenfold. Your salary, paid in dollars, euros or whatever, would not have kept pace.Put another way, had bitcoin been widely used, the last year might have been massively deflationary.

货币也可以用来清偿债务。法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)高管莫提魔里Mortimer-Lee尖锐地指出:“如果你用比特币抵押贷款为你的房子融资的话,想象一下这将会发生什么?”今年你的负债可能将会增加十倍。但你的工资,不论是以美元、欧元还是其他货币支付,其涨幅都无法赶上你的负债。换言之,如果比特币被广泛使用,去年可能已经遭受大规模的通货紧缩。




( also informal home loan) a legal agreement by which a bank or similar organization lends you money to buy a house, etc., and you pay the money back over a particular number of years; the sum of money that you borrow 按揭(由银行等提供房产抵押借款);按揭贷款

to apply for/take out/pay off a mortgage

申请 / 取得 / 还清抵押贷款

mortgage rates (= of interest)按揭贷款利率

a mortgage on the house一项房产按揭

a mortgage of £60 0006万英镑的按揭贷款

monthly mortgage repayments


[动词 + 名词短语] to give a bank, etc. the legal right to own your house, land, etc. if you do not pay the money back that you have borrowed from the bank to buy the house or land (向银行等)抵押(房产)

He had to mortgage his house to pay his legal costs.



adj.  放出空气的,通货紧缩的,物价低廉(尤指成本不降低时的反常情形)的;

Such issues will be of minor concern to those who managed to buy bitcoin earlier in the year. They will just be delighted with the profits. But why has the price risen so fast? One justification for the existence of bitcoin is that central banks, via quantitative easing (QE), are debasing fiat money and laying the path to hyperinflation. But this seems a very odd moment for that view to gain adherents. Inflation remains low and the Federal Reserve is pushing up interest rates and unwinding QE.



[动词 + 名词短语] to make sb/sth less valuable or respected 降低…的价值;败坏…的名誉

同义词 devalue

Sport is being debased by commercial sponsorship.



[可数名词, 不可数名词](formal) an official order given by sb in authority (当权者的)法令,命令,谕


[不可数名词] a situation in which prices rise very fast, causing damage to a country's economy 恶性通货膨胀;超通货膨胀;过度通货膨胀


(unwound, unwound |ˌʌnˈwaʊnd|)

to undo sth that has been wrapped into a ball or around sth 解开,打开,松开(卷绕之物)

[动词 + 名词短语]

to unwind a ball of string解开一团绳

He unwound his scarf from his neck.



The bandage gradually unwound and fell off.


[单独使用的动词] to stop worrying or thinking about problems and start to relax 放松;轻松

同义词 relax, wind down

Music helps me unwind after a busy day.


A more likely explanation is that as new and easier ways to trade in bitcoin become available, more investors are willing to take the plunge. As the supply of bitcoin is limited by design, that drives up the price.


drive sth↔up/down

to make sth such as prices rise or fall quickly 抬高(或压低);使上升(或下跌)

Take the plunge: 冒险一试

But it is worth remembering that the cost of using bitcoin is going up.Each transaction has to be verified by“miners”who need a lot of computing power to do so,and a lot of energy:275kWh for every transaction,according to Digiconomist,a website.In total,bitcoin uses as much electricity a year as Morocco,or enough to power 2.8m American households.All this costs much than processing creditcard transactions via Visa or MasterCard.


The miners are rewarded for their efforts by being paid in bitcoin; they are delighted by the rise in the currency’s price.But some are finding ingenious ways to cut back on their energy costs; one even put computers in his Tesla car so he could mine bitcoins using its free charging stations.Much mining is done in parts of China where electricity is cheap.



(of an object, a plan, an idea, etc. 物体、计划、思想等) very suitable for a particular purpose and resulting from clever new ideas 精巧的;新颖独特的;巧妙的

an ingenious device  精巧的装置

ingenious ways of saving energy


(of a person 人) having a lot of clever new ideas and good at inventing things 心灵手巧的;机敏的;善于创造发明的

an ingenious cook  心灵手巧的厨师

She's very ingenious when it comes to finding excuses.


There are two ways of thinking about this. One is that the eventual price of bitcoin will equal the marginal cost of mining, which may be rising but is well below the current price. The second is that institutions will not want to use the technology if it relies on such a “Wild West” process; banks are already looking at cheaper forms of blockchain technology.


Whether the investors driving the price higher are pondering all this is open to doubt. It looks like a re-run of the dotcom craze. Adverts for trading digital currencies are appearing on the London tube and celebrities have piled onto the bandwagon. As seen many times before, when lots of investors buy an illiquid asset, the price can rise exponentially.



~ (about/on/over sth) (formal) to think about sth carefully for a period of time 沉思;考虑;琢磨

同义词 consider


She pondered over his words.


They were left to ponder on the implications of the announcement.


[动词 + 名词短语]

The senator pondered the question for a moment.


[动词 + wh-从句]

They are pondering whether the money could be better used elsewhere.



~ (for sth) an enthusiastic interest in sth that is shared by many people but that usually does not last very long; a thing that people have a craze for (通常为一时的)狂热,疯狂;风行一时的东西

the latest fitness craze to sweep the country



[常用单数形式] an activity that more and more people are becoming involved in 风靡的活动;时尚

The World Cup bandwagon is starting to roll.



(mathematics 数) of or shown by an exponent 指数的;幂的;由指数表示的

2 ^4 is an exponential expression.


an exponential curve/function

指数曲线 / 函数

(formal) (of a rate of increase 增长率) becoming faster and faster 越来越快的

exponential growth/increase


The top is hard to call. At some point, the urge to turn all those digital zeros into cars and iPhones will prove too great.Getting out of an illiquid asset—as this week, when exchanges struggled to cope with trading volumes—can be harder than getting into it.Some remember Nathan Rothschild’s remark about the secret of his wealth: “I always sold too soon.”

然而,比特币价格很难在巅峰停留当价格达到某一点时,人们就会迫切的想把那堆数字兑换成汽车和iPhone。本周交易所奋力处理证券交易量正说明了一点:流动资产的抛出要比买入更难一些人应该还记得罗思柴尔德(Nathan Rothschild)在谈及财富秘诀时说过:“我总是很早就抛售了。”

你可能感兴趣的:(A lot of zeros)