Floodlight controller 线程池模型

     官方文档对于ThreadPool的描写叙述是:ThreadPool is a Floodlight module wrapper for a Java's ScheduledExecutorService.  It can be used to have threads be run at specific times or periodically. 所以仅仅要对并发编程有点基础,就非常easy理解。它实现了俩接口:1)IThreadPoolService规范的是得到ScheduledExecutorService的方法,2)IFloodlightModule则是将实现类作为模块来管理(默认启动)。优点是方便其它模块非常easy的指明依赖。看代码就非常easy明确。

public   interface  IThreadPoolService  extends  IFloodlightService {
     * Get the master scheduled thread pool executor maintained by the
     * ThreadPool provider.  This can be used by other modules as a centralized
     * way to schedule tasks.
     *  @return
     public  ScheduledExecutorService getScheduledExecutor();

public   interface  IFloodlightModule {
      * Return the list of interfaces that this module implements.
      * All interfaces must inherit IFloodlightService
      *  @return
       public  Collection<Class<?  extends  IFloodlightService>> getModuleServices();
      * Instantiate (as needed) and return objects that implement each
      * of the services exported by this module.  The map returned maps
      * the implemented service to the object.  The object could be the
      * same object or different objects for different exported services.
      *  @return  The map from service interface class to service implementation
       public  Map<Class<?  extends  IFloodlightService>,
                IFloodlightService> getServiceImpls();
      * Get a list of Modules that this module depends on.  The module system
      * will ensure that each these dependencies is resolved before the
      * subsequent calls to init().
      *  @return  The Collection of IFloodlightServices that this module depends
      *         on.
       public  Collection<Class<?  extends  IFloodlightService>> getModuleDependencies();
      * This is a hook for each module to do its  <em>  internal </em>  initialization,
      * e.g., call setService(context.getService("Service"))
      * All module dependencies are resolved when this is called, but not every module
      * is initialized.
      *  @param  context
      *  @throws  FloodlightModuleException
       void  init(FloodlightModuleContext context)  throws  FloodlightModuleException;
      * This is a hook for each module to do its  <em>  external </em>  initializations,
      * e.g., register for callbacks or query for state in other modules
      * It is expected that this function will not block and that modules that want
      * non  -  event driven CPU will spawn their own threads.
      *  @param  context
       void  startUp(FloodlightModuleContext context);

public   class  ThreadPool  implements  IThreadPoolService, IFloodlightModule {
       protected  ScheduledExecutorService  executor  =  null  ;

       // IThreadPoolService
       public  ScheduledExecutorService getScheduledExecutor() {
            return   executor  ;

       // IFloodlightModule
       public  Collection<Class<?  extends  IFloodlightService>> getModuleServices() {
          Collection<Class<?  extends  IFloodlightService>> l =  new  ArrayList<Class<?

 extends IFloodlightService>>();

          l.add(IThreadPoolService.  class  );
            return  l;

       public  Map<Class<?

 extends IFloodlightService>, IFloodlightService> getServiceImpls() {

          Map<Class<?  extends  IFloodlightService>, IFloodlightService> m =  new  HashMap<Class<?

 extends IFloodlightService>, IFloodlightService>();

          m.put(IThreadPoolService.  class   this  );
            // We are the class that implements the service
            return  m;

       public  Collection<Class<?  extends  IFloodlightService>> getModuleDependencies() {
            // No dependencies
            return   null  ;

       public   void  init(FloodlightModuleContext context)
                throws  FloodlightModuleException {
            executor = Executors. newScheduledThreadPool(15);
            // parameter - the number of threads to keep in the pool, even if  they are idle.

       public   void  startUp(FloodlightModuleContext context) {
            // no-op

