Day 16 | Daily Note | The Gay Genius

POETS, COURTESANS, AND MONKS 诗人、名妓、高僧 | Chapter 11
2017年12月19日, 星期二


The people had the gaiety of the south, with its songs and its women, and they loved this young famous poet just as poet, with all his dash and verve and insouciance.

verve 这个词,在柯林斯中特别指出它是书面语[WRITTEN 笔语],牛津四的英文解释为 “enthusiasm, spirit or vigour, esp in artistic or literary work”, 意在描述对文学艺术的热忱。用于形容苏东坡,尤其是杭州人们眼里的诗人苏东坡,这个词在这里用得很漂亮。

the common people

During his term of office as an assistant magistrate he was not able to do much for the people, but for them it was enough that he was poet; when he was arrested, the common people of the city set up altars in the streets to pray for his release.

the common people 在维基百科中有多个义项: “The common people, also known as the common man, commoners, or the masses, are the ordinary people in a community or nation who lack any significant social status”。 或者说,关于“平民”,可以有多个角度的界定,但区别主要不在字面上而在社会历史的流变当中,wikipedia解释其为 “members of neither royalty, nobility, the clergy, nor any member of the aristocracy”, 并阐释了实际上, “since the 20th century the term common people has been used in a more general sense to refer to typical members of society in contrast to the highly privileged”, 指出20世纪以来,“普通人”这个词已经被用在更一般的意义上,与在财富和影响力等方面享有特权的人对应,普通人是社会最典型而普遍的一员。


Starting from West Lake, the traveler could go in all directions, either following the north bank to the famous Lingyin Temple and reaching the top of Tienchu, or starting from the south bank, he could go to Keh-ling, stop over at Hupao, famous for its spring water, have his tea there, and return by following a beautiful winding mountain brook.

brook 作为动词时,与否定词连用表示不容忍。在这里brook是名词,小溪小河的意思:A brook is a small stream. 同样解释为小溪小河,有三个词:

  • stream a small narrow river
    如: a cool mountain stream

  • brook [literary] a small stream
    如: There was a small brook, rushing and sparkling along between green banks.

  • creek a narrow area of sea that goes into the land, or a small river
    如: The River Fal with its many creeks was a perfect place for smugglers.


The residences of the magistrates were situated on top of the Phoenix Hill, enjoying a full view of the Chientang River with its great fleet of seafaring ships on the south, and the West Lake, surrounded by cloud-capped mountains, dotted with temples and rich men's villas, on the north, while the waves of the bay lashed its shores on its east.

Immediately below the Phoenix Hill, and lying on a strip running north and south between West Lake and the Chientang Bay, was the city itself with its high walls, its bridges and canals.


His mind was inspired by the beauty of the place, and his heart was soothed by its pliant charm. Hangchow won his heart and he won the hearts of the people of Hangchow.

After he left, the soft beauty and warmth of the south continued to haunt him in his dreams.


It is not an easy thing for a town to find its poet, who can discover the living, changing, complex individuality of the locality and in a verse of four lines compress and express the essence, the spirit, and the beauty of the region.






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