展讯(四) | 追问时代的价值——国际当代抽象名家群展

展讯(四) | 追问时代的价值——国际当代抽象名家群展_第1张图片

艺术家 | Artist

Iain Andrews, Billy McCarrol,

Sylvie Fajfrowska, Marc Prudent, 

Zhouwen Zhong, Katri Ikavalko.

策展人 | Curator


开幕时间 | Opening


展览时间 | Exhibition Dates


主办方 |  Sponsor


展览地点 | Exhibition





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风景ⅠCecile Girard 122x125 综合材料2011


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Electric mist,Alexandra Roussopoulos (Swiss/French), 120×150, acrylic on canvas, 2018.


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Qing Yi Jiang River after Lunar Eclypse, Gordan Novak, (Canadian), 68 x 68,

monotype, 2017.


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蓝色芭蕉2 杨锴 100×80 布面油画 2018


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Blue,Landon Mackenzie (Canadian) , 90×140, acrylic on canvas, 2018.


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Untitled, Liu Jian , (Canadian), 120 x 90 , oil on canvas, 2017.


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Trust Issue,Julia Benz (German), 110×100, Acrylic on canvas.


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Untitled,Frederik Pajak (French), 120×120, collage on canvas, 2018.


参展艺术家 (四)

Iain Andrews(英国)毕业于威尔士大学艺术学院获硕士学位。获奖情况:2002年,获卢卡斯绘画奖;2007年,获莱斯利·乔斯普爵士青年艺术家奖;2011年,获伦敦杰伍德绘画奖;2014年,获Open up North一等奖。个展经历:2009年,“理论家”,伦敦286画廊;2009年,“迷失的孩子和其他故事的朝圣”,曼彻斯特,班克利·密尔;2013年,“绘画语言”,萨默塞特阿特金森画廊;2014年,“回复:视图-伊恩·安德鲁斯”,曼彻斯特卡斯特菲尔德画廊。

Iain Andrews Degree: MA Fine ArtUniversity: University of Wales, School of Art.

Prizes & Awards: 2002, LUKAS Drawing Prize, Gallery 37, Cork Street, London; 2007, Sir Leslie Joesph Young Artist Award - Shortlist, Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea; 2011, Jerwood drawing prize, London; 2014, Open up North - 1st Prize. Solo Exhibitions: 2009, Theoria, Gallery 286, London; 2009, The Pilgrimage of Lost Children and Other Stories, Bankley Mill, Manchester; 2013, Il teatro dei leviatano - Man and Eve, London; 2014, Re:view - Iain Andrews, Castlefield Gallery, Manchester.

Billy McCarrol(加拿大)生于美国加州圣芭芭拉,生活于阿尔伯塔省莱斯布奇。1967年毕业于加州大学旧金山分校;1969年毕业于加州大学洪堡分校,获硕士学位;1971-1995年,莱斯布里奇艺术大学教授;2000年至今,任莱斯布里奇艺术大学名誉教授。作品被班夫艺术中心、北卡罗莱纳州莱斯布里奇大学等永久收藏。

Billy McCarroll (Canadian) Born in Santa Barbara California USA. Living in Lethbridge Alberta. B.A. California State University at San Francisco (1967), M.A. California State University at Humboldt (1969). 1971-1995 Professor of Art University of Lethbridge. 2000-Present Professor Emeritus University of Lethbridge. Rxhibited in large nimber of solo and groip exhibiyions in Canada and USA. His works are in permanent collections of Banff Centre for the Arts; Glenbow Museum, Calgary Alberta; The Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS; The Collections of the University of Lethbridge, AB.

Sylvie Fajfrowska(法国)毕业于巴黎美术学院;现任职于科尔的马赛美术馆;工作生活于巴黎。作品曾于大皇宫、圣保罗MASP、阿莱格里港MARGS、上海等地博物馆展出。

Sylvie Fajfrowska lives and works in Paris. She graduated from the École Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Paris. She teaches at the École Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Marseille. Her work was exhibited at the Grand Palais - for the first edition of the exhibition « La Force de l’art » -, at the MASP in São Paulo and the MARGS in Porto Alegre - for the exhibition« Un siècle de réalisme dans la peinture en France » - as well as the SPSI Shanghai Museum, the National Tapestry Gallery in Beauvais, the Cultural Institute of Macau, the Papal Palace in Avignon. One of her paintings is currently displayed in the exhibition « Le Cabinet des Merveilles », at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Strasbourg. 

Marc Prudent(法国)1977年生于巴黎,现居巴黎。平面设计师,是巴黎著名的涂鸦艺术家,曾参加过荷兰鹿特丹和德国柏林的群展。

Marc Prudent was born in 1977 in Paris, where he lives. Graphic designer by profession, he studied at the University of « nuisances » (art of annoying). As photographer, he captures the world around him with a passionate and curious eye. As an active member of the Parisian graffiti scene, he participates in collective exhibitions in Rotterdam and Berlin.

周文中 (中国)1974年生于江苏;1997年毕业于南京艺术学院;现居扬州。个展及群展经历:2014年,北京Slant艺术中心“Multi-Universe”展;2014年,上海民生现代美术馆“中国新夏普绘画奖十周年邀请展”;2014年,北京红美术馆;2009、2010、2011北京Hi艺术中心;2008年,哈瓦那双年展等。

Zhou Wenzhong Born in Jiangsu 1974. 1997 Graduated from Nanjing Art College in 1997.  Now living in Yangzhou.  Participated in solo and group exhibitions in China and abroad including: Slant Art Center Beijing 2014 [Multi-Universe]; ] 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum Shanghai [China New Sharp Painting Award 10th Anniversary Invitation Exhibition]; } Red Art Gallery Beijing; Hi Art Center Beijing, 2011, 2010, 2009; "The 10th Havana Biennale" Centro Hispano Americano, Cuba 2008; "China: Construction and Deconstruction" Brazil Sao Paulo Art Pavilion; TARTHK08 Hong Kong International Art Exhibition, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center.

Katri Ikavalko(芬兰)1985年生于芬兰。2008年毕业于比利时皇家美术学院;2010年毕业于比利时皇家美术学院,获硕士学位。个展经历:2014年,芬兰图尔库Joella画廊“没有阳光的世界”展;2014年,瑞典Falun,Hörnan画廊“Rest(less)”展;2015年,芬兰5号画廊,“Hypnophobia”展;2015年,德国柏林“Zwitschermaschine”展;2016年,芬兰图尔库,A画廊,“图尔库艺术家协会年度艺术家”展。

Katri IkavalkoBorn in Finland 1985. 2008 Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp, Belgium; 2009–2010Master Degree (MFA), The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp, Belgium. Solo exhibitions: 2014 Artist of the month in Grafoteekki, Gallery G, Helsinki, Finland;2014 Artist of the month in Grafoteekki, Gallery G, Helsinki, Finland;2015 Hypnophobia, Gallery 5, Oulu Finland;2015 Solo exhibition at Zwitschermaschine, Berlin, Germany;2016 The Turku Artists’ Association’s Artist Of The Year exhibition, Gallery Å, Turku, Finland.

参展作品 (四)

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The Sacrifice, Iain Andrews (English), 60×60, oil on canvas, 2018.

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Peach Blossom Corners, Billy McCarrol  (Canada), 60×60,

acrylic and collage on canvas, 2018.

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Untitled, Sylvie Fajfrowska  (France), 60×60, acrylic on canvas, 2018.

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La Constelation du Petit Renard, Marc Prudent  (France), 60×60, acrylic on canvas, 2018.

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Untitled, Zhouwen Zhong (China), 60×60, acrylic on canvas, 2018.

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Vanish, Katri Ikavalko (Finland), 80×80, Acrylic and modeling paste on canvas, 2019.

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