

  1.概念:设X、Y是两个非空集合,如果存在一个法则 f ,使得对X中的每个元素 x,按法则 f ,在Y中有唯一的确定的元素y与只对应,那么称 f 为从X到Y的映射,记作:

      f :X →Y,

           其中y称为元素x(在映射 f 下)的像,并记作 f(x),即


        而元素x称为元素y(在映射 下)的一个原像;集合X成为映射 f 的定义域,记作 Df  ,即 Df = X ;X中所有元素的像所组成的集合成为映射 f 的值域,记作Rf  或 f(X),即

                      Rf= f(X)={ f(x) | x∈ X }


               2.1 构成映射的三要素:对应法则 f (使对每个x∈ X,有唯一确定的 、值域、定义域。

               2.2 对每个 x∈ X ,元素 x  的像是唯一的;而对于y ∈ Rf    ,元素原像不一定是唯一的,即R Y, 不一定Rf = Y。


I. Mapping:

1. Concept: Let X and Y be two non-empty sets. If there is a rule f such that for each element x in X, according to the rule f, there is a uniquely determined element y in Y that corresponds to only one, then Call f a mapping from X to Y, and write it as:

                            F: X → Y,

           Where y is called the image of element x (under map f) and is written as f (x), ie


        The element x is called an elementary image of the element y (under the mapping f); the set X becomes the domain of the mapping f, denoted as Df, that is, Df = X; the set of images of all elements in X becomes the mapping f Range, denoted as  Ror f (X), ie

                          Rf= f(X)={ f(x) | x∈ X }

          2. Understand:

               2.1 Three elements that make up a mapping: the correspondence rule f (so that for each x ∈ X, there is a uniquely determined y = f (x) corresponding to it), the range, and the domain.

               2.2 For each x ∈ X, the image of element x is unique; for y ∈ Rf, the original image of element y is not necessarily unique, that is, Rf Y, not necessarily  = Y.

           特殊例子:若R=Y ,则称 f  XY上的映射或者满射

                                若对X中任意两个不同的元素x1x2, 他们的像f(x1)f(x2),则称 f  XY上的单射

         若映射 f  即是单射又是满射,则称 f  为一一映射(或双射)。

Special example: If Rf = Y, then f is called a mapping or surjective from X to Y.

                             If for any two different elements in X x1 ≠ x2, their image f (x1) ≠ f (x2), then f is called injective from X to Y.

                             If f is both injective and surjective, then f is called a one-to-one mapping (or bijective).


逆映射   ,定义域  D-1 = Rf    ,值域R-1= X 。

复合映射   f°g :X → Z,( f°g )(x) =  f[g (x) ],x∈ X.

Inverse mapping 

the domain  D

-1 = Rf  ,

the range  R

-1= X .

Compound mapping f°g :X → Z,( f°g )(x) =  f[g (x) ],x∈ X.


