二十岁希望知道的事系列之一 What one thing do you wish you had known about life when you were in your 20s?

A real secret to success in life is to make genuine friends with people that are also passionate about going where you want to go and people who are a few steps ahead of you in life and who are where you want to be, that have already been there and done that and can help you. There is virtually no problem you can have that other people haven’t already been through, whether it’s with school, your parents or whatever.

**Embrace and be proud of who you are and where you are from **If everything is easy and handed to you on a platter – you end up with a false sense of self-entitlement. Some rich kids may get one job or opportunity because they have family connections, so they may have been given one fish, but earning it the hard way is like learning how to fish, it lasts a lifetime, and if you apply the same attitude to any area of life, you can do anything.

Think Big and aim to hit it out of the Park. Setting goals and dreams outside your comfort zone – that’s where life is lived.

Be positive and focus on the things you do have. Life is not a 100% sum game, no matter how brilliant you are, not everybody will appreciate you, you just need to focus on the people that do. Stressing about what you don’t have isn’t constructive, but being excited about what you do have is. As hard working young people, you should all be really excited as your future is going to get better and better the older you get. Especially the gentlemen in the house – in school girls may say "NERD!" but things change ...
Funny story @ 9.30-10.30

Favourite Quote from Anthony Robbins - “Choose, don’t react. Don’t take what’s given to you by the environment that you walk by each day. Decide precisely what you want, decide what it will take to make that happen, and make that happen.”

I’ve been really lucky to travel the world and meet lots of inspiring people and I often think, what is it that sets these people apart and makes them so successful? It’s not that they all got perfect marks …** the common factor is these people have balls**, they put themselves out there, and go for it. The people who really go places, are not so much those who are just technically talented, but those who can connect with and inspire other people .Full VIDEO, Transcript and Highlights: Awards Day Speech: Living Your Dreams, What I Wish I Knew in High School:

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