xchat doc

html_document: default
in_header: header.tex
latex_engine: xelatex

title: 'xchat doc'
author: "kahn1990"
date: "2015-10-1"
output: pdf_document


Xchat Document



Change nickname


Join the chat channel

/join <#your_choose_channel>

Join the chat channel for password

/join <#your_choose_channel>

Leave a single channel


Transform coding join channel

/recode add <#your_choose_channel>

Check add code list


Check all people at the channel


Check the people basic information


To send information to someone


Talk with someone


Ignore someone chats


Channel list


About myself


Quit the channel



The channel service is ChanServ,the nickname service is NickServ and the message service is MemoServ.

get ChanServ's service

/msg ChanServ

get ChanServ's service for help

/msg ChanServ help

get NickServ's service

/msg NickServ

get NickServ's service for help

/msg NickServ help

get MemoServ's service

/msg MemoServ

get MemoServ's service for help

/msg MemoServ help


The REGISTER command

  • The grammar

    /msg ChanServ register <#your_choose_channel>

  • The describe

When you register this channel, you'll be a "Founder", the founders of the channel.Founder channel can change all Settings, when the founder into the channel, ChanServ channel will automatically be given founder administrator permissions.Using ChanServ ACCESS command can increase its ACCESS permissions for other users.

The IDENTIFY command

  • The grammar

    /msg chanserv identify <#your_choose_channel>

  • The describe

Used to verify you are the originator of the specified channel (the founders), ChanServ many commands require you to use it in advance.

The SET command

  • The grammar

    /msg chanserv set <#your_choose_channel>

  • The describe

Used to verify you are the originator of the specified channel (the founders), ChanServ many commands require you to use it in advance.
+ **Founder**:Set the channel's founder (must be a registered nickname).
+ **Successor**:Set the channel's heir.Cancellation or failure if the name of the founder of channel, and channel is still in use, the originator of such successor will turn into a channel.However, if the heirs have already registered too many channels (> = 20), the channel will be cancelled, it is the same with no heir Settings.
+ **Password**:Set the founder of the password (or change the password) channel.
+ **Desc**:Change the description of the channel.
+ **URL**:Settings associated with this channel homepage address information (you can use/MSG chanserv info view to).
+ **Email**:set the E-mail address associated with the channel information (you can use/MSG chanserv info view to).
+ **EntryMsg**:set up when the user enters the channel, channel by Notice sent to the user information.If no parameters, no information will be distributed to the users.
+ **Topic**:To set the channel to the theme.
+ **KeepTopic**:是否锁定频道的主题。参数“ON”表示锁定,“OFF”表示不锁定。如果频道主题被锁定,则只有使用ChanServ的Set Topic命令才可以更改主题。
+ **mLock**:根据指定参数来锁定频道的模式,这些参数是以“+”号表示锁定,“-”表示不锁定,例如“+nt-iklms”;如果仅有一个“+”号而没有跟任何频道模式则表示不锁定频道的模式。(频道模式的含义请参照/MODE命令)
+ **Private**:设置是否从ChanServ的LIST命令里隐藏该频道(使用/msg chanserv list命令时,如果不知道该频道的完整名称则无法看到该频道);参数“ON”为隐藏,“OFF”为不隐藏。
+ **Restricted**:设置是否打开该频道的限制使用权。当Restricted被设置后,普通用户将被Kick和Ban出频道。这些普通用户包括级别是负数和不在访问权限列表中的用户。参数“ON”表示打开,“OFF”表示关闭。
+ **Secure**:设置是否打开该频道的安全特性。当Secure被设置后,只有已注册、并且使用IDENTIFY命令的用户才可以访问这个频道。参数“ON”表示打开,“OFF”表示关闭。
+ **SecureOPs**:设置是否打开该频道的安全管理员特性。当SecureOPs被设置后,没有在频道用户列表中的用户将不会有频道管理员权限(即不会得到帽子)。参数“ON”表示打开,“OFF”表示关闭。
+ **LeaveOPs**:设置是否打开该频道的保留管理员特性。当LeaveOPs被设置后,将不会自动DEOP用户,除非有DEOP命令被使用。参数“ON”表示打开,“OFF”表示关闭。
+ **OPNotice**:设置是否打开该频道的OP/DEOP通告。当OPNotice被设置后,只要有人在该频道使用了ChanServ的OP或者DEOP命令,ChanServ都将在该频道发送Notice通告。参数“ON”表示打开,“OFF”表示关闭。

The ACCESS command

  • The grammar

    /msg chanserv access <#频道名称> add <昵称> <级别>

    /msg chanserv access <#频道名称> del <昵称 | 权限访问列表行号>

    /msg chanserv access <#频道名称> list <昵称掩码 | 权限访问列表行号>

  • The describe

ACCESS ADD命令是增加指定级别的用户名到频道权限列表中,如果用户名已经在频道列表中,则改变用户的访问级别(改变用户的级别时,不能输入高于自己级别的数值)、 ACCESS DEL命令是从频道权限列表里删除指定的用户(可以直接指定用户名或权限访问列表里的行号)、ACCESS LIST命令则是列出指定频道的权限列表(可以使用通配符来指示昵称,也可以使用权限访问列表里的行号;如果什么都没有指定则列出频道的所有权限)。用来查看或者修改指定频道的访问权限列表。不同的级别有不同的权限,不在频道权限列表中的用户级别是0。按照ChanServ默认的设置,各种权限如下:
+ **10**:可以使用AKICK命令;并在加入频道时自动获得频道管理权(即SOP、Super Operator) 
+ **5**:在加入频道时自动获得频道管理权(即AOP、Auto Operator) 
+ **3**:在加入频道时自动获得频道发言权(即VOP、Auto Voicer) 
+ **0**:没有指定权限(即普通用户);可以被其他人给予@,但要保证SecureOPs没有设置
+ **0<**:不允许有权限

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