
Most of us knowthe G20 which the summit was hosted by Hangzhou last years. Does anybody knowsthe history of G20? G20 is the Group of 20 countries. It comes from G7, thegroup of 7 was born in 1975, is an informal group of highly industrialized andmost rich nations-Canada, Japan, the United States and the countries of theEurope Union. They meets annually to discuss issues such as global economic governance,international security. As times goes by and the world economic situationchanges, especially the economic crises, it's necessary to create a communicationmechanism of developed countries and developing countries. In 1999, G20emerged, Parts of the members are the G7, the other parts are the developingcountries. G20 is an communication organism between developed countries anddeveloping countries. But today I will introduce a group of developing countries:BRICS.

What is BRICS

BRICS is anassociation of five major emerging national economies.

BRIC are theletters that originally stood for these countries: Brazil, Russia, India andChina. South Africa became part of it in 2010, turning BRIC into BRICS.

The BRICS membersare all leading developing or newly industrialized countries, but they aredistinguished by their large, sometimes fast-growing economies and significantinfluence on regional affairs; all five are G-20 members.

As of 2015, thefive BRICS countries represent 40% of the world population;  The fivenations have a combined nominal GDP equivalent to 22% of the gross worldproduct, 15 percent of foreign trade volume. It attract 53 percent of theforeign capital in the world.

Actually, the BRICSwere first formed on paper rather than as a real group.

This word has beenattributed to Goldman Sachs chief economist Jim O'Neill in a his 2001 paper called,"Building Better Global Economic BRICS."

In his paper,O'Neill argued that since the four BRIC countries were developing rapidly, by2050 their combined economies could eclipse all the economies of the richestcountries in the world. The BRICS  has come to be used as a symbol of theshift in global economic power away from the developed economies—like the U.S.—towardthe developing world. Many analysts consider the BRICS a good place forinvestment because of their growing populations, infrastructure building, andexpansive middle class.

What makes the

BRICS countries powerful?

Brazil is called"the raw material base". His resources include massive amounts ofoil, along with large supplies of agricultural products, such as sugar, cornand soybean.

Russia is knownas" The world gas station", he has great repositories of oil, alongwith coal and natural gas. India is "the world office".

India is one ofthe fastest growing country in the world, impressive economic growth.50% peopleengaged in agriculture or agriculture-related industries, it is importantGlobal exporter— software, finance services and drugs.

South Africa is"the world's mineral power", he is the door to the African continent,the largest energy producer and consumer on the African continent.

China is the"world's factory". It is the world's largest exporter, theworld's second-biggest importer, with the largest foreign exchange reserves andrich labor resources.

Of the five BRICcountries, China is said to have the strongest economy, which is actuallylarger than that of the four other BRIC economies combined.  So Chinamaybe the leader of the BRICS and play a crucial part in it.

What are they


Meeting andcooperation. Since 2009, the BRICS nations have met annually at formal summits.China will host the 9th BRICS summit in Xiamen on September this year.

The topic of everysummit was different, but the main topics are: to improve the world peace anddevelopment, to promote the voice of developing countries, and the most thingis how to cooperate, develop together, and promote the trade and investment.

When itcomes to the cooperation, the ever-increasing financial coordination andcooperation among the members have contributed a lot to economic growth of the BRICSmembers, and indeed the rest of the world, as well as the promotion of fairerglobal economic governance. But rising protectionism, the growinganti-globalization trend and increasing geopolitical uncertainties have madethe external economic environment more difficult, some members face bigdownturn pressures due to their own economic structural problems. Thishighlights the need for the BRICS countries to strengthen their solidarity andcooperation to safeguard their common interests.

In 2014, “NewDevelopment Bank” was created with $100 billion in capital. Located inShanghai, the bank will fund infrastructure and sustainable developmentprojects in both BRICS countries and developing markets. The first presidentwill hail from India.  This bank would serve as an alternative to theWorld Bank.

CRA is established.It is the brief of the Contingent Reserve Arrangement-similar to the IMF(International Monetary Fund), mainly resolves the international payment balancetrouble. Much of the fund will be provided by China.

Let me make aconclusion. BRICS is a group of leading developing countries, it is a communicationand cooperation organism of these countries, it promote the trade, investment,financial cooperation and establish a bank and a monetary fund.  China isthe leading role in BRICS. China promised to work with the other BRICSmembers to actively push forward their financial cooperation. Pastcooperation experiences indicate that the BRICS countries can overcome anypossible difficulties, promote steady cooperation and forge a brighter future.
