





1、Blocking I/O,阻塞 I/O

2、Non-blocking I/O,非阻塞 I/O

3、I/O multiplexing,多路复用 I/O

4、Asynchronous I/O,异步 I/O

5、Single driven I/O,信号驱动 I/O

三、Blocking I/O,阻塞 I/O

process blocks in call to read

                              (用户空间)                         (内核空间)

    wait for data : read (system call) --> no data ready --> data ready ==> blocking

                                                                      (内核空间)                                      (用户空间)

    copy data from kernel to user : copy data --> copy complete (return ok) -->  process data ==> blocking

四、Non-blocking I/O

process repeatedly calls read waiting for an OK (polling)

    wait for data : 

        (用户空间)                (内核空间)

        read (system call) --> no data ready

        read <--                     (ewouldblock)  # 如果数据没有准备好,则立即返回一个error

        read (system call) --> 

        read <--                     (ewouldblock)

        read (system call) --> data ready ==> non-blocking

                                                                      (内核空间)                                      (用户空间)

    copy data from kernel to user : copy data --> copy complete (return ok) --> process data ==> blocking

五、I/O multiplexing