
15101 邱意捷

今天我选择给社区孩子们分享的英文启蒙绘本是一本设计简单的立体翻翻书(Flip Book),作者Rod Campbell是英国著名儿童图书作家,专注于为0-5岁儿童创作儿童绘本, 特别是擅长设计可爱的动物绘本。我现场召集了六个孩子,年龄是3岁-5岁, 后面又加入了两个大孩子,年龄是7-8岁。



Greeting:Good morning,girls!I am Yuki. Nice to meet you all.

Presentation: Have you ever been to the zoo? What kind of animals live in the zoo?  Let‘s Listen to a song about the zoo. 孩子们争着回答他们知道的动物,然后我请孩子们一起听听歌曲,目的是先让他们熟悉一下动物园里面的动物。

Warm up:Listen to a song-Who's in the zoo(谁在动物园)? 因为孩子们比较害羞不敢跟着唱歌,所以就只是让孩子们听这首歌。歌曲结束后,孩子们听到了monkey、lion、seal、parrot、snake等动物。

Zoo, zoo

Who's in the zoo?

Zoo, zoo

Who's in the zoo?

Zoo, zoo

Who's in the zoo?

Who's in the zoo to visit.

Let's go see what the monkeys are doing.

What does the monkey say? (monkey sound)

What does the monkey say? (monkey sound)

When you go to the zoo to visit?

Look at the big animal over there.

That looks like a lion.

What does the lion say? (lion sound)

What does the lion say? (lion sound)

When you go to the zoo to vist?

What kind of animal is that out in the water?

I know. It's a seal.

What does the seal say? (seal sound)

What does the seal say? (seal sound)

When you go to the zoo to visit?

There's a bird on a branch.

What does he say?

What does the parrot say? (parrot sound)

What does the parrot say? (parrot sound)

When you go to the zoo to visit?

What's that?

I know that is. It's a snake.

What does the snake say? (snake sound)

What does the snake say? (snake sound)

When you go to the zoo to visit?

Zoo, zoo

Who's in the zoo?

Zoo, zoo

Who's in the zoo?

Who's in the zoo to visit.



I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet. They sent me an...elephant(大象,)a giraffe(长颈鹿),a lion(狮子),a camel(骆驼),a snake(蛇),a monkey(猴子),a frog(青蛙)

But the animal was too big or too tall, or too fierce, or too grumpy, or too scary, or too naughty... All of them are not good enough for a pet. So they thought very hard, and sent me a dog.He was perfect! I kept him.




因为是立体翻翻书,所以每个孩子都翻了一遍,当我说very heavy的时候,大家都猜到了是大象,到了第二页,当我说fragile, it was very tall, 孩子们已经迫不及待的说出来是长颈鹿。后面的骆驼只露了个脸蛋,有个3岁的小朋友说是马,后面他们自己一边猜一边翻,非常活跃。最后成功的吸引了另外两个大姐姐的加入。

