原文链接: http://www.economist.com/news/business-and-finance/21710767-thanks-companies-such-netjets-getmyboat-and-thirdhomecom-merely-rich-can-upgrade
LAMENTING the rise of inequality is one of the few growth industries in an age of stagnation. One authority on the American wealthy, Robert Frank of CNBC, a TV channel, worries that the rich are “floating off” into their own country. Chrystia Freeland, a journalist-turned-politician, frets about the rise of the “new global super-rich” and the fall of everyone else. Charles Murray, America’s gloomiest social scientist, warns that society is “coming apart” as the rich retreat into their gated communities.
阻碍不平等的加剧是陷入停滞时期的少数增长行业之一。 美国富人的一个权威人士,电视频道CNBC的罗伯特弗兰克担心富人会“漂浮”到他们自己的国家。 记者转为政治家克里斯蒂亚•弗里兰德(Chrystia Freeland)对“新的全球超级富豪”的崛起以及其他所有人的垮台感到担忧。 美国最黯淡的社会科学家查尔斯•默里(Charles Murray)警告说,社会正在“分崩离析”,因为富裕的人们已进入他们的封闭社区。
At the top of the income scale, however, a small counter-trend is observable. Never before have so many people been able to get access to the accoutrements of tycoonery—private planes, luxury yachts, fancy cars and interior-designed, exclusive homes. There is only so much comfort to be had from the fact that it is easier for the merely rich to lay claim to the lifestyle of the super-rich. But as a result of a combination of new technologies and businesses, that is nonetheless what is happening.
然而,在收入规模的顶端,可以观察到一个小的反趋势。 从来没有这么多人能够获得大亨 - 私人飞机,豪华游艇,豪华轿车和室内设计的独家住宅的装备。 只有富人更容易宣称超级富豪的生活方式这一事实才能让人感到非常安慰。 但是,由于新技术和企业的结合,这仍然是正在发生的事情。
Tycoon living begins with a private jet. Whereas yachts are dispensable (not everyone wants to float around for weeks with the same dinner companions) private jets are necessities for the aspiring billionaire. They save valuable time. Even first-class passengers have to wait an hour or so for their flights. Private-jet owners can turn up when they want and climb on board. The planes can double as flying offices, and you don’t have to worry about other passengers eavesdropping on your deals or objecting to your spreading papers. The flight is smoother (private jets typically fly at 45,000 feet), the seats are more throne-like, and you can bring your pets.
大亨生活始于私人飞机。 虽然游艇是可有可无的(不是每个人都希望与同一个晚餐同伴一起游玩几周)私人飞机是有抱负的亿万富翁的必需品。 他们节省宝贵的时间。 即使是头等舱的乘客也要等一个小时左右的航班。 私人飞机的主人可以在他们想要的时候出现并登上船。 这些飞机可以兼作飞行办公室,您不必担心其他乘客会窃听您的交易或反对您的传播文件。 飞行更顺畅(私人飞机通常飞行45,000英尺),座位更像宝座,你可以携带宠物。
No longer do you need a net worth in the hundreds of millions of dollars to have one. With 700 jets, NetJets is now the fifth-largest airline by number of planes, after Southwest Airlines, and it has access to thousands of private airports. Its main innovation was to apply the principle of fractional ownership, or time-sharing, to the ultimate executive tool. Customers buy a share in a jet which entitles them to, say, 200 hours of travel a year.
你不再需要数亿美元的净资产。 凭借700架喷气式飞机,NetJets现已成为仅次于西南航空公司的飞机数量第五大的航空公司,并且可以使用数千个私人机场。 其主要创新是将分数所有权或分时原则应用于最终的执行工具。 客户购买一架喷气式飞机可以让他们享受每年200小时的旅行时间。
NetJets is skilled at providing its rich clients with an entrée into the cultural world of the super-rich, with hard-to-get tickets to events such as Art Basel, a series of art fairs, and to private dinners with celebrities. The company is also finding ways to bring down the cost: one of its latest ideas is the private-jet equivalent of London Underground’s electronic ticket, the Oyster card. Rather than buying a share in a jet you can buy a pre-paid card that entitles you to a certain number of flying hours a year, with 25 hours’ worth of flights adding up to about €155,000 ($163,435).
NetJets擅长为富裕的客户提供进入超级富豪文化世界的入场券,其中包括巴塞尔艺术博览会,一系列艺术博览会以及名人私人晚宴等难以获得的门票。 该公司还在寻找降低成本的方法:其中一个最新的想法是私人飞机相当于伦敦地铁的电子票,即Oyster卡。 您可以购买一张预付费卡,而不是购买喷气式飞机的一部分,每年可以获得一定数量的飞行时间,25小时的航班价格最高可达155,000欧元(163,435美元)。
The sharing economy was hardly inspired by the needs of the rich. But in some ways it suits them perfectly. The whole idea depends on people having spare assets that they are willing to rent out to total strangers. Who has more idle assets than the super-rich? And who loves extra income more than people who have spent their lives accumulating money? On the other side of the market, bustling plutocrats are an ever-present source of demand for temporary accommodation and bursts of luxury. The system can even have a strange public-relations benefit. A wealthy boss who makes use of NetJets won’t need to explain to his shareholders why he bought a jet, even as he treats the one he flies on as though it were his own.
共享经济很难受到富人需求的启发。 但在某些方面它完全适合他们。 整个想法取决于人们有多余的资产,他们愿意出租给陌生人。 谁拥有比超级富豪更多的闲置资产? 谁比那些一生都在积累金钱的人更喜欢额外收入? 在市场的另一边,熙熙攘攘的富豪们是临时住宿和奢侈品爆发的永恒需求来源。 该系统甚至可以带来奇怪的公共关系利益。 一个利用NetJets的富有的老板不需要向他的股东解释为什么他买了一架喷气式飞机,即使他把他飞过的那架飞机看作是他自己的。
Uber, a ride-hailing firm, and Airbnb, an accommodation-sharing service, are prominent in the luxury market as well as the mass market. Uber offers yacht trips in Dubai (UberYacht) and helicopter commutes in São Paulo (UberCopter). Airbnb does a booming trade in luxury apartments in London, Hong Kong and the Caribbean. There are providers in almost every cranny of the luxury landscape. GetMyBoat, a San Francisco-based company, gives customers access to motorboats, luxury houseboats, yachts and jet skis in 7,100 places around the world. Stratajet sells tickets on empty legs on private jets for the price of a business-class ticket or even less. Staller, which describes itself as the “Airbnb for horses”, helps horse-owners rent stalls near equestrian competitions. A home-sharing club called ThirdHome.com allows people with just a couple of homes to live as if they have a dozen.
乘坐汽车公司优步(Uber)和住宿共享服务Airbnb在奢侈品市场和大众市场中占据重要地位。 优步在迪拜(UberYacht)提供游艇之旅,在圣保罗(UberCopter)提供直升机通勤服务。 Airbnb在伦敦,香港和加勒比地区的豪华公寓进行着蓬勃发展的交易。 几乎所有奢侈品领域都有供应商。 GetMyBoat是一家总部位于旧金山的公司,为全球7,100个地方的客户提供摩托艇,豪华游艇,游艇和摩托艇。 Stratajet以私人飞机的空腿出售机票,价格为商务舱机票甚至更低。 Staller将自己描述为“Airbnb for horses”,帮助马主在马术比赛附近租用摊位。 一个名为ThirdHome.com的家庭共享俱乐部允许只有几个家庭的人生活,好像他们有十几个。
The same constraints that affect the wider sharing economy—NIMBY pressure groups who put their interests above the common good and regulators who fail to adapt to new technology—find echoes in the luxury market. With its helicopter service from Manhattan to the Hamptons, Blade has immeasurably improved the life of those New Yorkers who weekend on Long Island. That hasn’t prevented curmudgeons in Battery Park and Brooklyn Heights from complaining about the occasional whump-whump-whump over their heads.
影响更广泛共享经济的相同制约因素 - 将利益置于共同利益之上的NIMBY压力集团和未能适应新技术的监管机构 - 在奢侈品市场中找到了回音。 凭借从曼哈顿到汉普顿的直升机服务,Blade已经不可估量地改善了那些周末在长岛上工作的纽约人的生活。 这并没有阻止炮台公园和布鲁克林高地的暴乱者抱怨他们的头上偶尔会出现一阵疙瘩。
From merely rich to Uber rich
Methods of managing wealth as well as consuming it are trickling down. Until recently only people called Rockefeller and Morgan could afford so-called “family offices” that manage their investments, taxes and charitable giving (and get entry into the best hedge funds). Now people with as little as $5m to invest can afford to do so thanks to a boom in so-called “multi-family” offices. Banks such as Citigroup have set up multi-family divisions. Even blue-blooded wealth advisers such as Rockefeller & Co, in Manhattan, are offering family-office services to the “merely” crowd.
管理财富和消费财富的方法正在逐渐减少。 直到最近,只有洛克菲勒和摩根的人才能负担所谓的“家族办公室”,负责管理他们的投资,税收和慈善捐赠(并进入最佳对冲基金)。 由于所谓的“多家庭”办公室的繁荣,现在投资500万美元的人可以负担得起。 花旗集团等银行已经建立了多家庭部门。 即使是在曼哈顿的洛克菲勒公司(Rockefeller&Co)等蓝筹财富顾问也在为“仅仅”人群提供家庭办公服务。
That things are getting better for more rich people does not contradict Mr Frank’s broader worry, but among the Art Basel class it is a notable shift. Once upon a time you had to be born rich to join the global elite. Then you had to make a hundred million dollars, and then the threshold rose to a billion. Now goods and services that used to be confined to a handful of tycoons are available to the millionaire or pretend-millionaire next door, thanks to the magic of the sharing economy. The super-rich may be floating off into their own country. But more people can join them, even if temporarily, than ever before.
对富裕人士而言,情况越来越好并不与弗兰克先生更广泛的担忧相矛盾,但在巴塞尔艺术展上,这是一个值得注意的转变。 曾几何时,你必须天生富裕才能加入全球精英阶层。 然后你必须赚一亿美元,然后门槛上升到十亿。 现在,由于共享经济的神奇之处,过去仅限于少数大亨的商品和服务可供百万富翁或假装百万富翁使用。 超级富豪可能会漂浮在他们自己的国家。 但是,即使是暂时的,也有更多的人可以加入他们。