Loader 知识梳理(1) - LoaderManager初探





二、ActivityLoaderManager的桥梁 - FragmentHostCallback


    /** The loader managers for individual fragments [i.e. Fragment#getLoaderManager()] */
    private ArrayMap mAllLoaderManagers;
    /** Whether or not fragment loaders should retain their state */
    private boolean mRetainLoaders;
    /** The loader manger for the fragment host [i.e. Activity#getLoaderManager()] */
    private LoaderManagerImpl mLoaderManager;
    private boolean mCheckedForLoaderManager;
    /** Whether or not the fragment host loader manager was started */
    private boolean mLoadersStarted;
  • mAllLoaderManagers:和Fragment关联的LoaderManager,每个Fragment对应一个LoaderManager
  • mRetainLoadersFragmentLoader是否要保持它们的状态。
  • mLoaderManager:和Fragment宿主关联的LoaderManager
  • mCheckedForLoaderManager:当Fragment的宿主的LoaderManager被创建以后,该标志位变为true
  • mLoadersStartedFragment的宿主的Loader是否已经启动。



  • restoreLoaderNonConfig <- onCreate
  • reportLoaderStart <- performStart
  • doLoaderStart <- onStart/retainNonConfigurationInstances
  • doLoaderStop(true/false) <- performStop/retainNonConfigurationInstances
  • retainLoaderNonConfig <- retainNonConfigurationInstances
  • doLoaderDestroy <- performDestroy
  • doLoaderRetain <- null


    NonConfigurationInstances retainNonConfigurationInstances() {
        Object activity = onRetainNonConfigurationInstance();
        HashMap children = onRetainNonConfigurationChildInstances();
        FragmentManagerNonConfig fragments = mFragments.retainNestedNonConfig();
        ArrayMap loaders = mFragments.retainLoaderNonConfig();

        if (activity == null && children == null && fragments == null && loaders == null
                && mVoiceInteractor == null) {
            return null;

        NonConfigurationInstances nci = new NonConfigurationInstances();
        nci.activity = activity;
        nci.children = children;
        nci.fragments = fragments;
        nci.loaders = loaders;
        if (mVoiceInteractor != null) {
            nci.voiceInteractor = mVoiceInteractor;
        return nci;


r.lastNonConfigurationInstances = r.activity.retainNonConfigurationInstances();


  • onStart时启动Loader
  • onStop时停止Loader
  • onDestory时销毁Loader
  • 在配置发生变化时保存Loader



  • LoaderManager:这是一个抽象类,它内部定义了LoaderCallbacks接口,在loader的状态发生改变时会通过这个回调通知使用者,此外,它还定义了三个关键的抽象方法,调用者只需要使用这三个方法就能完成数据的异步加载。
  • LoaderManagerImpl:继承于LoaderManager,真正地实现了Loader的管理。


public abstract class LoaderManager {
     * Callback interface for a client to interact with the manager.
    public interface LoaderCallbacks {
         * Instantiate and return a new Loader for the given ID.
         * @param id The ID whose loader is to be created.
         * @param args Any arguments supplied by the caller.
         * @return Return a new Loader instance that is ready to start loading.
        public Loader onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args);

         * Called when a previously created loader has finished its load.  Note
         * that normally an application is not allowed to commit fragment
         * transactions while in this call, since it can happen after an
         * activity's state is saved.  See {@link FragmentManager#beginTransaction()
         * FragmentManager.openTransaction()} for further discussion on this.

This function is guaranteed to be called prior to the release of * the last data that was supplied for this Loader. At this point * you should remove all use of the old data (since it will be released * soon), but should not do your own release of the data since its Loader * owns it and will take care of that. The Loader will take care of * management of its data so you don't have to. In particular: * *

  • The Loader will monitor for changes to the data, and report * them to you through new calls here. You should not monitor the * data yourself. For example, if the data is a {@link android.database.Cursor} * and you place it in a {@link android.widget.CursorAdapter}, use * the {@link android.widget.CursorAdapter#CursorAdapter(android.content.Context, * android.database.Cursor, int)} constructor without passing * in either {@link android.widget.CursorAdapter#FLAG_AUTO_REQUERY} * or {@link android.widget.CursorAdapter#FLAG_REGISTER_CONTENT_OBSERVER} * (that is, use 0 for the flags argument). This prevents the CursorAdapter * from doing its own observing of the Cursor, which is not needed since * when a change happens you will get a new Cursor throw another call * here. *

  • The Loader will release the data once it knows the application * is no longer using it. For example, if the data is * a {@link android.database.Cursor} from a {@link android.content.CursorLoader}, * you should not call close() on it yourself. If the Cursor is being placed in a * {@link android.widget.CursorAdapter}, you should use the * {@link android.widget.CursorAdapter#swapCursor(android.database.Cursor)} * method so that the old Cursor is not closed. *
* * @param loader The Loader that has finished. * @param data The data generated by the Loader. */ public void onLoadFinished(Loader loader, D data); /** * Called when a previously created loader is being reset, and thus * making its data unavailable. The application should at this point * remove any references it has to the Loader's data. * * @param loader The Loader that is being reset. */ public void onLoaderReset(Loader loader); } /** * Ensures a loader is initialized and active. If the loader doesn't * already exist, one is created and (if the activity/fragment is currently * started) starts the loader. Otherwise the last created * loader is re-used. * *

In either case, the given callback is associated with the loader, and * will be called as the loader state changes. If at the point of call * the caller is in its started state, and the requested loader * already exists and has generated its data, then * callback {@link LoaderCallbacks#onLoadFinished} will * be called immediately (inside of this function), so you must be prepared * for this to happen. * * @param id A unique identifier for this loader. Can be whatever you want. * Identifiers are scoped to a particular LoaderManager instance. * @param args Optional arguments to supply to the loader at construction. * If a loader already exists (a new one does not need to be created), this * parameter will be ignored and the last arguments continue to be used. * @param callback Interface the LoaderManager will call to report about * changes in the state of the loader. Required. */ public abstract Loader initLoader(int id, Bundle args, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callback); /** * Starts a new or restarts an existing {@link android.content.Loader} in * this manager, registers the callbacks to it, * and (if the activity/fragment is currently started) starts loading it. * If a loader with the same id has previously been * started it will automatically be destroyed when the new loader completes * its work. The callback will be delivered before the old loader * is destroyed. * * @param id A unique identifier for this loader. Can be whatever you want. * Identifiers are scoped to a particular LoaderManager instance. * @param args Optional arguments to supply to the loader at construction. * @param callback Interface the LoaderManager will call to report about * changes in the state of the loader. Required. */ public abstract Loader restartLoader(int id, Bundle args, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callback); /** * Stops and removes the loader with the given ID. If this loader * had previously reported data to the client through * {@link LoaderCallbacks#onLoadFinished(Loader, Object)}, a call * will be made to {@link LoaderCallbacks#onLoaderReset(Loader)}. */ public abstract void destroyLoader(int id); /** * Return the Loader with the given id or null if no matching Loader * is found. */ public abstract Loader getLoader(int id); /** * Returns true if any loaders managed are currently running and have not * returned data to the application yet. */ public boolean hasRunningLoaders() { return false; } }


  • public Loader onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args)

  • LoaderManager需要创建一个Loader时,回调该函数来要求使用者提供一个Loader,而id为这个Loader的唯一标识。

  • public void onLoadFinished(Loader loader, D data)

  • 当之前创建的Loader完成了任务之后回调,data就是得到的数据。

  • 回调时,可能Activity已经调用了onSaveInstanceState,因此不建议在其中提交Fragment事务。

  • 这个方法会保证数据资源在被释放之前调用,例如,当使用CursorLoader时,LoaderManager会负责cursor的关闭。

  • LoaderManager会主动监听数据的变化。

  • public void onLoaderReset(Loader loader)

  • 当先前创建的某个Loaderreset时回调。

  • 调用者应当在收到该回调以后移除与旧Loader有关的数据。

  • public abstract Loader initLoader(int id, Bundle args, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callback)

  • 用来初始化和激活Loaderargs一般用来放入查询的条件。

  • 如果id对应的Loader之前不存在,那么会创建一个新的,如果此时Activity/Fragment已经处于started状态,那么会启动这个Loader

  • 如果id对应的Loader之前存在,那么会复用之前的Loader,并且忽略Bundle参数,它仅仅是使用新的callback

  • 如果调用此方法时,满足2个条件:调用者处于started状态、Loader已经存在并且产生了数据,那么onLoadFinished会立刻被回调。

  • 这个方法一般来说应该在组件被初始化调用。

  • public abstract Loader restartLoader(int id, Bundle args, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callback)

  • 启动一个新的Loader或者重新启动一个旧的Loader,如果此时Activity/Fragment已经处于Started状态,那么会开始loading过程。

  • 如果一个相同idloader之前已经存在了,那么当新的loader完成工作之后,会销毁旧的loader,在旧的Loader已经被destroyed之前,会回调对应的callback

  • 因为initLoader会忽略Bundle参数,所以当我们的查询需要依赖于bundle内的参数时,那么就需要使用这个方法。

  • public abstract void destroyLoader(int id)

  • 停止或者移除对应idloader

  • 如果这个loader之前已经回调过了onLoadFinished方法,那么onLoaderReset会被回调,参数就是要销毁的那个Loader实例。

  • public abstract Loader getLoader(int id)

  • 返回对应idloader

  • public boolean hasRunningLoaders()

  • 是否有正在运行,但是没有返回数据的loader


LoaderInfo 包装了 Loader,其中包含了状态变量提供给 LoaderManager,并且在构造时候传入了 LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks,这也是回调给我们调用者的地方,里面的逻辑很复杂,我们主要关注这3个方法在什么时候被调用:

    final class LoaderInfo implements Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener,
            Loader.OnLoadCanceledListener {
        final int mId; //唯一标识 Loader。
        final Bundle mArgs; //查询参数。
        LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks mCallbacks; //给调用者的回调。
        Loader mLoader;
        boolean mHaveData;
        boolean mDeliveredData;
        Object mData;
        boolean mStarted;
        boolean mRetaining;
        boolean mRetainingStarted;
        boolean mReportNextStart;
        boolean mDestroyed;
        boolean mListenerRegistered;

        LoaderInfo mPendingLoader;
        public LoaderInfo(int id, Bundle args, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callbacks) {
            mId = id;
            mArgs = args;
            mCallbacks = callbacks;
        void start() {
            if (mRetaining && mRetainingStarted) {
                mStarted = true;
            if (mStarted) {
            mStarted = true;
            if (mLoader == null && mCallbacks != null) {
                mLoader = mCallbacks.onCreateLoader(mId, mArgs); //onCreateLoader()
            if (mLoader != null) {
                if (mLoader.getClass().isMemberClass()
                        && !Modifier.isStatic(mLoader.getClass().getModifiers())) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "Object returned from onCreateLoader must not be a non-static inner member class: "
                            + mLoader);
                if (!mListenerRegistered) {
                    mLoader.registerListener(mId, this);
                    mListenerRegistered = true;
        void retain() {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Retaining: " + this);
            mRetaining = true; //正在恢复
            mRetainingStarted = mStarted; //恢复时的状态
            mStarted = false; 
            mCallbacks = null;
        void finishRetain() {
            if (mRetaining) {
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Finished Retaining: " + this);
                mRetaining = false;
                if (mStarted != mRetainingStarted) {
                    if (!mStarted) {

            if (mStarted && mHaveData && !mReportNextStart) {
                // This loader has retained its data, either completely across
                // a configuration change or just whatever the last data set
                // was after being restarted from a stop, and now at the point of
                // finishing the retain we find we remain started, have
                // our data, and the owner has a new callback...  so
                // let's deliver the data now.
                callOnLoadFinished(mLoader, mData);
        void reportStart() {
            if (mStarted) {
                if (mReportNextStart) {
                    mReportNextStart = false;
                    if (mHaveData) {
                        callOnLoadFinished(mLoader, mData);

        void stop() {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Stopping: " + this);
            mStarted = false;
            if (!mRetaining) {
                if (mLoader != null && mListenerRegistered) {
                    // Let the loader know we're done with it
                    mListenerRegistered = false;

        void cancel() {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Canceling: " + this);
            if (mStarted && mLoader != null && mListenerRegistered) {
                if (!mLoader.cancelLoad()) {

        void destroy() {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Destroying: " + this);
            mDestroyed = true;
            boolean needReset = mDeliveredData;
            mDeliveredData = false;
            if (mCallbacks != null && mLoader != null && mHaveData && needReset) {
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Reseting: " + this);
                String lastBecause = null;
                if (mHost != null) {
                    lastBecause = mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause;
                    mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause = "onLoaderReset";
                try {
                } finally {
                    if (mHost != null) {
                        mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause = lastBecause;
            mCallbacks = null;
            mData = null;
            mHaveData = false;
            if (mLoader != null) {
                if (mListenerRegistered) {
                    mListenerRegistered = false;
            if (mPendingLoader != null) {

        public void onLoadCanceled(Loader loader) {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "onLoadCanceled: " + this);

            if (mDestroyed) {
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Ignoring load canceled -- destroyed");

            if (mLoaders.get(mId) != this) {
                // This cancellation message is not coming from the current active loader.
                // We don't care about it.
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Ignoring load canceled -- not active");

            LoaderInfo pending = mPendingLoader;
            if (pending != null) {
                // There is a new request pending and we were just
                // waiting for the old one to cancel or complete before starting
                // it.  So now it is time, switch over to the new loader.
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Switching to pending loader: " + pending);
                mPendingLoader = null;
                mLoaders.put(mId, null);

        public void onLoadComplete(Loader loader, Object data) {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "onLoadComplete: " + this);
            if (mDestroyed) {
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Ignoring load complete -- destroyed");

            if (mLoaders.get(mId) != this) {
                // This data is not coming from the current active loader.
                // We don't care about it.
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Ignoring load complete -- not active");
            LoaderInfo pending = mPendingLoader;
            if (pending != null) {
                // There is a new request pending and we were just
                // waiting for the old one to complete before starting
                // it.  So now it is time, switch over to the new loader.
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Switching to pending loader: " + pending);
                mPendingLoader = null;
                mLoaders.put(mId, null);
            // Notify of the new data so the app can switch out the old data before
            // we try to destroy it.
            if (mData != data || !mHaveData) {
                mData = data;
                mHaveData = true;
                if (mStarted) {
                    callOnLoadFinished(loader, data);

            //if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  onLoadFinished returned: " + this);

            // We have now given the application the new loader with its
            // loaded data, so it should have stopped using the previous
            // loader.  If there is a previous loader on the inactive list,
            // clean it up.
            LoaderInfo info = mInactiveLoaders.get(mId);
            if (info != null && info != this) {
                info.mDeliveredData = false;

            if (mHost != null && !hasRunningLoaders()) {

        void callOnLoadFinished(Loader loader, Object data) {
            if (mCallbacks != null) {
                String lastBecause = null;
                if (mHost != null) {
                    lastBecause = mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause;
                    mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause = "onLoadFinished";
                try {
                    if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  onLoadFinished in " + loader + ": "
                            + loader.dataToString(data));
                    mCallbacks.onLoadFinished(loader, data);
                } finally {
                    if (mHost != null) {
                        mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause = lastBecause;
                mDeliveredData = true;

onCreateLoader:在 start() 方法中,如果我们发现 mLoader 没有创建,那么通知调用者创建它。

onLoaderReset:在 destroy() 方法中,也就是Loader被销毁时调用,它的调用需要满足以下条件:

  • mHaveData == true:mHaveData 被置为 true 的地方是在 onLoadComplete 中判断到有新的数据,并且之前 mHaveData == false,在 onDestroy 时置为 false
  • mDeliveredData == true:它在 callOnLoadFinished 时被置为 true,成功地回调了调用者的 onLoadFinished
  • 这两个条件一结合,就可以知道这是一个已经递交过数据的loader,所以在destory的时候,就要通知调用者loader被替换了。


6.1 initLoader的实现

public  Loader initLoader(int id, Bundle args, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callback) {
    if (mCreatingLoader) {    
        throw new IllegalStateException("Called while creating a loader");
    LoaderInfo info = mLoaders.get(id);
    if (info == null) {
        info = createAndInstallLoader(id, args,  (LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks)callback);
    } else {
        info.mCallbacks = (LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks)callback;
    if (info.mHaveData && mStarted) {
        info.callOnLoadFinished(info.mLoader, info.mData);
    return (Loader) info.mLoader;

private LoaderInfo createAndInstallLoader(int id, Bundle args, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callback) {    
    try {        
        mCreatingLoader = true; 
        LoaderInfo info = createLoader(id, args, callback);        
        return info;    
    } finally {        
        mCreatingLoader = false;    

private LoaderInfo createLoader(int id, Bundle args, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callback) {    
    LoaderInfo info = new LoaderInfo(id, args,  callback);   
    Loader loader = callback.onCreateLoader(id, args);    
    info.mLoader = loader;    
    return info;

void installLoader(LoaderInfo info) {
    mLoaders.put(info.mId, info);
    if (mStarted) {

6.2 restartLoader的实现

    public  Loader restartLoader(int id, Bundle args, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callback) {
        if (mCreatingLoader) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Called while creating a loader");
        LoaderInfo info = mLoaders.get(id);
        if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "restartLoader in " + this + ": args=" + args);
        if (info != null) {
            LoaderInfo inactive = mInactiveLoaders.get(id);
            if (inactive != null) {
                if (info.mHaveData) {
                    if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Removing last inactive loader: " + info);
                    inactive.mDeliveredData = false;
                    mInactiveLoaders.put(id, info);
                } else {
                    if (!info.mStarted) {
                        if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Current loader is stopped; replacing");
                        mLoaders.put(id, null);
                    } else {
                        if (info.mPendingLoader != null) {
                            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Removing pending loader: " + info.mPendingLoader);
                            info.mPendingLoader = null;
                        //inactive && !mHaveData && mStarted,那么最新的Loader保存在mPendingLoader这个变量当中。
                        info.mPendingLoader = createLoader(id, args, 
                                (LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks) callback);
                        return (Loader) info.mPendingLoader.mLoader;
            } else {
                mInactiveLoaders.put(id, info);
        info = createAndInstallLoader(id, args,  (LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks)callback);
        return (Loader) info.mLoader;


  • mLoaders中不存在相同idLoaderInfo情况下,initLoaderrestartLoader的行为是一致的。
  • mLoaders中存在相同idLoaderInfo情况下:
  • initLoader不会新建LoaderInfo,也不会改变Bundle的值,仅仅是替换info.mCallbacks的实例。
  • restartLoader除了会新建一个全新的Loader之外,还会有这么一套逻辑,它主要和 mInactiveLoaders以及它内部LoaderInfo所处的状态有关有关,这个列表用来跟踪调用者希望替换的旧LoaderInfo
    • 如果要被替换的LoaderInfo没有被跟踪,那么调用info.mLoader.abandon(),再把它加入到跟踪列表,然后会新建一个全新的LoaderInfo放入mLoaders
    • 如果要替换的LoaderInfo还处在被跟踪的状态,那么再去判断它内部的状态:
    • 已经有数据,调用info.destroy()info.mLoader.abandon(),并继续跟踪。
    • 没有数据:
      • 还没有开始,调用info.destroy(),直接在mLoaders中把对应id的位置置为null
      • 已经开始了,那么先info.cancel(),然后把新建的Loader赋值给LoaderInfo.mPendingLoader ,这时候mLoaders中就有两个Loader了,这是唯一没有新建LoaderInfo的情况,即希望替换但是还没有执行完毕的Loader以及这个新创建的Loader

6.3 destroyLoader的实现

    public void destroyLoader(int id) {
        if (mCreatingLoader) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Called while creating a loader");
        if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "destroyLoader in " + this + " of " + id);
        int idx = mLoaders.indexOfKey(id);
        if (idx >= 0) {
            LoaderInfo info = mLoaders.valueAt(idx);
        idx = mInactiveLoaders.indexOfKey(id);
        if (idx >= 0) {
            LoaderInfo info = mInactiveLoaders.valueAt(idx);
        if (mHost != null && !hasRunningLoaders()) {

你可能感兴趣的:(Loader 知识梳理(1) - LoaderManager初探)