麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【第15】期---5/21--绘本赏析--《Ape in a Cape:An Alphabet of Odd Animals》


《Ape in a Cape: An Alphabet of Odd Animals》是一本经典的字母书,遇到这本书我好像发现了一个宝贝一样。字母书之前读过几本,像《Chicka Chicka Boom Boom》,《LMNO peas》等等。但当我和Iris分享这本的时候,她还是很快就被吸引了,大幅的图片,经典的文字,在每一页上都忍不住多停留几秒,真的是一页一个故事,我也充当了一回绘本作者,把每一页都讲成一个小故事。

 对于字母书,我还是下了一番功夫的。研究怎么让低幼孩子对他感兴趣,在轻松有趣的氛围中记住这些字母和发音。这本书恰恰是这种利用生动的选词和押韵把字母和发音完美的结合在一起。加上歌曲的诠释,朗朗上口。这本书以动物作为字母代表,每只动物模仿人类一个动作或者事件,像是kitten with a mitten、pig in a wig,叫他动物幻想曲一点不为过。

麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【第15】期---5/21--绘本赏析--《Ape in a Cape:An Alphabet of Odd Animals》_第1张图片


麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【第15】期---5/21--绘本赏析--《Ape in a Cape:An Alphabet of Odd Animals》_第2张图片
麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【第15】期---5/21--绘本赏析--《Ape in a Cape:An Alphabet of Odd Animals》_第3张图片
麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【第15】期---5/21--绘本赏析--《Ape in a Cape:An Alphabet of Odd Animals》_第4张图片

ape in a cape(look,he is saluting us.Hi,general! )

bear in despair(oh,poor little bear,he was in trouble.He accidently teased the bees.Now all the bees come to sting him.Jump into the water! )

Carp with a harp(What a magical harpist.She even play it without hands. Perform beautifully )

Dove in love(oh,look at them,such a adorable couple.Pigeon find his bride finally! )

Egret in a minuet (Look how gracefully she dance!)

Fox in a box.(A little bunny found a big box.Surprisingly,a fox hinding in there.Oh,silly bunny,get out of the box!)

 Goat in a boat(The goat is floating with a boat on the ocean.He's so scared that he have to cry for help loudly.)

Hare at the fair(I see a hare performing in circus.Who's up next?Mrs Hippo and Lion are up next.)

Jay in May(May is one month of flowers,the jay is singing in the tree.Jay is an American bird with blue and gray feather.)

Kitten with a mitten(why does he put on a mitten? Maybe he is practicing how to catch a mouse.)




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