If You’re Asked to Do the Impossible, Don’t Panic 如果你被要求去做不可能的事情,不要惊慌

If You’re Asked to Do the Impossible, Don’t Panic


Oct 11, 2017

“Get the facts at any price”(Proverbs 23:23a TLB).

“你当获得真理,不可出卖”(箴言23:23a 和修)。

If You’re Asked to Do the Impossible, Don’t Panic 如果你被要求去做不可能的事情,不要惊慌_第1张图片

Has someone ever asked you to do something you thought was impossible? Maybe a friend, a boss, or a parent came to you and wanted you to do something that seemed too big for you.


You may be facing such a request right now. You’re wondering how in the world you’ll get started.


Over the next few devotionals, I’ll share with you what the Bible says about tackling the impossible.


But let’s begin by talking about where to start.


First, don’t panic.


Follow the pattern of Daniel. In Daniel 2, King Nebuchadnezzar went to his astrologers with a desperate need for them to interpret a dream. When they couldn’t do it, he planned to execute them. Then he sent someone to get Daniel.


The Bible says,“When Arioch, the commander of the king’s guard, had gone out to put to death the wise men of Babylon, Daniel spoke to him with wisdom and tact”(Daniel 2:14 NIV).

圣经说:“王的护卫长亚略奉命去杀巴比伦的智慧人,但以理用婉言和智慧回应”(但以理书2:14 和修)。

The most powerful man on the planet had ordered the assassination of Daniel — and his friends. When the king’s hit man showed up to kill him, the 17-year-old handled the situation with wisdom and discretion. Not bad for a young, teenage kid.


Daniel didn’t panic. Neither should we.


Instead of panicking, Daniel learned all the facts and sought to understand the motivation behind the king’s request.


The Bible says,“He asked the king’s officer, ‘Why did the king issue such a harsh decree?” Arioch then explained the matter to Daniel’”(Daniel 2:15 NIV).

圣经说:“向王的大臣亚略说:‘王的命令为何这样紧急呢?’亚略就把事情告诉但以理。”(但2:15 和修)

When someone asks you to do the impossible, you need to understand why. You need all the facts.


The king was scared to death. When people are panicking, they get emotional. They start making illogical requests. You need to understand why before moving ahead.


Proverbs 23:23a says it this way:“Get the facts at any price”(TLB).

箴言23:23a说:“你当获得真理,不可出卖”( 和修)。

So if you’re asked to do the impossible, don’t panic. Get all the facts.


We’ll look at other steps to take when you’re in this situation in the next few devotionals.


Talk It Over


How has emotion clouded your judgment during a particularly difficult time?


Why is it so important to understand the motivations of those asking you to do something that seems impossible?


How have you seen God work through a seemingly impossible situation?


你可能感兴趣的:(If You’re Asked to Do the Impossible, Don’t Panic 如果你被要求去做不可能的事情,不要惊慌)