Result 1【Identification of USP38 as an Essential Negative Regulator of Type I IFN Signaling】


Here we report that USP38 negatively regulates type I IFN signaling by targeting the active form of TBK1 for degradation in vitro and in vivo.

那么,Result 1就是要确认USP38识别是一个重要的负调节I型干扰素的信号。


we screened 81 genes encoding deubiquitinases(DUBs)and identified USP38 as a negative regulator of type I IFN signaling.


USP38 potently inhibited the activation of IFN-b by treatments of intracellular (IC) low-molecular-weight (LMW) poly(I:C) (a ligand for RIG-I), IC high-molecular-weight (HMW) poly(I:C) (a ligand for MDA5), poly(dA:dT), or vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) (Figure 1A).


因为IFN-b激活时,需要合作激活 IRF3 和 NF-kB,于是我们想检验USP38是否直接影响IRF3信号。

we used an IFN- stimulated response element (ISRE) luciferase(荧光素酶) reporter to test whether USP38 directly affects IRF3 signaling.

结果发现 USP38 同样抑制 ISRE-luc 活性。接下来,

We assessed phosphorylation of IRF3 in 293T cells, expressing USP38 together with RIG-I(N), MDA5, MAVS, STING-cGAS, or TRIF.

并发现 USP38 抑制 IRF3 所有这些先天免疫受体和转接器诱导的活化。

进一步的 qPCR 分析表明,

the mRNA levels of IFNa4, IFNb, IFIT1, IFIT2, and ISG15 in USP38 ectopic expression cells were markedly reduced during VSV infection (Figure S1B),

也就是 USP38 抑制干扰素刺激基因(ISGs)的表达。

为了确定生理条件下 USP38 的作用,

we efficiently knocked down USP38 in 293T cells, THP-1 cells, or human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs,外周血细胞) (Figure S1C).


USP38 knockdown could enhance the IC poly(I:C)-, poly(dA:dT)-, or VSV-EGFP-induced ISRE activation (Figure 1C).

与这一结果相一致,我们发现 USP38 击倒显著增强磷酸化 IRF3 在这些治疗方法 (图1D)。


we knocked down USP38 in THP-1 cells, 293T cells, A549 cells, or PBMCs, and we found that USP38 knockdown significantly increased the IFN-a4 and IFN-b expression, as well as IFN-b secretion induced by VSV-EGFP or HSV-1 infection (Figures 1E–1G and S1D–S1F).

进一步我们表明在这些细胞中的 USP38 击倒使他们抵抗 VSV EGFP 感染(图1H、 1I,S1G和S1H)。

这些结果共同表明,USP38 负调节I型干扰素信号以及在人体各种细胞类型中的抗病毒免疫。

思考题:1、为什么说 USP38 是一个负调节I型干扰素的信号?

                 2、USP38 在细胞的抗病毒免疫中起什么作用?

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