2017.11.17 Demo-stm8+temperature timeing control

1Find the lab and add in project。

Downtown  it from ST  official website。。compile it to ensure it passew 。

2017.11.17 Demo-stm8+temperature timeing control_第1张图片

2 Coding function in you model.

2017.11.17 Demo-stm8+temperature timeing control_第2张图片

factory_func(void)  // factory mode ,Record previous Settings,and quick recovery。

temper_func(void) // check the  temperature by NTC  sensor  ,base on  ADC 。

Key :  up, down , ok, back .and prog

LCD :show the time and  temperature.


3 Hey ! It compiles ...

2017.11.17 Demo-stm8+temperature timeing control_第3张图片

4 Burn to product and demo function。

2017.11.17 Demo-stm8+temperature timeing control_第4张图片

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