










京东所需的材料:营业执照复印件  通过最新年检


税务登记证复印件  国税加地税


商标注册证复印件  商标正在申请品牌提供《商标注册申请书》

品牌销售授权证明复印件  注册人与授权人的关系证明

质检报告复印件或产品质量合格证明  不同品牌不同类目产品均需提供一份





主旨:C2C, or customer-to-customer, or consumer-to-consumer, is a business model that facilitates the transaction of products or services between customers.

文章:B2B or B2C? This has been one of the most discussed topic in the last five years of our company. Lot of people raised different kinds of questions on our take on B2B and B2C. Wait a minute, there are few others to complicate things further. You might have heard of C2C, B2G and B2B2C. I am sharing some of my learnings over these years on this entire hoopla around these words.

When we started in 2012, we planned to build a B2C business. B2C consumer internet businesses were very popular during 2012 and we felt consumers really wanted the product we were building :). We started with group and social gifting which was a pure play B2C idea. However, within 4-5 months we realized that the idea wasn't working the way we thought of. With some advice, we started taking 'bulk' gifting orders. These bulk orders helped us grow the business, build momentum, learn the nuances of running a company, build a team, build a critical consumer base, supplier relations and much more. This was nothing but in management jargon a B2B business. While we kept doing B2B, we kept using the learnings we drew from this journey and kept finetuning our overall business model. The cash flow from B2B and the insights from these transactions, helped us slowly build our B2C business.

Today, we have a healthy mix of B2B and B2C. Since, the world is moving towards a sharing economy and the kind of industry we are into, it makes lot of sense for us to do C2C too. Hence, we have been working towards building a strong C2C as well where 'experiences are sold by the people, for the people'. Many experiences and activities we provide are facilitated by the government, and hence some part of the business is B2G as well.

We have faced various types of questions over last 5 years around these jargons. I am sure many of you must have faced the same. Let me share some of these questions and incidents. In 2012-15, everyone was insane about consumer internet businesses, funded with millions of dollars. During these times, though we were doing B2C, but our skew was more towards B2B.

链接: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/b2b-b2c-c2c-manoj-agarwal

关键词:business model企业模型

business to business企业对企业

business to customer企业对客户

each other互相,彼此

benefit from受益; 通过…获益; 得力; 受用



2.阅读一篇以上ecommerce  innovate相关英文文章,按最新要求列出相关内容!

主旨:As a family-owned and operated company, we are determined to grow thoughtfully, while maintaining a resolute passion for our mission to develop new ideas and strategies within the framework of ecommerce.

Ecommerce Innovations is now a leading ecommerce specialty retailer with eight brands: Inspired Silver, Inspired Shades, Inspired Cases, Inspired Posters, End of Retail, Wallet Outlet, Wallpaper Nation, and Next Styles.



resolute坚决的,刚毅的; 不动摇的


Innovations改革( innovation的名词复数 ); 新观念; 新事物; 新设施

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