[手册] Supernova 标准化手册 - 程序



 * Example.java
 * This Class is used to blablabla.
 * @author: The Author
 * @version: v1.0.0
 * @created: 2019/10/22
 * @modified: 2019/10/22 

package frc.robot.subsystems;

import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can.WPI_VictorSPX;

 * This method sets the motor output by coordinate value.
 * @param y: the forward/backward value. positive for moving forward. 
 * @param z: the rotation value. positive for counter-clockwise rotation.
 * @reference: www.google.com
public void drive(double y, double z) {
    motor_left.setValue(y - z);
    motor_right.setValue(y + z);
""" example.py

This file is used to blablabla.
__AUTHOR__ = "The Author"
__VERSION__ = "v1.0.0"
__CREATED__ = "2019/10/22"
__MODIFIED__ = "2019/10/22"

import os

def drive(y, z):
    """ This method sets the motor output by coordinate value.

    @param y : the forward/backward value. positive for moving forward. 
    @param z : the rotation value. positive for counter-clockwise rotation.
    @reference: www.google.com
    motor_left.setValue(y - z)
    motor_right.setValue(y + z)

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