

'* File:     ODBCConnect.vbs
'* Purpose:  Show how to use an ODBC connection
'             list the non-empty tables
'* Title:   
'* Category:
'* Version:  1.0
'* Company:  Sybase Inc.

Option Explicit

Dim model
Set model = ActiveModel
If (model Is Nothing) Or (Not model.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model)) Then
   MsgBox "The current model is not a PDM model."
   ChangeName model
End If

sub ChangeName(package)

 Const CONNECTION = "Data Source=his;User Id=sa;Password=sa;"
 Dim cnx ' connection object
 set cnx = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
 Dim rs ' recordset
 set rs = cnx.Execute("select table_name,table_chinese from wh_table_struc where table_chinese is not null and table_name in (select distinct table_name from wh_field_struc where field_chinese is not null) order by table_name")
 Output "List of non-empty tables:"
 Dim n ' row count
   Dim return
 Dim tablename
 dim tabledesc
 Do Until rs.EOF
    tablename =rs("table_name")
    tabledesc =rs("table_chinese")
      if SetNameDesc(package, tablename, tabledesc,cnx) then
      end if
 set rs = Nothing
 set cnx = Nothing
end sub

' Display tables properties defined in a folder
function SetNameDesc(package, Name, Desc,cnx)
   ' Get the Tables collection
   Dim ModelTables
   Set ModelTables = package.Tables

   ' For each table
   Dim noTable
   Dim tbl
   Dim bShortcutClosed
   noTable = 1
   For Each tbl In ModelTables

      If IsObject(tbl) Then        
         If Not tbl.IsShortcut Then                                 
            IF trim(tbl.name) = trim(Name) Then
              'Output "Tables are Same" + CStr(Name) + ":"             
              if trim(tbl.name) = trim(tbl.code) then
                tbl.comment = Desc
              end if
              Dim field
              Dim rs
              For each field in tbl.Columns
                if IsObject(field) then
        set rs = cnx.Execute("select field_chinese from wh_field_struc where field_name ='"& trim(field.name)&"' and table_name ='"&trim(tbl.name)&"'  and field_chinese is not null")
        If Not rs.EOF Then
         field.comment = rs("field_chinese")                          
        End If
                        set rs = nothing
        end if
              noTable = 0
              SetNameDesc = true
              Exit For
            end if
         End If

      End If
      noTable = noTable + 1    

   ' Display tables defined in subpackages
   'Output Name
  ' Output noTable
   if noTable <> 0 then
       ' Output "In Package"
     Dim subpackage
     For Each subpackage in package.Packages

        If Not subpackage.IsShortcut Then
           if SetNameDesc(subpackage, Name, Desc,cnx) = true then
             Output "In Package"
             Exit for
           end if
        End If
  end if
End function
