Privacy agreement

We have always solemnly promised to protect the privacy of users ("users" or "you"). When you use our services, we may collect and use your relevant information.

This privacy policy applies to all of the services we provide. When you use any of our individual services, you agree to accept the protection of this Privacy Policy and the specific Privacy Information Policy Clauses (hereinafter referred to as "Specific Clauses") that we have issued in the individual services, in which case the specific terms and conditions of this Policy are in force for you at the same time. For example, the Privacy Policy and the Privacy Protection and Personal Information Utilization Policy for Online Game Users (see Annex I) are applicable to users who use our online game services, as well as the Privacy Policy and the Privacy Policy for Our Payment (see Annex I). Two). If there is any inconsistency between a specific clause and the provisions of this Privacy Policy, the specific clause shall prevail within the scope of the specific clause. If a single service we provide does not apply to this Privacy Policy, it will expressly exclude the application of this Privacy Policy in an appropriate manner.

Please note that we will examine our policies from time to time, so the relevant measures will change accordingly. We urge you to visit this page regularly to ensure that you are always familiar with the latest version of our Privacy Policy. After reading this policy, if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or related matters, please contact us.

We have always solemnly promised to protect the privacy of users ("users" or "you"). When you use our services, we may collect and use your relevant information.

This privacy policy applies to all of the services we provide. When you use any of our individual services, you agree to accept the protection of this Privacy Policy and the specific Privacy Information Policy Clauses (hereinafter referred to as "Specific Clauses") that we have issued in the individual services, in which case the specific terms and conditions of this Policy are in force for you at the same time. For example, the Privacy Policy and the Privacy Protection and Personal Information Utilization Policy for Online Game Users (see Annex I) are applicable to users who use our online game services, as well as the Privacy Policy and the Privacy Policy for Our Payment (see Annex I). Two). If there is any inconsistency between a specific clause and the provisions of this Privacy Policy, the specific clause shall prevail within the scope of the specific clause. If a single service we provide does not apply to this Privacy Policy, it will expressly exclude the application of this Privacy Policy in an appropriate manner.

Please note that we will examine our policies from time to time, so the relevant measures will change accordingly. We urge you to visit this page regularly to ensure that you are always familiar with the latest version of our Privacy Policy. After reading this policy, if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or related matters, please contact us.

By using or continuing to use our services, you agree that we will collect, use, store and share your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

We collect your information mainly for you and other users to use our services more easily and satisfactorily. Our goal is to provide all Internet users with a safe, stimulating, interesting and instructive online experience. And that information helps us achieve this goal.

Please note that your personal information may be collected and used by others if you publish or upload information in a public area visible to other users in our service and if you respond to information uploaded or published by others. Please contact us when you find that our users wrongly collect or use information from you or others.

Two. How do we collect and use information?

(1) we will collect and obtain your information through the following channels:

1, the information you provide. For example:

(1) the information you provide to us when you register our service account or use our services;

(2) The shared information you provide to other parties through our services, and the information you store when you use our services.

2, other parties share your information. That is to say, other parties provide information about your sharing when using our services.

3, we get your information. When you use our services, we collect, aggregate, and record information, such as log information, location information, equipment information, etc.

(two) COOKIES, log files and WEB BEACON

We or our third party partners may acquire and use your information through COOKIES and WEB BEACON and store it as log information.

By using COOKIES, we provide users with a simple and personalized network experience. A COOKIES is a small amount of data that is sent from a network server to your browser and stored on your computer's hard disk. We use COOKIES so that users can benefit from it. For example, to make the login process of our virtual community faster, you can choose to store the user name in a COOKIES. So next time you can login to our service, it will be more convenient and quick. COOKIES can help us determine the pages and content you connect to, the time you spend on our specific services, and the services you choose for us.

COOKIES enables us to serve you better, faster, and personalize your experience in our service. However, you should be able to control whether or not COOKIES is accepted by your browser. Please consult the files attached to your browser for more information.

We and third-party partners may collect and use your information through COOKIES and WEB BEACON and store it.

We use our own COOKIES and WEB BEACON for the following purposes:

(1) remember your identity. For example: COOKIES and WEB BEACON help us identify you as our registered user, or save you to provide us with information about your preferences or other information;

(2) analyze your use of our services. We can use COOKIES and WEB BEACON to understand what activities you use our services for, or what services or services are most popular; and

(3) advertising optimization. COOKIES and WEB BEACON help us to provide you with advertising related to you based on your information rather than general advertising.

While using COOKIES and WEB BEACON for these purposes, we may provide a summary of non-personal identity information collected by COOKIES and WEB BEACON to advertisers and other partners to analyze how you and other users use our services and use them for advertising purposes.

There may be COOKIES and WEB BEACON placed by advertisers and other partners on our service. These COOKIES and WEB BEACON may collect non-personal identity information about you to analyze how users use these services, send you advertisements that you may be interested in, or evaluate the effectiveness of advertising services. These third-party COOKIES and WEB BEACON collect and use such information not subject to this Privacy Policy, but subject to their own personal information protection declarations, and we are not liable for third-party COOKIES or WEB BEACON.

You can deny or manage COOKIES or WEB BEACON through browser or user selection mechanism. But please note that if you disable COOKIES or WEB BEACON, we may not be able to provide you with the best service experience, and some services may not be used properly. At the same time, you will still receive advertisements, but the correlation between these advertisements and you will be reduced.

We use our own COOKIES and WEB BEACON for the following purposes:

(1) remember your identity. For example: COOKIES and WEB BEACON help us identify you as our registered user, or save you to provide us with information about your preferences or other information;

(2) analyze your use of our services. We can use COOKIES and WEB BEACON to understand what activities you use our services for, or what services or services are most popular; and

(3) advertising optimization. COOKIES and WEB BEACON help us to provide you with advertising related to you based on your information rather than general advertising.

While using COOKIES and WEB BEACON for these purposes, we may provide a summary of non-personal identity information collected by COOKIES and WEB BEACON to advertisers and other partners to analyze how you and other users use our services and use them for advertising purposes.

There may be COOKIES and WEB BEACON placed by advertisers and other partners on our service. These COOKIES and WEB BEACON may collect non-personal identity information about you to analyze how users use these services, send you advertisements that you may be interested in, or evaluate the effectiveness of advertising services. These third-party COOKIES and WEB BEACON collect and use such information not subject to this Privacy Policy, but subject to their own personal information protection declarations, and we are not liable for third-party COOKIES or WEB BEACON.

You can deny or manage COOKIES or WEB BEACON through browser or user selection mechanism. But please note that if you disable COOKIES or WEB BEACON, we may not be able to provide you with the best service experience, and some services may not be used properly. At the same time, you will still receive advertisements, but the correlation between these advertisements and you will be reduced.

We use our own COOKIES and WEB BEACON for the following purposes:

(1) remember your identity. For example: COOKIES and WEB BEACON help us identify you as our registered user, or save you to provide us with information about your preferences or other information;

(2) analyze your use of our services. We can use COOKIES and WEB BEACON to understand what activities you use our services for, or what services or services are most popular; and

(3) advertising optimization. COOKIES and WEB BEACON help us to provide you with advertising related to you based on your information rather than general advertising.

While using COOKIES and WEB BEACON for these purposes, we may provide a summary of non-personal identity information collected by COOKIES and WEB BEACON to advertisers and other partners to analyze how you and other users use our services and use them for advertising purposes.

There may be COOKIES and WEB BEACON placed by advertisers and other partners on our service. These COOKIES and WEB BEACON may collect non-personal identity information about you to analyze how users use these services, send you advertisements that you may be interested in, or evaluate the effectiveness of advertising services. These third-party COOKIES and WEB BEACON collect and use such information not subject to this Privacy Policy, but subject to their own personal information protection declarations, and we are not liable for third-party COOKIES or WEB BEACON.

You can deny or manage COOKIES or WEB BEACON through browser or user selection mechanism. But please note that if you disable COOKIES or WEB BEACON, we may not be able to provide you with the best service experience, and some services may not be used properly. At the same time, you will still receive advertisements, but the correlation between these advertisements and you will be reduced.

  1. An exception granted by authorization.

According to the relevant laws and regulations, it is not necessary to obtain your authorization to collect your information in the following situations:

(1) related to national security and national defense safety;

(2) relating to public safety, public health and major public interests;

(3) related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

(4) In order to safeguard the vital legal rights and interests of the subject of information or other individuals, such as life and property, but it is difficult to obtain your own consent;

(5) the information you collect is publicly available to the public.

(6) Collecting information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

(7) necessary for signing the contract according to your requirements.

(8) Necessary for the safe and stable operation of our services, such as the detection and disposal of product or service failures;

(9) necessary for legitimate news reporting;

(10) When it is necessary for an academic research institution to conduct a statistical or academic research based on the public interest and to provide the results of an academic research or description to the public, the information contained in the results shall be de-identified and processed; (11) other circumstances as prescribed by laws and regulations.
By using or continuing to use our services, you agree that we will collect, use, store and share your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Three, we may share, transfer or disclose information.

(1) share

We will not share your information with any third party other than us without your consent except in the following cases:

1, to provide you with our services. We may share your information with partners and other third parties to achieve the core functions you need or to provide the services you need, such as: providing the corresponding order information to logistics service providers;

2, maintain and improve our services. We may share your information with our partners and other third parties to help us provide you with more targeted and better services, such as: communication service providers who send emails or push notifications on behalf of us, etc.

3, to achieve the purpose of the second section of the privacy policy, "how do we collect and use information"?

  1. To fulfil our obligations under this Privacy Policy or other agreements with you and to exercise our rights;

  2. Share with third parties, such as the partners who commission us to promote, but we will only provide those clients with information about the coverage and effectiveness of the promotion, but not with identifiable information, such as name, telephone number or e-mail; or we will aggregate this information so that it will not be recognized. Don't you alone. For example, we can tell the client how many people have read their promotion information or purchased the client's goods after seeing it, or provide them with statistics that are not personally identifiable to help them understand their audience or customers.

  3. To the extent permitted by laws and regulations, we may exchange information with other companies and organizations in order to comply with the law, safeguard the interests of us and our affiliated parties or partners, you or other our users or the public, property or security from harm, such as to prevent fraud and other illegal activities and reduce credit risk. . However, this does not include selling, leasing, sharing or otherwise disclosing information for profit purposes in violation of the commitments made in this Privacy Policy.

7, in accordance with your legitimate needs, to help you deal with other people's disputes or disputes;

8, provide your information according to your guardian's legal requirements.

  1. Provided in accordance with a single service agreement signed with you (including electronic agreements signed online and corresponding platform rules) or other legal documents;

10, based on academic research;

11, based on compliance with the social and public interests of laws and regulations.

We will only share your information for legitimate, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes. We sign strict confidentiality agreements with companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share information, requiring them to process information in accordance with our instructions, this Privacy Policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

(two) transfer

  1. As our business continues to develop, it is possible for us to conduct mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, and your information may be transferred as part of such transactions. We will require new companies and organizations holding your information to continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy. Otherwise, we will ask the companies and organizations to re-seek authorization from you.

2, we will transfer your information to other parties after obtaining your specific consent.

(three) disclosure

We will disclose your information only if we take safety precautions that meet industry standards:

1, according to your needs, disclose the information you specify under your explicit consent.

  1. We may disclose your information according to the type of information required and the manner of disclosure, if it is necessary to provide your information in accordance with the requirements of laws, regulations, compulsory administrative enforcement or judicial requirements. In accordance with the laws and regulations, when we receive the above disclosure request, we will require the recipient to produce the corresponding legal documents, such as summons or letters of inquiry. We firmly believe that the information we are asked to provide should be as transparent as possible to the extent permitted by law. All requests are carefully reviewed to ensure that they are legitimate and limited to data that law enforcement authorities have a legitimate right to obtain for specific investigation purposes.

Four, how do we keep, store and protect information?

We retain your information only during the period necessary for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy and within the time limits required by the law and regulations.

The information we collect and generate in the operation of People's Republic of China is stored in China.

We will take the following measures to protect your information:

(1) data security technical measures

We will adopt industry-standard security measures, including the establishment of reasonable system specifications, security technology to prevent your information from unauthorized access to use, modify, avoid data damage or loss. Network services adopt a variety of encryption technologies, for example, in some services, we will use encryption technology (such as SSL) to protect your information, take encryption technology to encrypt your information to save, and through isolation technology to isolate.

In the use of information, such as information display, Information Association calculation, we will use a variety of data desensitization technology to enhance the security of information in use. Strict data access control and multiple authentication technology are adopted to protect information and avoid illegal use of data.

(two) other security measures we take to protect information.

We manage the storage and use of standardized information by establishing data classification and classification system, data security management norms, data security development norms.

We have a comprehensive security control over the data through contact confidentiality protocols, monitoring and auditing mechanisms.

Strengthen safety awareness. We will also conduct security and privacy training courses to enhance staff awareness of the importance of protecting information.

(3) We only allow our employees and partners who need to know this information to access your information, and set up strict access control and monitoring mechanisms for this purpose. We also require all personnel who may contact your information to perform their confidentiality obligations. Failure to fulfil these obligations may result in legal liability or suspension of cooperation with us.

(four) we will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that no irrelevant information is collected.

(5) The Internet is not an absolutely secure environment, and the way you communicate with other users, such as email, instant messaging, social software or other service software, is uncertain whether it is fully encrypted. We recommend that you use complex passwords when using such tools and take care to protect your information security.

(6) The Internet environment is not 100% secure. We will try our best to ensure or guarantee the security of any information you send us. If our physical, technical, or managerial protection facilities are damaged, resulting in unauthorized access to information, public disclosure, tampering, or destruction, resulting in damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will assume the corresponding legal responsibility.

(seven) disposal of security incidents

When communicating with third parties or purchasing goods and services through our services, it is unavoidable for you to disclose your information, such as contact information or postal address, to the other party or potential party. Please properly protect your information and provide it to others only if necessary.

In order to deal with the possible risks of information leakage, damage and loss, we have formulated a number of systems to clarify the classification and classification standards of security incidents and vulnerabilities and the corresponding processing procedures. We also set up a special emergency response team for security incidents, according to the requirements of the safety incident handling standards, start safety plans for different security incidents, stop loss, analysis, positioning, formulate remedial measures, joint related departments to trace the source and attack.

After the unfortunate occurrence of information security incidents, we will inform you in time in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of security incidents, the measures we have taken or will take to deal with them, the suggestions you can take on your own to prevent and reduce risks, and the remedial measures for you. At the same time, we will timely inform you of the relevant events by mail, letter, telephone, push notification and other means, it is difficult to inform the main body of information one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective way to publish the announcement. At the same time, we will take the initiative to report the disposal of information security incidents according to the requirements of regulatory authorities.

Please understand that due to technical constraints and risk prevention limitations, even if we have tried to strengthen security measures, can not always guarantee 100% of the information security. You need to understand that your access to the systems and communication networks used by our services may cause problems in situations beyond our control.

Five, how to manage your information

(I) visit, update and delete

We encourage you to update and modify your information to make it more accurate and effective. You can access your information through our services, and according to the management of the corresponding information to complete or require us to modify, add and delete. We will take appropriate technical measures to ensure that you can access, update and correct your own information, or use other information provided by our services as much as possible.

In accessing, updating, correcting, and deleting the above information, we may require you to authenticate to ensure information security. For your information collected through COOKIES and WEB BEACON, we also explain the selection mechanism provided to you in Article 2 of this Privacy Policy, "COOKIES, Log Files, and WEB BEACON". If you want to query, modify or delete some of your information, please log into our Account Center (reg. 163. com) or follow the specific guidelines for a single service.
(two) disclosure and sharing

Our services allow you to share your information publicly not only with your social network, but also with all users who use the service, such as information you upload or publish in our service, your response to information uploaded or published by others, via e-mail or not specifically used in our service Upload or publish your personal information, as well as location data and log information related to that information, in a publicly visible area. As long as you do not delete the information you publish or share, the information may remain in the public domain; even if you delete the shared information, the information may be independently cached, copied or stored by other users or third parties not under our control, or saved by other users or third parties in the public domain. If you disclose or share information through the above channels, resulting in the leakage of your information, we do not assume responsibility. Therefore, we remind and invite you to consider carefully whether to disclose or share your information through the above channels.

(three) write off

Your account number may be cancelled or deleted if it meets the requirements of our service agreement and relevant national laws and regulations. When an account is cancelled or deleted, all service information and data related to the account under the single service will be deleted or processed according to the service agreement of the single service.

(four) change the scope of your authorization agreement.

You can always choose whether to disclose information. Some information is necessary to use our services, but most other information is provided by you. You can change the scope of what you authorize us to continue collecting information or revoke your authorization by deleting information, closing device functions, and so on.

When you withdraw the authorization, we can not continue to provide you with the services corresponding to the withdrawal of the authorization, and no longer process your corresponding information. However, the decision to withdraw your authorization will not affect the information processing that has been done on the basis of your authorization.

(five) hints about sensitive information

Some information may be considered sensitive because of its particularity, such as your race, religion, personal health and medical information, as well as identity documents, personal biometric information, property information, trajectory, minor information, etc.

Please note that the content and information you provide, upload, or publish in our service (such as photos or information about your social activities) may leak sensitive information about you. You need to carefully consider whether to use our service to disclose your sensitive information.

You agree that your sensitive information is processed according to the purpose and way described in this privacy policy.

Six, third party services

Our services may link to social media or other services provided by third parties (including websites or other forms of services). Include:

(1) You can use the "Share" key to share some content to our service, or you can use a third-party service to login to our service. These features may collect your information (including your log information), and may be on your computer device COOKIES, thus running the above functions normally;

(2) We provide links to you through advertising or other means of our services so that you can access third-party services or websites; and

(3) other access to third party services.

The three party's social media or other services are operated by the third party concerned. Your use of such third party social media services or other services (including any information you provide to such third parties) is subject to the third party's own terms of service and information protection declarations (not this Privacy Policy), and you need to read the terms carefully. This Privacy Policy applies only to any information we collect and does not apply to any third-party services or third-party information usage rules, and we are not liable for any third-party use of information provided by you.

Seven, age restriction

We recommend that any minor should obtain the consent of the parents or their legal guardians (hereinafter referred to as "guardians") before participating in online activities. We will protect relevant information of minors according to the relevant laws and regulations of the state.

We encourage parents or guardians to guide minors to use our services. We recommend that minors encourage their parents or guardians to read the Privacy Policy and that minors seek the consent and guidance of their parents or guardians before submitting information.

Eight. Notification and amendment

We may amend the provisions of the Privacy Policy in due course, which form part of the Privacy Policy. For major changes, we will provide more significant notice that you may choose to discontinue using our services; in such cases, if you continue to use our services, you agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.

Any modification will put your satisfaction first. We encourage you to consult our privacy policy every time we use our services.

We may issue service-related announcements when necessary (e.g. when we suspend a service due to system maintenance). You may not be able to cancel these announcements related to service and nature.

Finally, you must have a confidentiality obligation on your account and password information. In any case, please take good care of it.

Nine, how to contact us

If you have any complaints or reports about network information security, or if you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding this Privacy Policy, your information, or any questions about this statement or our privacy measures, please contact our coordinator. The address is ours.
Annex I:

User privacy protection and personal information utilization policy in online games

[Note] According to the Interim Measures for the Management of Online Games and the Required Provisions of the Format Agreement for Online Games (hereinafter referred to as "Required Provisions") formulated by the Ministry of Culture, special regulations have been made to protect the privacy of online game users (hereinafter referred to as "users") and regulate the use of personal information of online game users. Set the policy. Please read carefully all of the following contents (especially the bold underline). If users do not agree with any content of this policy, please do not register or use our services. If the user enters the registration procedure, it means that the user has reached an agreement with us and voluntarily accepts all the contents of this policy. Thereafter, users should not make any form of defense without reading the contents of this policy.

Respecting the privacy of users is one of our basic policies. "Privacy" refers to the personal identity information provided to us by the user when registering our mailbox account, including, but not limited to, the name, valid ID number, contact information, home address, etc. in the user's registration information. We have been actively taking reasonable measures such as technology and management to ensure the security and effectiveness of user accounts; we will use the collected information in good faith, take effective and necessary measures to protect your privacy, and use commercially sound security technical measures to protect your privacy from unauthorized access. Use or leak.

For business needs, we need to work with our affiliates (including but not limited to Guangzhou Our Computer Systems Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Our Thunder Fire Technology Co., Ltd., We (Hangzhou) Network Co., Ltd., We Bao Co., Ltd., Beijing Our Computer Systems Co., Ltd., We have Dao Information Technology (Beijing) We and the above affiliated companies undertake to use the user information in good faith, and we will not disclose or share the names, valid ID numbers, contact information, home addresses and other personal identities in the user registration materials to any other party other than the affiliated companies mentioned above. Information, except in the following cases:

(1) users or user guardians authorize us to disclose;

(2) the relevant laws require us to disclose;

(3) judicial organs or administrative organs provide us with legal procedures.

(4) when we initiate litigation or arbitration for users in order to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

(5) when providing the user's personal identity information when the legal requirements of the guardian are applied.

Special note: This policy is only applicable to users who use our online game services. If this policy is inconsistent with the provisions of the Account Services Terms and the Privacy Policy, the provisions of this policy shall prevail.

Annex two:

We pay for privacy policy.

Important note:

We have always attached importance to protecting the privacy of users (hereinafter referred to as "you"). In particular, we remind users to read carefully and fully understand the various provisions of this policy, especially those relating to the exemption of our liability to pay or the limitation of our payment function, the limitation of user rights, jurisdiction and the application of the law. In order to specifically remind you of restrictions, disclaimers, and other matters concerning your rights and interests, these terms may be bolded to your attention.

In the framework of our privacy policy, due to the particularity of our payment services, in order to better protect your information and inform you of the collection and use of information, we have formulated our payment privacy policy. Please read it carefully and choose to accept or reject it. (Minors should read it with a guardian) . When you agree to our Payment Service Agreement, it means that you have agreed to collect, store, use and share your information in accordance with this policy. Unless you have read and accepted all the provisions of this policy, you will not have the right to use our payment service. Our privacy policy is in conflict with our group's privacy policy, subject to our privacy policy.

If you encounter any obstacle or doubt, you can contact customer service.
(1) collection of personal information of users

In order for you to use our payment service properly, you need to provide us with some information in the following cases, and we will collect your information from a third party that has your information legally in the following cases.

1, perform anti money laundering obligations and carry out real name system management in accordance with laws, regulations and regulations.

(1) When you register our payment account and use our payment service, in accordance with the relevant provisions of anti-money laundering, you need to provide your name, nationality, sex, occupation, address, contact information and the type, number and valid period of the customer's valid ID. If you do not provide the above information, you will not be able to register your account or fail to pay. At the same time, in order to verify the accuracy and completeness of this kind of information, we will verify the information you provide with the legitimate deposit of your information institutions (government agencies, institutions, commercial institutions) for verification.

  1. Payment

(1) In order to enable you to use the express payment service, when you open the express payment service and bind your bank card to our payment account, you need to provide your bank card number, name, ID card number, bank reserved mobile phone number. We will verify this information with the issuing bank. If you do not provide the above information, you will not be able to use the express payment service.

(2) When you make payment to the merchant, in order to let you complete the transaction and achieve the purpose of the transaction, the merchant can check the login name of our payment account, the corresponding name or nickname of the account and the transaction information in the process of payment or after the payment is successful. At the same time, the merchant will send us your payment amount and payment object to confirm whether it is your true intention. According to laws, regulations and regulations, we need to manage the merchants, such as identifying, preventing their cash or fraud, merchants will buy goods, receiving addresses, contact information to us. If you do not agree with the information provided by the merchant, you will not be able to complete the payment.

(3) In order to help you log in safely and quickly, authenticate payment instructions and use other functions provided by our payment, we pay to provide you with face recognition services. When you select the face recognition service we provide, you need to provide us with your face photos or face video.

(4) To help you log in safely and quickly and authenticate payment instructions, you can choose the fingerprint unlocking service and the fingerprint payment service. When you unlock or pay your fingerprints, you need to use your fingerprint information for verification. We will not collect your fingerprint prints. Your fingerprint prints are stored only on your authorized fingerprint collection equipment. If you do not want to provide fingerprints, you can still pay by entering the password.

(5) To protect the security of your account, when you need to retrieve your password, we need to verify your identity information, you need to provide us with the required identity information.

3, complaint handling

In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of you and others, protect the green shopping and legal network payment trading environment, if you are complained or complained by others, we will provide your name and ID card number, complaint related content to the consumer rights and interests protection department and the corresponding regulatory authorities, in order to resolve complaints and disputes in a timely manner. Except for those expressly prohibited by laws and regulations.

4, anti fraud and other risk prevention

In order to prevent your funds and personal information from being acquired and infringed on your legitimate rights and interests, we need to collect your information to determine the risk of your account: when you use our payment service, we may record the type and manner of service you use, the operation information when you use the service, such as your IP address. The version and device identifier used by the mobile device, device identifier, your location, and other log information related to our payment service. To more accurately prevent phishing websites, fraud, and Trojan horse viruses, we may judge risks by understanding some of your network usage habits, software information you use frequently, and may record some URLs, APPs, or software that we consider risky. You can set the Close Collection Location feature so that we stop collecting your location information, which does not affect your payment, but may affect the effectiveness of our judgment on security.
5, in order to provide personalized service and improve service quality.

In order to enhance your service experience and improve service quality, or to guard against risks, or to recommend better or more appropriate services, we will collect the information you provide when you contact the customer service team, collect the information you sent to us when you participated in the questionnaire survey, and the type and manner of service you used. Operational information when using the service, as well as information about mobile applications (APPs) and other software that you have used, will also be paid to us by affiliates and partners to collect legally retained information about your actions and transactions. We will make statistics and analysis of these information to provide you with more accurate, personalized, smooth and convenient services.

6, in order to provide service status notification and query service.

In order to comply with the laws, regulations and regulations, as well as to facilitate you to query the status of transactions or historical records, we will use our payment services when you use the identity information, transaction information, behavior information for archiving, and strictly in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations to properly keep these information. In order to let you know the status of using our payment service, we will send you a service status notification based on this information.

  1. Device permissions call

To provide you with secure and convenient service functions, we pay for some of your device permissions that may be invoked. Here is a list of the device permissions that we may invoke and the corresponding usage purposes. You have the right to choose to close the following permissions at any time, but may affect your use of some or all of the functions we pay for.

The purpose of the device permissions corresponding to the business function call permissions is to ask the user if the permissions can be closed and what functions the user will be affected if they are closed.

Location 1, to do payment wind control; 2, to help users check the location of the bank 1, each time the user logs in to determine whether the user is safe; 2, recommend the user's peripheral bank outlets, convenient for users to find a bank when the first user opens the mobile phone client will pop up the window inquiry is affecting the normal payment business, may lead to User payment fails and bank location search function is not available.

Address Book Mobile Phone Charge Recharge Users can choose the contacts in the address book recharge, no number, enhance user experience before the user chooses the address book will pop-up window inquiry is only manual input phone number recharge

Photo Core Business Function Upload Head Photo Click Upload Head Photo when pop-up window ask is unable to upload Head Photo

Camera core business functions 1, sweep payment; 2, do face recognition wind control checking; 3, scan the bank card identification card number before calling camera service users will pop-up window inquiry is unable to carry out sweep payment, can not pass face recognition for wind control checking, can not scan the bank card.

Notify All Functions Receiving Messages When the user first opens the phone client, the pop-up window asks if the user is unable to receive the notification that we are paying

Wireless Data Full Function Connection Network Program Start up to detect network status, pop-up window inquiry is APP can not be used properly

Open WLAN all function connection network program start-up detection network status, pop-up window inquiry is APP can not be used properly

Storage all functions write to storage user information, storage logs and other information when users first open the mobile phone client pop-up window to ask if APP is not working properly

  1. To the extent permitted by laws and regulations, we may collect and use your personal information without your authorization in the following cases:
    (1) related to national security and national defense safety;

(2) relating to public safety, public health and major public interests;

(3) related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

(4) the personal information you collect is publicly available to the public.

(5) Collecting personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

(6) Necessary for the maintenance of security and compliance of services, such as the detection and disposal of failures in products and services.

(two) how do we share, transfer and disclose personal information publicly?

  1. Sharing

We promise to keep your information confidential. Except as otherwise provided in this Policy and Regulations, share your information with our paying affiliates, our suppliers or partners only in the following circumstances. Our suppliers include technical services, telecommunications services, customer services, wind control services, audit services, legal services. Partners include financial institutions, e-commerce companies and platforms, and cooperative businesses. Below we will pay the affiliated companies, our suppliers and partners as the "third party". Before cooperating with a third party, we will make reasonable commercial efforts to test the third party's security capabilities, assess the legitimacy and necessity of collecting information, sign confidentiality agreements with the third party, conduct technical monitoring of its inquiries, and make reasonable commercial efforts to urge the third party to use your personal letters. Comply with the confidentiality and safety measures stipulated in laws, regulations and agreements. Once it is found that it violates the agreement, it will take effective measures or even terminate cooperation:

  1. share your information with the third party with your consent.

  2. Only by sharing your information can you provide the services you need, or deal with disputes or disputes between you and others. For example, when the counterparty to your transaction or you deny that the transaction is your own operation, we may share the invoice, receipt or transaction information submitted by you with the bank or your counterparty to prove the existence of the transaction and safeguard your legitimate rights and interests.

  3. If you participate in lottery, competition or similar promotion activities, we will use the information you provide to manage such activities. If you win the lottery, you may desensitize your mobile phone number or we pay the login name to publish the winning list. If the event is jointly promoted by us and the third party, we may share with it the personal information (number of users participating in the event, list of winners, contact information of the winners) necessary for the completion of the event, so that the third party can distribute prizes to you or provide services in a timely manner.

  4. Uses that are reasonably necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations and regulatory requirements, safeguard the public interest, or protect other users of ours, the personal and property safety or legitimate rights and interests of our employees that we pay or pay.

  5. In accordance with legal provisions and reasonable business practices, when we plan to merge with or be acquired by other companies or engage in other capital market activities (including but not limited to IPOs, bond issuance), we need to receive due diligence from other parties, and we will provide your information to the necessary parties, but we will By signing confidentiality agreements with these parties, they are required to take reasonable confidentiality measures against your personal information.

  6. If you authorize a third party to inquire and collect the information you pay us, we will share your information with the third party within the scope of law and regulations and within your authorization to the third party.

  7. In accordance with the relevant foreign exchange regulatory laws and regulations and cross-border e-commerce policies, when you use "We Pay" to conduct cross-border e-commerce transactions on cross-border e-commerce platforms (including but not limited to our Koala Shopping), you authorize and agree that "We Pay" will authenticate your payment information and the real name of your payment account. Interest (including name and ID number, etc.) is sent to the cross-border e-commerce platform to provide proxy purchasing and clearing services for you by cross-border e-commerce platform and "we pay" and to send subscriber information to customs for customs clearance. Therefore, you also need to agree that the cross-border e-commerce platform requires you to confirm the relevant agreements, and bear the legal consequences arising therefrom. If it is necessary to provide personal information to a third party outside China to complete the transaction, we will provide this information to the third party outside China under your authorization and in compliance with the laws, administrative regulations and regulatory provisions. There may be different personal information protection laws in the area where the third party concerned is located. We will sign a confidentiality agreement with the third party and transmit the information encrypted. We will make reasonable commercial efforts to urge the third party to abide by the applicable laws and regulations and the confidentiality and security measures stipulated in the agreement when using your personal information.

  1. Transfer

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual, except in the following circumstances:

  1. get your specific consent or authorization in advance.

  2. When it comes to mergers, acquisitions or bankruptcy liquidation, we will require new companies and organizations that hold your personal information to continue to be bound by this policy, otherwise we will ask the companies and organizations to re-seek authorization from you.

  1. Disclosure

We will publicly disclose your personal information only if we take safety precautions that meet industry standards:

1, according to your needs, disclose your personal information under your explicit consent.

  1. We may disclose your personal information publicly according to the type of personal information required and the way of disclosure in accordance with the requirements of laws, regulations, compulsory administrative enforcement or judicial requirements. In accordance with the laws and regulations, when we receive the above disclosure request, we will require the corresponding legal documents, such as summons or letters of inquiry. We firmly believe that the information we are asked to provide should be as transparent as possible to the extent permitted by law. All requests are carefully reviewed to ensure that they are legitimate and limited to data that law enforcement authorities have a legitimate right to obtain for specific investigation purposes.

(three) how do you access and control your personal information?

  1. You can login to our payment account at any time to inquire and manage your personal information under this account. If you encounter any obstacles or questions, you can login to our payment area to obtain relevant information or call our Bao customer service telephone or contact online customer service. However, you may not be able to modify the initial registration information provided for registration because of security and identity considerations or because of mandatory provisions of laws and regulations.

  2. If you want to change the scope of authorization, you can modify the scope of authorization through 1) mobile phone privilege settings (see Help Center for details of the setup process); 2) contact our customer service phone or through online customer service, customer service guide and help you complete the modification of the scope of authorization settings. We will no longer collect this information when you cancel the authorization to collect it, but this may affect your use of some or all of the functions we pay for, as detailed in Article 7 of this Privacy Policy (1).

  3. You can manage or unbind your bank card after you log in to our payment account.

4, you can apply for cancellation of our payment account according to the fourth cancellation clause of our payment service agreement.

After you cancel our payment account, all the information in your account will be emptied. We will not collect, use or share any personal information related to the account. However, because you use the identity information and payment business information retained by the payment service, we still need to keep it in accordance with the regulatory requirements, and in accordance with the regulations. Within the time saved by the law, the authorized organ still has the right to inquire according to law. In order to protect the security of information, we have established a strict account and transaction information protection and management system, regularly evaluate the system, and accept the supervision and management of regulatory authorities.

  1. If you find that we have collected and used your personal information in violation of laws, administrative regulations or agreements with you, you can contact our customer service telephone or through online customer service to request the deletion of your personal information collected under the violation.

  2. If you find that we have collected and stored your personal information wrong, you can contact our customer service phone or request correction through online customer service.

  3. In response to the above 5, 6 requirements, in order to ensure security, we need you to provide relevant identification materials, after verification, we will strictly follow your requirements for processing and feedback results.

  4. Notwithstanding the above-mentioned agreement, we may not be able to respond to your request in the following circumstances, as required by laws and regulations:

(1) related to national security and national defense safety;

(2) relating to public safety, public health and major public interests;

(3) related to criminal investigation, prosecution and trial;

(4) there is ample evidence that you have subjective malice or abuse of rights.

(5) in response to your request, the legitimate rights and interests of other individuals and organizations will be seriously damaged.

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