
时间很快,上次记录感想已经是三个月之前 (6/20)的时候了;时间有的时候真的快的不可思议。。。当然,这三个月也发生了一些新的事情。我不会把每一项都列出来但是可以把大件的事记录下来。

1. 我找到工作了!现在每周五和周六4点到11点都在餐馆打工;其实还听好玩的。希望自己多多积累经验了!(小费还是看自己哦~ :) 、

2. 最后还是决定把微生物给Drop了,所以这个学期有4门课:Calc 3,Genetics,Organic Chemistry,和 Programming;加起来是14个学分。不是太多但是也不少了。虽然开学快一个月了,还是觉得自己不在状态,身体和思想都没有放正。。。每天做Calc作业搞得我想放弃,真的让我很头疼。。。Genetics也是,老师有时候讲的东西真的是让我一头雾水。。。probability也很复杂。Organic现在还可以但是我觉得自己没有真正的懂那些东西 (说实话,freshmen学的东西我已经全部忘得差不多了。。 哎 ☹) 啊! 我不能在这样下去了,MCAT都会用到所以我还是要努力的把他们急下来啊!Programming现在也可以但是还是没有不知道所有的东西。总而言之,现在的课我都是迷迷糊糊的学,根本不太状态,也没有找到一个好的学习方法。每天回到家第一件想做的事就是找吃的然后上网,刷微博看电视什么的。。。哎,我真的要好好的调解自己了。

3. 加油!这个月差不多荒废过去了,所以下面的时间要好好的利用。 

Calculus- Review notes after each lecture and do the Now You Try it Problems. Refer to the textbook and/or  power points for any questions or doubts. Finish each Lecture webassign before the next class.(ex: before Wednesday lecture, finish the webassign that covered the material of Monday lecture). DO PRACTICE PROBLEMS FOR ANY WEAK SPOTS!

Genetics- READ the textbook and take notes while reading! Read the corresponding lecture before lecture! Do the practice problems at the end of each chapter! Figure out any problems on mastering chemistry that I'm not sure about and go to office hours! (**It will be helpful to save all Mastering Genetics Problems sets in Google Drive). Review every collaborative quiz on Wednesday evening and make sure that I understand everything! Understand every in-class problems (powerpoint problems)

Organic- Try to UNDERSTAND the material instead of simply trying to memorize everything~ put yourself in the shoe of a "electron". READ THE TEXTBOOK and take notes! After each lecture, go to textbook and do corresponding practice problems! Understand the concept before the next lecture so I don't get confused. **There is no supplemental material for Chem so it really depends on your own effort. 

Programming- Read both zyBooks and MindTap! Write or jog down notes on important concepts and make sure you understand every topic--> go to office hours if needed~ 


Fighting~ I know you can do it. A lot of effort is needed but you will need it soon or later, so why waste time and struggle later when you can actually do everything now? 
