






以下十首很不错hip hop,趁着《中国有嘻哈》的热播,这里也推荐给大家,附点评。



Fort Minor —— Remember the Name

这首基本上玩CS+看NBA的哥们儿肯定都听过,因为被太多CS高手集锦或者NBA灌篮集锦作为BGM衬乐了。Linkin Park里负责Rap的那位Mike Shinoda老哥牵头搞的说唱团体Fort Minor,但出完一张之后到现在反正我是没听到什么新动静……这一首副歌部分的押韵非常上口,而且整体填词属于热血而积极向上的风格,入门推荐。

This is ten percent luck, twenty percent 【skill】

Fifteen percent concentrated power of 【will】

Five percent pleasure, fifty percent 【pain】

And a hundred percent reason to remember the 【name】

——《Remember the Name》


Kanye West —— Heartless

侃爷作为当下美国乐坛Hip-Hop圈炙手可热的一线制作人,当年真正让我认识他的就是这首Heartless,旋律性很足,没那么硬,被翻唱过很多版本(The Fray和美国偶像某一届的冠军Kris Allen的版本相对流传最广),也很适合入门。

You run and tell your friends that you're leavin' 【me】

They say that they don't see what you see in【me】

You wait a couple months, then you gonna 【see】

You'll never find nobody better than【me】

—— 《Heartless》


Eminem —— Mockingbird

聊Rap不提Rap God就好像聊篮球不提乔丹,聊网球不提费德勒一样,Eminem是什么时候都不可能绕过去的一个名字,他就是那个Rap God。说唱圈子有个毛病,仿佛推荐这些人尽皆知天皇巨星显得特没逼格,一定要跟你拽几个贫民窟里吃了上顿没下顿的十八线小Rapper才是真正懂行的,同理可见电影圈,你推崇诺兰和昆汀就是随大流,一定要彰显你爱的是欧洲不知名的小众文艺片导演才叫真正电影文青。

说回这首,因为要推荐Eminem的话经典就太太太太太多了,从My Name Is到Lose yourself到这两年的Beautiful之类。这里推荐这首作为听Eminem的入门,是因为不光能接触到他的说唱功力与押韵技巧,你还能顺便了解到他真的是一个很爱女儿的父亲。而这点其实比很多整天喊打喊杀假装自己是匪帮的饶舌歌手更Real。Real,真实,这可是嘻哈圈子最最看重的特质,基本上大部分Beef(俩人互相写歌对喷)里重点攻击对方的部分都是喷对方不够Real。听听这首,感受一下这个人到底有多真实。

Hailie, I know you miss your mom

And I know you miss your 【dad 】when I'm gone

But I'm tryin' to give you the 【life】 that I never 【had】

I can see you're 【sad】

Even when you smile

Even when you 【laugh】

I can see it in your 【eyes】

Deep inside you wanna 【cry】

Cuz you're 【scared】

I ain't 【there】,

Daddy's with you in your 【prayers】

No more cryin'

Wipe them 【tears】

Daddy's 【here】

No more 【nightmares】

Hailie, I know you miss your mom

And I know you miss your dad when I'm gone

But I'm tryin' to give you the life that I never had

I can see you're sad, even when you smile, even when you laugh

I can see it in your eyes, deep inside you wanna cry

‘Cause you're scared, I ain't there

Daddy's with you in your prayers

No more crying, wipe them tears

Daddy's here, no more nightmares

—— 《Mockingbird》


2Pac —— Thugz Mansion

如果说Eminem是Rap届的乔丹,那张伯伦非2Pac莫属。当年美国东西海岸的对抗发展到巅峰就是2Pac和The Notorious B.I.G.(简称Biggie)相爱相杀的故事。八卦暂且不提,2Pac的产量高到什么程度,他死后唱片公司把他生前写好的歌每年出一张专辑卖,一直卖到现在,你就明白这人创作能力有多恐怖了。

Dear momma don't cry, your baby boy's doin 【good】

Tell the homies I'm in heaven and they ain't got 【hoods】

Seen a show with Marvin Gaye last night, it had me 【shook】

Drippin peppermint Schnapps, with Jackie Wilson, and Sam 【Cooke】

Then some lady named Billie 【Holiday】

Sang sittin there kickin it with Malcolm, 'til the day 【came】

Little LaTasha sho' 【grown】

Tell the lady in the liquor that she's forgiven, so come【 home】

——《Thugz Mansion》


The Notorious B.I.G. —— Notorious Thugs


Armed and 【dangerous】

Ain't too many can 【bang with us】

Straight up weed; no angel 【dust】

Label 【us】 "【Notorious】【 thug-ass】【 niggas】

That love to 【bust】," it's strange to 【us】

Y'all niggas be 【scramblin'】, 【gamblin'】

Up in restaurants with 【mandolins】 and 【violins】

We just sittin' here tryna 【win】, try not to 【sin】

High off weed and lots of 【gin】

So much smoke, need 【oxygen】

Steadily countin' them 【Benjamins】

——《Notorious Thugs》


T.I. —— Dead and Gone

美国说唱届可不只有东西对抗,性格彪悍的南部人民玩起Hip-Hop也从来没服过谁。这是有南部之王称号的T.I.和贾老板Justin Timberlake合作的一曲,为了纪念因为与人口角而被枪杀的好友。

No more 【stress】, now I'm 【straight】

Now I get it, now I 【take】

Time to think before I 【make】

Mistakes just for my family's 【sake】

That part of me left 【yesterday】

The heart of me is strong 【today】

No regrets, I'm blessed to 【say】

The old me dead and gone 【away】

——《Dead and Gone》


Chamillionaire —— The Evening News

虽然T.I.号称南部之王,但在我个人心里,南部说唱最强的人叫Chamillionaire,外号混音弥赛亚,无论是旋律还是歌词深刻程度都绝对是高手中的高手。Hip-Hop不光讲究real,还讲究ill(和中文的「变态」类似,贬义褒用,说一个Rapper够ill意思就是这人屌爆了,太变态了,强到炸裂之类),去找他的歌,感受一下什么叫THE Realist & Illist。这首The Evening News里虽然因为时间原因,里面提到的小布什啊拉登啊之类的人都退出大家视线或者退出这个世界很久了,但真的,你听不懂英文也建议你找份歌词对着听一下,他对社会问题的反思程度绝对不是一般Rapper能比的。

We still haven't found Pac's 【killer】, still haven't found Biggie's 【either】

30 minutes into the case they got tired and took a 【breather】

Snoop Dogg just got arrested, everyday he gets a 【new subpoena】

Innocent when murder was the case so the prosecution got a 【middle finger】

Hip-Hop is sweeping the nation, but the contents seem so 【degrading】

Most rappers got new albums that white kids are 【anticipating】

If you don't like it on the radio or the 【television】 then switch the 【station】

Flavor Flav get a lot of 【ratings】, Bill O'Reilly somewhere is 【hating】

Kanye just said WHAT? the president ain't got time for 【that】

The White House is going to stay 【white】 even tho' we know Obama's【 black】

9/11 was a calculation, and some would say it was a timed 【attack】

He gave a speech on CNN, "They bombed us, now we're bombing【 back】"

Where the heck is Osama 【at】?

——《Evening News》


Nas —— One Mic


All I need is one mic, one beat, one stage

One nigga front, my face on the front page

Only if I had one gun, one girl and one crib

One God to show me how to do things his son did

Pure, like a cup of virgin blood

Mixed with 151, one sip'll make a nigga flip

Writin' names on my hollow tips, plottin' shit

Mad violence, who I'm gon' body? This hood politics

——《One Mic》


Tech N9ne —— Worldwide Choppers

九爷的这首说实话,拿出来推荐只是单纯让你们知道一下,Rap技术的极限基本上在什么样的高度。里面帮唱的包括Twista和Busta Rhymes这种人都是舌头快到旋转爆炸的怪物,尤其Verse 7里Busta Rhymes的表演,你要是真能口齿清晰地把他这段儿背出来,吴亦凡绝对不会问你还有没有Freestyle。

See, now they ask when I'ma stop it, my dude

And when I'ma cock it and pop it

And when I'ma drop it, my dude

Inevitably, it's that I'ma be the most incredible dude

To ever spit on the record and put it together, my dude

And then they ask “What in the world is you proving

Wh-when you were already the best?”

And “What the hell is he doing?”

Well, I'ma be choppin' and cuttin'

And breakin' and beatin' and shakin'

And fucking everything up 'til I make no further mistake and

Busting everything up, like a fuckin' angry Jamaican

And shutting everything up

Especially the ones who be hatin'

They loving everything until I got 'em stuttering-stupid

You hear 'em now? “D-d-d-d-don’t do-do-do-do it

P-p-p-please, wh-wh-wh-why you gotta t-try us?

W-w-w-w-we already know that you be the nicest”

And now I'ma come and kill 'em

Get them, hit them, and finish them

And bang 'em in the head and diminish them

And then I'll hit 'em again at a minimum

Repeat it, coming to killing 'em

Then he be gotta be drilling them

Thinking “They gotta be feeling him”

Spitting lithium, see the way a nigga be spilling them

And getting them stupid

To the point where there's no forgiving him

Hoping you're listenin' and you're paying attention

And you're witnessin' the way that I be christening in the mic

And getting in the zone, I be flattening and packing in

People from the front to the back and

They got me acting a fool, I'm black and, nigga, now I'm home

—— 《Worldwide Choppers》

(以上这一段词,Busta Rhymes只用了44秒。尤其从hit 'em again at a minimum到Thinking “They gotta be feeling him”这四句,差不多是1秒一句。)


周杰伦 —— 四面楚歌










好像要对着我诉说 什么 阴谋






