今天碰到一个奇怪的故障,因为公司统一要部署windows 7企业版,今天有一台笔记本是旗舰版的,需要把他部署到企业版,我按照平时的方法,用USB启动U盘启动MDT的引导文件,结果出现上述英文:setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system.。


(1)我把硬盘格式化,然后把C盘设置活动分区,然后把USB启动盘启动,已经到任务序列了,但是到格式化,载入操作系统的时候,还是出现setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system.。



 "Setup was unable to create a system partition or locate an existing system partition."  Here is how you can resolve it:

1st  If you have multiple disk on your system you have to unplug every other disk and just leave the one you want to install win 7.
2nd  once you took out all the other disks temporarily start your computer with the win 7 cd on the cd or dvd drive run it.  when you come to the install just install it on the right partition you want to install it  and will work if not.

3rd go to repair option under the install then click next it will take you to recovery options just click on the dos prompt last option and then run diskpart

4rth you should use diskpart to instraction here http://support.microsoft.com/kb/300415/ and create a primary partition should be atleast 9 GB. then exit

5th come back and click on the X buttons to close to come back to the install and it shall work perfectly.

initially the idea is if you take the other disks out and just leave the primary on it shall work. Hope this works for you!! let me know

