流利说 D17 2018-06-22



Listening-"States and Matter"

1、Matter is (made) of atoms and molecules.

2、These states (depend) on the temperature of the molecules.

3、When we (cool) a substance, the molecules (move) (more) slowly.

4、The solid (begins) to (melt), like ice cream on a (hot) day.

5、In a solid, the molecules move very little.

6、Water, for example, is the H2O molecule.

7、To change a solid into a liquid, add heat.

8、A molecule of sugar has many atoms, including carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

9、At a certain temperature, a solid (begins) to change (into) a liquid.

10、At a certain temperature, the liquid (begins) to (change) into a gas.

11、Over 90 (percent) of the (Sun) is hydrogen (gas).

12、Everything inside the sun is a gas.

13、Inside a star, such as our sun, the temperature is very high.

14、According to scientists, there are over 65 elements, inside the Sun.

15、For water, the liquid begins to change into a gas at 100 degrees Celsius.

16、Water and ice are the (same) substance (but) they are in (different) states.

17、Their positions are almost fixed.

18、If we (continue) to heat a liquid, the molecules move (even) (faster).

19、That is the boiling point of water.

20、Over 90 percent of the Sun is hydrogen gas.

21、For some substances, such as steel, the temperature at which it becomes a liquid is much higher.

22、Substances (like) sugar have (many) atoms in (their) molecules.

23、To be fixed (means) that their positions (don't) (change).

24、When we cool a substance to its freezing point, it becomes a solid.

25、The temperature (at) which a solid changes (into) a liquid (depends) on the substances.

26、Everything inside the Sun is a gas.



Listening-"Test Results"

1、There (were) 25 questions on the test and they (had) 45 minutes to (take) it.

2、Eleven students had (below) average (scores).

3、Two students got perfect scores.

4、The lowest score was 68 out of a hundred.

5、Yesterday there was an important science test.

6、The test was about the states of matter and how they are different.

7、The (next) test will (be) in (about) two weeks.

8、Tom scored two points higher than Lisa did.

9、Her score was 4 points higher than the average score.

10、He didn't study hard, so his result was better than he expected.

11、She studied hard for the test, but she still didn't do well.

1)、How did you do on yesterday's science test?

2)、I didn't do very well. I expected to do better than I did.

3)、So you did better than I did! And I really studied for it too.

4)、Yes. I wasn't careful. I made one really stupid mistake.

5)、I said 90 percent of the Sun is helium instead of hydrogen.

6)、The average score was 86.3, and the lowest was 68.

7)、No, I don't. I don't know who got the lowest score. It's probably a secret!

8)、I think Ada and Sanjay both got perfect scores.




1、When he's really (angry), he (often) shouts (like) this.

2、Her boyfriend just (called) and he is (returning) from a long (trip).

3、She is screaming because she is really scared.

4、She's smiling because she's happy.

5、She's sleeping because she's tired.

6、She got some bad news a few minutes ago.

7、He likes kinds of games, including this video game on his computer.



A: When I was in Indonesia, I encountered a lot of different behavior.

B:Like what?

A: My friends asked me to pay for almost every meal!

B:Yeah, that's normal.

A: They weren't taking advantage of me?

B:No, the food was cheap, right?

A: It was very cheap! But in the West, we usually spilt (平摊) the bill.

B: It's cheap for you, so they assume you would pay.

A:I'll have to remember that next time I go to Indonesia.

B:Yeah, don't be stingy!

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