1. 这是什么词?
英英释义:to make deep or deeper
例句:Traveling and meeting new people can deepen our knowledge of the world.
2. 为什么选这个词?
“deepen”是个动词,来自于我们熟悉的形容词“deep”,主要意思是“加深”。deepen 常和名词 situation/relationship/emotion/knowledge/understanding 等搭配使用,是个让表达更简洁的小词。
Traveling and meeting new people can deepen our knowledge of the world.
Analysis skills developed from reading help deepen critical thinking skills.
我们再来看《经济学人》中出现过的几个句子来体会 deepen 的灵活用法:
a) New types of religious state school deepen segregation.
b) It will doubtless deepen Hungary’s cultural and generational divide.
c) The task facing Britain in the early 1990s was to broaden and deepen Thatcher's reforms.
许多形容词都可以通过加后缀 -en 变成形容词,比如 widen,broaden,sharpen,sadden,harden 等,我们在阅读时要注意收集,让自己的表达更简洁、富于变化。
3. 怎样学会使用这个词?
1)翻译下面的句子: 主动倾听可以加强信任和互相理解。
(参考翻译:Active listening can deepen trust and mutual understanding.)
场景 1:你刚刚说的加深了我对当前状况的了解。
造句:What you said just now deepens my understanding of the current situation.
造句:The book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, deepens our understanding about human nature.
例句:If this is not stopped, the financial crisis will deepen.
My marriage was rough, but it deepened my emotions, it made me think about life.
The course is an exciting opportunity for anyone wishing to deepen their understanding of themselves and other people.
I’m trying to deepen my understanding of local history.
It certainly helped to deepen my understanding of the situation.
He did not get a chance to deepen his knowledge of Poland. 他没有机会更深入地了解波兰。
The simple act of sitting and talking about things that matter can do wonders to deepen the understanding we have for one another.我们只需要坐下来,和家人深入交谈我们关心的事,这样能加深彼此间的了解,拉近彼此的距离
Be conscious of this in your relationships, and think about what efforts you can make to deepen your connection with people who matter to you. 在你的人际关系中请记住这一点,并想想对于那些对你重要的人,你能做些什么来增进相互的情感联系。