1. Open a terminal on a Mac running OS X Sierra.Enter the following command:
sudo -i
  1. Enter the following command:
nano /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
  1. Scroll down to:
com2sec local localhost COMMUNITY
com2sec mynetwork NETWORK/24 COMMUNITY
  1. Replace with:
com2sec local localhost private
com2sec mynetwork NETWORK/24 public
  1. Scroll down to:
rocommunity public default .
  1. Replace with:
rocommunity public default .1
  1. Scroll down to:
#rwcommunity private
  1. Replace with:
rwcommunity private
  1. Press y.
  2. Press Enter.
  3. Enter the following in the terminal:
launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/snmp.snmpd.plist

你可能感兴趣的:(Mac OSX启用SNMP服务)