Prism Training Kit 4.0

上周刚刚发布的支持Windows Phone 7的Prism 4.0最终版Damian, Diego, GuidoEzequiel更新了Prism Training Kit ,这个beta版的Training Kit包括5个动手实验涵盖了Prism的核心概念(modularity, bootstrapping, dependency injection, UICompositionCommunication):

  1. Modularity Lab: Shows how to decouple your solution using modules. Includes step-by-step guidance on how to configure modules in code and using a XAML ModulesCatalog. There is also an exercise that explains how to load Silverlight modules remotely.
  2. Dependency Injection Lab: Shows how to register and consume services in a decoupled way. Explains the main features of Unity, and how to register and resolve dependencies.
  3. Bootstrapper Lab: Shows how to customize the bootstrapping of your application. Explains how to configure a custom logger.
  4. UIComposition Lab: Shows how to compose the UI of you application from several decoupled views. Includes brief step-by-step explanation on using the MVP pattern and the use of controllers. Explains the use of the RegionManager and RegionViewRegistry for ViewInjection and ViewDiscovery.
  5. Communication Lab: Shows how to communicate between modules in a decoupled way. Includes brief step-by-step guidance on using the MVVM pattern (and refactoring from MVP) and detailed steps for using DelegateCommands with AttachedBehaviors. Publishing and Subscribing using the EventAggregator is also described.
  6. MEF Lab: Explains how to load modules using a MEF container for dependency injection, how to use the new ViewExport attribute, how to load modules remotely and monitor its download progress.
  7. Navigation Lab: Explains the view-based navigation approach supported by the Prism API. It shows how to pass parameters between views, canceling/confirming navigation, and how to use the navigation Journal.
