Dropwizard Getting Start


Getting Start

Getting Startedwill guide you through the process of creating a simple Dropwizard Project: Hello World. Along the way, we’ll explain the various underlying libraries and their roles, important concepts in Dropwizard, and suggest some organizational techniques to help you as your project grows. (Or you can just skip to the fun part.)

入门指南将会引导你完成创建一个简单的Dropwizard项目:Hello Word。整个过程中,我们会介绍其引用的底层类库和作用,Zropwizard框架的重要概念,在项目实现过程中介绍一些组织性的技术。(你也可以跳过Getting Start步骤)


Dropwizard straddles the line between being a library and a framework. Its goal is to provide performant, reliable implementations of everything a production-ready web application needs. Because this functionality is extracted into a reusable library, your application remains lean and focused, reducing both time-to-market and maintenance burdens.


Jetty for HTTP

Because you can’t be a web application without HTTP, Dropwizard uses the Jetty HTTP library to embed an incredibly tuned HTTP server directly into your project. Instead of handing your application off to a complicated application server, Dropwizard projects have a main method which spins up an HTTP server. Running your application as a simple process eliminates a number of unsavory aspects of Java in production (no PermGen issues, no application server configuration and maintenance, no arcane deployment tools, no class loader troubles, no hidden application logs, no trying to tune a single garbage collector to work with multiple application workloads) and allows you to use all of the existing Unix process management tools instead.

Web应用程序离不开HTTP,Zropwizard框架直接将Jetty Http插件(Http服务器)嵌入到你的Web应用程序中。你不需要将项目交给一个复杂的Web服务器,Zropwizard项目提供一个main方法快速启动一个HTTP服务器(Jetty)。通过一个简单的过程运行你的Java应用程序而排除一系列复杂的事情。(没有PermGen问题,没有应用服务器配置和维护,没有复杂的部署工具,没有类加载器的困扰,没有隐藏的应用日志,不用调试垃圾回收器来解决多应用负载),允许使用所有现成的Unix进程管理工具。

Jersey for REST

For building RESTful web applications, we’ve found nothing beats Jersey(the JAX-RS reference implementation) in terms of features or performance. It allows you to write clean, testable classes which gracefully map HTTP requests to simple Java objects. It supports streaming output, matrix URI parameters, conditional GET requests, and much, much more.


Jackson for JSON

In terms of data formats, JSON has become the web’s lingua franca, and Jackson is the king of JSON on the JVM. In addition to being lightning fast, it has a sophisticated object mapper, allowing you to export your domain models directly.


Metrics for metrics

The Metrics library rounds things out, providing you with unparalleled insight into your code’s behavior in your production environment.


And Friends

In addition to Jetty,Jersey, andJackson, Dropwizard also includes a number of libraries to help you ship more quickly and with fewer regrets.


Guava, which, in addition to highly optimized immutable data structures, provides a growing number of classes to speed up development in Java.


Logback and slf4j for performant and flexible logging.


Hibernate Validator, the JSR 349 reference implementation, provides an easy, declarative framework for validating user input and generating helpful and i18n-friendly error messages.

Hibernate Validator,JSR 349参考实现,为验证用户输入提供了一个简单的声明框架,并生成有用的和易于使用的I18n友好的错误消息。

The Apache HttpClient and Jersey client libraries allow for both low- and high-level interaction with other web services.

Apache HttpClient和Jersey客户端库允许与其他Web服务进行低级和高级别的交互。

JDBI is the most straightforward way to use a relational database with Java.


Liquibase is a great way to keep your database schema in check throughout your development and release cycles, applying high-level database refactorings instead of one-off DDL scripts.


Freemarker and Mustache are simple templating systems for more user-facing applications.


Joda Time is a very complete, sane library for handling dates and times.

Joda  Time是一个非常完整明智的类库 ,用于处理日期和时间。

Now that you’ve gotten the lay of the land, let’s dig in!


Setting Up Using Maven

We recommend you use Maven for new Dropwizard applications. If you’re a big Ant/Ivy,Buildr,Gradle,SBT,Leiningen, or Gant fan, that’s cool, but we use Maven, and we’ll be using Maven as we go through this example application. If you have any questions about how Maven works,Maven: The Complete Reference should have what you’re looking for.


You have three alternatives from here:


1、Create a project using dropwizard-archetype


mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=io.dropwizard.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=java-simple -DarchetypeVersion=[REPALCE WITH A VALID DROPWIZARD VERSION]

2、Look at the dropwizard-example


3、Follow the tutorial below to see how you can include it in your existing project



First, add adropwizard.versionproperty to your POM with the current version of Dropwizard (which is 1.2.0):



Add the dropwizard-core library as a dependency:







Alright, that’s enough XML. We’ve got a Maven project set up now, and it’s time to start writing real code.


Creating A Configuration Class

Each Dropwizard application has its own subclass of the Configuration class which specifies environment-specific parameters. These parameters are specified in a YAML configuration file which is deserialized to an instance of your application’s configuration class and validated.


The application we’ll be building is a high-performance Hello World service, and one of our requirements is that we need to be able to vary how it says hello from environment to environment. We’ll need to specify at least two things to begin with: a template for saying hello and a default name to use in case the user doesn’t specify their name.

我们将要构建的应用是一个高性能的Hello World服务,要求我们需要改变从环境到环境的去调用hello服务。我们至少要说明两件事情:一个是hello服务的模版和一个特定的服务名称。

Here’s what our configuration class will look like, full example conf here:



import io.dropwizard.Configuration;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;

import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotEmpty;

public class HelloWorldConfiguration extends Configuration {   


private String template; 


private String defaultName="Stranger";


public String getTemplate()  {

 return template;



public void setTemplate(String template) {




public String getDefaultName() { returndefaultName;



public void setDefaultName(Stringname) {




There’s a lot going on here, so let’s unpack a bit of it.


When this class is deserialized from the YAML file, it will pull two root-level fields from the YAML object:template, the template for our Hello World saying, and defaultName, the default name to use. Both template and defaultName are annotated with @NotEmpty, so if the YAML configuration file has blank values for either or is missing template entirely an informative exception will be thrown, and your application won’t start.

这个配置类从YAML配置文件反序列化,将从YAML文件中匹配根节点字段:template,Hello World服务模板以及默认名称。template和defaultName都使用了@NotEmpty注解,所以如果你的YAML配置文件中没有对应的值或者没有模板信息,你的应用将会出错并且不能运行。

Both the getters and setters for template and defaultName are annotated with @JsonProperty, which allows Jackson to both deserialize the properties from a YAML file but also to serialize it.



The mapping from YAML to your application’s Configuration instance is done by Jackson. This means your Configuration class can use all of Jackson’s object-mapping annotations. The validation of @NotEmpty is handled by Hibernate Validator, which has a wide range of built-in constraints for you to use.


YAML配置文件信息通过Jackson映射到应用配置实例上,这意味着你的配置类可以使用所有的Jackson的映射注解。@NotEmpty注解的由Hibernate Validator验证,具有广泛的内置约束。

Our YAML file will then look like the below, full example yml here:


template:Hello, %s!


Dropwizard has many more configuration parameters than that, but they all have sane defaults so you can keep your configuration files small and focused.


So save that YAML file in the directory you plan to run the fat jar from (see below) as hello-world.yml, because we’ll be getting up and running pretty soon, and we’ll need it. Next up, we’re creating our application class!


Creating An Application Class

Combined with your project’s Configuration subclass, its Application subclass forms the core of your Dropwizard application. The Application class pulls together the various bundles and commands which provide basic functionality. (More on that later.) For now, though, our HelloWorld Application looks like this:


package com.example.helloworld;

import io.dropwizard.Application;

import io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap;

import io.dropwizard.setup.Environment;

import com.example.helloworld.resources.HelloWorldResource;

import com.example.helloworld.health.TemplateHealthCheck;

public class HelloWorldApplication extends Application {

public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception {

new HelloWorldApplication().run(args);



public String getName() {

return "hello-world";



public void initialize(Bootstrap bootstrap) {

// nothing to do yet



public void run(HelloWorldConfiguration configuration,Environment environment) {

// nothing to do yet



As you can see,HelloWorld Application is parameterized with the application’s configuration type,HelloWorld Configuration. An initialize method is used to configure aspects of the application required before the application is run, like bundles, configuration source providers, etc. Also, we’ve added a static main method, which will be our application’s entry point. Right now, we don’t have any functionality implemented, so our run method is a little boring. Let’s fix that!


Creating A Representation Class

Before we can get into the nuts-and-bolts of our Hello World application, we need to stop and think about our API. Luckily, our application needs to conform to an industry standard,RFC 1149, which specifies the following JSON representation of a Hello World saying:

在我们深入了解Hello World服务之前,我们需要停下来去思考我们的API。幸运的是,我们的应用需要遵从行业规范RFC 1149,规范规定了Hello World服务的JSON数据形式:





The id field is a unique identifier for the saying, and contentis the textual representation of the saying. (Thankfully, this is a fairly straight-forward industry standard.)


To model this representation, we’ll create a representation class:


package com.example.helloworld.api;

import   com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;

import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Length;

public class Saying {

private long id;


 private String content;

public Saying()


// Jackson deserialization


public Saying(long id, String content) {





public long getId() {




public String getContent() {

return content;



This is a pretty simple POJO, but there are a few things worth noting here.


First, it’s immutable. This makes Saying instances very easy to reason about in multi-threaded environments as well as single-threaded environments. Second, it uses the JavaBeans standard for the id and content properties. This allows Jackson to serialize it to the JSON we need. The Jackson object mapping code will populate the id field of the JSON object with the return value of #getId(), like wise with content and #getContent(). Lastly, the bean leverages validation to ensure the content size is no greater than 3.



The JSON serialization here is done by Jackson, which supports far more than simple JavaBean objects like this one. In addition to the sophisticated set of annotations, you can even write your custom serializers and deserializers.



Now that we’ve got our representation class, it makes sense to start in on the resource it represents.


Creating A Resource Class

Jersey resources are the meat-and-potatoes of a Dropwizard application. Each resource class is associated with a URI template. For our application, we need a resource which returns new Saying instances from the URI/hello-world, so our resource class looks like this:


package com.example.helloworld.resources;

import com.example.helloworld.api.Saying;

import com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed;

import javax.ws.rs.GET;importjavax.ws.rs.Path;

import javax.ws.rs.Produces;importjavax.ws.rs.QueryParam;

import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import java.util.Optional;



public class HelloWorldResource {

private final String template;

private final String defaultName;

private final AtomicLong counter;

public HelloWorldResource(String template,String defaultName) {

this.template = template;

this.defaultName = defaultName;

this.counter = newAtomicLong();




public Saying sayHello(@QueryParam("name") Optional) {

final Stringvalue = String.format(template,name.orElse(defaultName));

return new Saying(counter.incrementAndGet(),value);



Finally, we’re in the thick of it! Let’s start from the top and work our way down.


HelloWorldResource has two annotations:@Pathand@Produces.@Path("/hello-world") tells Jersey that this resource is accessible at the URI/hello-world, and @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) lets Jersey’s content negotiation code know that this resource produces representations which areapplication/json.


HelloWorldResource takes two parameters for construction: the template it uses to produce the saying and the defaultName used when the user declines to tell us their name. An AtomicLong provides us with a cheap, thread-safe way of generating unique(ish) IDs.



Resource classes are used by multiple threads concurrently. In general, we recommend that resources be stateless/immutable, but it’s important to keep the context in mind.



#sayHello(Optional) is the meat of this class, and it’s a fairly simple method. The @QueryParam("name") annotation tells Jersey to map the name parameter from the query string to the name parameter in the method. If the client sends a request to /hello-world?name=Dougie,sayHello will be called with Optional.of("Dougie"); if there is no name parameter in the query string,sayHello will be called with Optional.absent(). (Support for Guava’s Optional is a little extra sauce that Dropwizard adds to Jersey’s existing functionality.)

#sayHello(Optional)是这个resource类的主要核心,是一个简单的方法。@QueryParam("name")注解告诉Jersey映射name参数从这个方法的查询字符串中的name参数。 如果用户发送请求/hello-world?name=Dougie,sayHello将会被调用Optional.of("Dougie");如果请求中没有name参数,sayHello将会被调用Optional.absent()。(支持Guava’s Optional类库增强了Jersey已有的功能)


If the client sends a request to /hello-world?name=,sayHello will be called with Optional.of(""). This may seem odd at first, but this follows the standards (an application may have different behavior depending on if a parameter is empty vs nonexistent). You can swap Optional parameter with NonEmpty String Param if you want /hello-world?name= to return “Hello, Stranger!” For more information on resource parameters see the documentation


如果客户端发送请求/hello-world?name=,sayHello将被调用Optional.of("")。这看起来奇怪,但是符合标准(服务可能有不同的行为依据传入参数是否为空不存在)。如果你想/hello-world?name=返回“Hello, Stranger!”你可以使用非空字符参数替换 Optional,更多的资源参数信息参考官方文档。

In side the sayHello method, we increment the counter, format the template using String.format(String,Object...), and return a new Saying instance.


Because sayHello is annotated with@Timed, Dropwizard automatically records the duration and rate of its invocations as a Metrics Timer.


Once sayHello has returned, Jersey takes the Saying instance and looks for a provider class which can write Saying instances as application/json. Dropwizard has one such provider built in which allows for producing and consuming Java objects as JSON objects. The provider writes out the JSON and the client receives a 200OK response with a content type of application/json.

一旦sayHello有返回结果,Jersey就会采用Saying实例并寻找一个可以将Saying实例写为application / json的提供者类。Dropwizard内置了一个这样的提供者,它允许生成和使用Java对象作为JSON对象。提供者写出JSON对象,客户端接收到200的结果和application/json类型的数据内容。

Registering A Resource

Before that will actually work, though, we need to go back to HelloWorldApplication and add this new resource class. In its run method we can read the template and default name from the HelloWorldConfiguration instance, create a new HelloWorldResource instance, and then add it to the application’s Jersey environment:

在启动项目提供服务之前,我们需要回到HelloWorldApplication类中添加一个资源类。在run方法中我们读取template和default name属性从HelloWorldConfiguration实例,创建一个新的 HelloWorldResource实例并将其注册到Jersey环境中:


public void run(HelloWorldConfiguration configuration, Environment environment) { final HelloWorldResource resource = new HelloWorldResource(      configuration.getTemplate(),





When our application starts, we create a new instance of our resource class with the parameters from the configuration file and hand it off to the Environment, which acts like a registry of all the things your application can do.

当应用运行后,我们为resource类创建一个新的实例并注入configuration 文件实例的参数,像是一个可做事情的列表一样。


A Dropwizard application can contain many resource classes, each corresponding to its own URI pattern. Just add another @Path-annotated resource class and call register with an instance of the new class.


Dropwizard应用包含很多的resource类,每个resource类都有特定的uri模版。只需添加另一个@ Path注释的资源类,并使用新类的实例调用注册。

Before we go too far, we should add a health check for our application.


Creating A Health Check

Health checks give you a way of adding small tests to your application to allow you to verify that your application is functioning correctly in production. We strongly recommend that all of your applications have at least a minimal set of health checks.



We recommend this so strongly, in fact, that Dropwizard will nag you should you neglect to add a health check to your project.



Since formatting strings is not likely to fail while an application is running (unlike, say, a database connection pool), we’ll have to get a little creative here. We’ll add a health check to make sure we can actually format the provided template:


package com.example.helloworld.health;

import com.codahale.metrics.health.HealthCheck;

public class TemplateHealthCheck extends HealthCheck {

private final String template;

public TemplateHealthCheck(String template) { this.template = template;



protected Result check() throws Exception {

final String saying = String.format(template, "TEST");

if (!saying.contains("TEST")) {

return Result.unhealthy("template doesn't include a name");


return Result.healthy();



Template HealthCheckchecks for two things: that the provided template is actually a well-formed format string, and that the template actually produces output with the given name.


If the string is not a well-formed format string (for example, someone accidentally putHello,%s%in the configuration file), thenString.format(String,Object...)will throw an IllegalFormatExceptionand the health check will implicitly fail. If the rendered saying doesn’t include the test string, the health check will explicitly fail by returning an unhealthyResult.

如果字符串不是一个格式正确的格式字符串(例如,有人不小心把配置文件中的%s%),那么String.format(String,Object ...)将抛出一个IllegalFormatException,应用绝对性失败。如果渲染的语句不包含测试字符串,健康状况检查将通过返回不健康的结果而明确失败。

Adding A Health Check

As with most things in Dropwizard, we create a new instance with the appropriate parameters and add it to the Environment:



public void run(HelloWorldConfiguration configuration, Environment environment) { final HelloWorldResource resource = new HelloWorldResource( configuration.getTemplate(),

configuration.getDefaultName() );

final TemplateHealthCheck healthCheck = new TemplateHealthCheck(configuration.getTemplate()); environment.healthChecks().register("template", healthCheck); environment.jersey().register(resource);


Now we’re almost ready to go!


Building Fat JARs

We recommend that you build your Dropwizard applications as “fat” JAR files — single.jar files which contain all of the. class files required to run your application. This allows you to build a single deployable artifact which you can promote from your staging environment to your QA environment to your production environment without worrying about differences in installed libraries. To start building our Hello World application as a fat JAR, we need to configure a Maven plugin calledmaven-shade. In thesection of yourpom.xmlfile, add this:

我们推荐你构建Dropwizard项目为一个简单的jar包文件。jar包中包含了你项目所有的class文件。这使可以构建一个可部署的jar文件,您可以从暂存环境将您的QA环境升级到生产环境,而无需担心已安装库的差异。要开始构建我们的Hello World应用程序jar包,我们需要配置Maven插件。 在你的pom.xml文件的部分中添加:












This configures Maven to do a couple of things during its package phase:


Produce a pom.xml file which doesn’t include dependencies for the libraries whose contents are included in the fat JAR.


Exclude all digital signatures from signed JARs. If you don’t, then Java considers the signature invalid and won’t load or run your JAR file.


Collate the various META-INF/services entries in the JARs instead of overwriting them. (Neither Dropwizard nor Jersey works without those.)

整理JAR中的各种 META-INF/services 条目而不是覆盖它们。 (没有这些Dropwizard和Jersey都不能工作)

Set com.example.helloworld.HelloWorldApplication as the JAR’s MainClass. This will allow you to run the JAR using java-jar.



If your application has a dependency which must be signed (e.g., a JCA/JCE provider or other trusted library), you have to add an exclusion to the maven-shade-plugin configuration for that library and include that JAR in the classpath.


如果您的应用程序具有必须签名的依赖项(例如,JCA / JCE提供程序或其他可信库),则必须为该库的maven-shade-plugin配置添加一个排除项,并将该JAR包含在classpath中。


Since Dropwizard is using the Java ServiceLoader functionality to register and load extensions, the minimizeJaroption of the maven-shade-plugin will lead to non-working application JARs.


由于Dropwizard使用Java ServiceLoader功能来注册和加载扩展,maven-shade-plugin的minimizeJar选项将导致非工作的应用程序JAR。

Versioning Your JARs

Dropwizard can also use the project version if it’s embedded in the JAR’s manifest as the Implementation-Version. To embed this information using Maven, add the following to thesection of yourpom.xmlfile:






This can be handy when trying to figure out what version of your application you have deployed on a machine.


Once you’ve got that configured, go into your project directory and run mvn package(or run the package goal from your IDE). You should see something like this:

完成配置后,进入项目目录并运行mvn软件包(或从IDE运行软件包目标)。 你应该看到这样的东西:

[INFO] Including org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util:jar:7.6.0.RC0 in the shaded jar.

[INFO] Including com.google.guava:guava:jar:10.0.1 in the shaded jar.

[INFO] Including com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305:jar:1.3.9 in the shaded jar.

[INFO] Including org.hibernate:hibernate-validator:jar:4.2.0.Final in the shaded jar. \

[INFO] Including javax.validation:validation-api:jar:1.0.0.GA in the shaded jar.

[INFO] Including org.yaml:snakeyaml:jar:1.9 in the shaded jar.

[INFO] Replacing original artifact with shaded artifact.

[INFO] Replacing /Users/yourname/Projects/hello-world/target/hello-world-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar with /Users/yourname/Projects/hello-world/target/hello-world-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] Total time: 8.415s

[INFO] Finished at: Fri Dec 02 16:26:42 PST 2011

[INFO] Final Memory: 11M/81M

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Congratulations!You’ve built your first Dropwizard project! Now it’s time to run it!


Running Your Application

Now that you’ve built a JAR file, it’s time to run it.


In your project directory, run this:


java -jar target/hello-world-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

You should see something like the following:


usage: java -jar hello-world-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

                      [-h] [-v] {server} ...

positional arguments:

        {server}                    available commands

optional arguments:

      -h,        --help                   show this help message and exit

      -v,        --version              show the service version and exit

Dropwizard takes the first command line argument and dispatches it to a matching command. In this case, the only command available isserver, which runs your application as an HTTP server. Theservercommand requires a configuration file, so let’s go ahead and give it the YAML file we previously saved:

Dropwizard接受第一个命令行参数并将其分派到匹配的命令。 在这种情况下,唯一可用的命令是server,它作为HTTP服务器运行你的应用程序。 服务器命令需要一个配置文件,所以让我们继续,并给它我们以前保存的YAML文件:

java -jar target/hello-world-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar server hello-world.yml

You should see something like the following:


INFO [2011-12-03 00:38:32,927] io.dropwizard.cli.ServerCommand: Starting hello-world

INFO [2011-12-03 00:38:32,931] org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server: jetty-7.x.y-SNAPSHOT

INFO [2011-12-03 00:38:32,936] org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler: started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler{/,null}

INFO [2011-12-03 00:38:32,999] com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.10 11/02/2011 03:53 PM'

INFO [2011-12-03 00:38:33,041] io.dropwizard.setup.Environment:

             GET /hello-world (com.example.helloworld.resources.HelloWorldResource)

INFO [2011-12-03 00:38:33,215] org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler: started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler{/,null}

INFO [2011-12-03 00:38:33,235] org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector: Started [email protected]:8080 STARTING

INFO [2011-12-03 00:38:33,238] org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector: Started [email protected]:8081 STARTING

Your Dropwizard application is now listening on ports 8080 for application requests and 8081 for administration requests. If you press ^C, the application will shut down gracefully, first closing the server socket, then waiting for in-flight requests to be processed, then shutting down the process itself.


However, while it’s up, let’s give it a whirl! Click here to say hello!Click here to get even friendlier!


So, we’re generating sayings. Awesome. But that’s not all your application can do. One of the main reasons for using Dropwizard is the out-of-the-box operational tools it provides, all of which can be found on the admin port.

我们正在产生sayings服务。但是,这不是你的应用程序可以做的。 使用Dropwizard的主要原因之一是它提供的开箱即用的操作工具,所有这些都可以在管理端口找到。

If you click through to the metrics resource, you can see all of your application’s metrics represented as a JSON object.

如果你点击查看metrics resource,能够看到应用的metrics的json格式的数据。

The threads resource allows you to quickly get a thread dump of all the threads running in that process.



When a Jetty worker thread is handling an incoming HTTP request, the thread name is set to the method and URI of the request. This can be very helpful when debugging a poorly-behaving request.

暗示 当Jetty工作线程正在处理传入的HTTP请求时,线程名称将被设置为请求的方法和URI。 这在调试性能不佳的请求时非常有用。

The healthcheck resource runs the health check class we wrote. You should see something like this:

健康检查资源运行我们编写的健康检查类。 你应该看到这样的东西:

* deadlocks: OK

* template: OK

template here is the result of your TemplateHealthCheck, which unsurprisingly passed.deadlocksis a built-in health check which looks for deadlocked JVM threads and prints out a listing if any are found.

这里的模板是您的TemplateHealthCheck的结果,毫不意外地通过。 死锁是一个内置的健康检查,它会查找死锁的JVM线程,并在找到任何列表时打印列表。

Next Steps

Well, congratulations. You’ve got a Hello World application ready for production (except for the lack of tests) that’s capable of doing 30,000-50,000 requests per second. Hopefully, you’ve gotten a feel for how Dropwizard combines Jetty, Jersey, Jackson, and other stable, mature libraries to provide a phenomenal platform for developing RESTful web applications.

那么恭喜你 您已经准备好了一个适用于生产的Hello World应用程序(除了缺少测试),它能够每秒处理30,000-50,000个请求。 希望您已经了解了Dropwizard如何将Jetty,Jersey,Jackson和其他稳定,成熟的库结合起来,为开发RESTful Web应用程序提供一个强大的平台。

There’s a lot more to Dropwizard than is covered here (commands, bundles, servlets, advanced configuration, validation, HTTP clients, database clients, views, etc.), all of which is covered by the User Manual.


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