

--login shell is a login shell


--noprofile:donnot read /etc/profile or any of the personal startup file 。意思是不带任何含有基础环境变量的shell。这个类似于exec的应用,里面的ll命令都是不存在的。

--norc :donn't read ~/.bashrc。enabled automatically when invoked as sh。鸡肋。


--version:print a version and exit


下面我就讲述下关于shell arguments的一段概述了:


as follws 是介绍的是bash特有的某些语法:syntax

special files:指的是shell为登录shell的时候会读取某些配置文件

1. /etc/profile. Executed automatically at login.

2. The first file found from this list: ˜/.bash_profile, ˜/.bash_login, or ˜/.profile.

Executed automatically at login.

3. ˜/.bashrc is read by every nonlogin shell. Ho wever, if invoked as sh, Bash instead

reads $ENV, for POSIX compatibility.


*:match any string of zero or more characters。匹配任意数量的字符。




~:当前用户的家目录,说道这点要说个事情,就是当前用户,和最初的登录用户是不一样的概念。whoami和who am i分别指的是当前用户,和最初的登录用户。su的存在,或者ssh的存在可能会切换到其他用户,而其他用户进而就会变成当前用户,而当前用户的某些环境变量问题则又是另一块需要研究的内容了,不赘述。

~name:home directory of name


~-:$LODPWD (cd -)


?(pattern) Match zero or one instance of patter n.

*(pattern) Match zero or more instances of patter n.

+(pattern) Match one or more instances of patter n.

@(pattern) Match exactly one instance of patter n.

!(pattern) Match any strings that don’t match patter n.



ls new*,cat ch?,vi [D-R]* pr !(*.o|core)|lp



;command separator

&background execution

()command grouping


<> & redirection symbols


"' \used in quoting other characters

``command subsitution

$ variavle substitution(cmd or arithmetic substitution)

space tab newline word separators

" " Ev erything between " and " is taken literally, except for the following characters that

keep their special meaning:

$ Variable (or command and arithmetic) substitution will occur.

‘ Command substitution will occur.

" This marks the end of the double quote.

’ ’ Ev erything between ’ and ’ is taken literally, except for another ’. You cannot embed

another ’ within such a quoted string.

\ The character following a \ is taken literally. Use within " " to escape ", $, and ‘.

Often used to escape itself, spaces, or newlines.




Sequence Value Sequence Value

\a        Alert     \t   Tab

\b       Backspace   \v Vertical tab

\c        X Control character X \nnn Octal value nnn

\e Escape \xnn Hexadecimal value nn

\E Escape       \’ Single quote

\f Form feed    \" Double quote

\n Ne wline    \\ Backslash

\r Carriage return   



echo 'single quotes "protects" double quotes'

echo "well,isn't that \"special\""

echo "you have `ls |wc -l`files in `pwd`"

echo "the value of \$x is $x"

cmd & Execute cmd in background.

cmd1 ; cmd2 Command sequence; execute multiple cmds on the same line.

{ cmd1 ; cmd2; } Execute commands as a group in the current shell.

(cmd1 ; cmd2) Execute commands as a group in a subshell.

cmd1 | cmd2 Pipe; use output from cmd1 as input to cmd2.

cmd1 ‘cmd2‘ Command substitution; use cmd2 output as arguments to cmd1.

cmd1 $(cmd2) POSIX shell command substitution; nesting is allowed.

cmd $((expression)) POSIX shell arithmetic substitution. Use the result of expression as

argument to cmd.

cmd1 && cmd2 AND; execute cmd1 and then (if cmd1 succeeds) cmd2. This is a

“shor t circuit” operation: cmd2 is never executed if cmd1 fails.

cmd1 || cmd2 OR; execute either cmd1 or (if cmd1 fails) cmd2. This is a “shor t

circuit” operation; cmd2 is never executed if cmd1 succeeds.

! cmd NOT; execute cmd, and produce a zero exit status if cmd exits

with a nonzero status. Other wise, produce a nonzero status when

cmd exits with a zero status.



nroff file>file.txt &(nroff是转换编码方式,比如utf-8之类的,具体查看man nroff)



sort file|pr -3|lp

vi `grep -l ifdef *.c`

egrep '(yes|no)' `cat list`

egrep '(yes|no)' $(cat list)

egrep '(yes|no)' $(

grep xx file && lp file

grep xx file || echo "xx not found"


redirection forms:

0 standard input  1 standard output 2 standard error

cmd >| file

Send output of cmd to file (overwrite), even if the shell’s noclobber option is set.这里面我只说这一个,就是这个强制重定向。即使是只读的。


exec 3>&



cat part1>book

cat part2 part3>>book

mail tim

sed 's/^/xx /g'<




echo "usage error:see administrator" 1>&2

find / -print >filelist 2>no_access