大熊君JavaScript插件化开发------(实战篇之DXJ UI ------ Tab功能扩展完结版)





  大熊君JavaScript插件化开发------(实战篇之DXJ UI ------ Tab功能扩展完结版)_第1张图片








 1 {
 2     buttonText : "添加模块" ,
 3     result : [ 
 4         {
 5             text : "向导提示" ,
 6             url : "help.html" ,
 7             showClose : "0"
 8         } ,
 9         {
10             text : "学生信息" ,
11             url : "info.html" ,
12             showClose : "1"
13         } ,
14         {
15             text : "学生分类" ,
16             url : "category.html" ,
17             showClose : "1"
18         } ,
19         {
20             text : "大熊君{{bb}}" ,
21             url : "bb.html" ,
22             showClose : "1"
23         } ,
24         {
25             text : "Beta测试模块" ,
26             url : "test.html" ,
27             showClose : "1"
28         } ,
29         {
30             text : "三胖子" ,
31             url : "help.html" ,
32             showClose : "1"
33         } ,
34         {
35             text : "四秃子" ,
36             url : "help.html" ,
37             showClose : "1"
38         }
39     ] ,
40     displayMax : 5 // 最多显示项目
41 }    



“bigbear.ui.createTab”里面包含两个参数,第一个是dom节点对象,第二个是插件参数选项,"buttonText "代表“Tab“插件中,操作按钮的文字描述。







 1 $(function(){
 2     bigbear.ui.createTab($("#tab"),{
 3         buttonText : "添加模块" ,
 4         result : [ 
 5             {
 6                 text : "向导提示" ,
 7                 url : "help.html" ,
 8                 showClose : "0"
 9             } ,
10             {
11                 text : "学生信息" ,
12                 url : "info.html" ,
13                 showClose : "1"
14             } ,
15             {
16                 text : "学生分类" ,
17                 url : "category.html" ,
18                 showClose : "1"
19             } ,
20             {
21                 text : "大熊君{{bb}}" ,
22                 url : "bb.html" ,
23                 showClose : "1"
24             } ,
25             {
26                 text : "Beta测试模块" ,
27                 url : "test.html" ,
28                 showClose : "1"
29             } ,
30             {
31                 text : "三胖子" ,
32                 url : "help.html" ,
33                 showClose : "1"
34             } ,
35             {
36                 text : "四秃子" ,
37                 url : "help.html" ,
38                 showClose : "1"
39             }
40         ] ,
41         displayMax : 5 // 最多显示项目
42     }) ;
43 }) ;            




 1 tabProto.init = function(){
 2     if(this._isEmptyResult()){
 3         this._setContent("暂无任何模块!") ;
 4     }
 5     var that = this ;
 6     this.getElem().find(".title .adder")
 7     .text("+" + this.getOpts()["buttonText"])
 8     .on("click",function(){
 9         that.getElem().find(".console-panel").slideToggle(function(){
10             that._renderConsolePanel("0") ;
11         }) ;
12     }) ;
13     $.each(this.getOpts()["result"],function(i,item){
14         if(that._isDisplayMax(i + 1)){
15             that._saveOrUpdateStatus(item,"1") ;
16         }
17         else{
18             that._saveOrUpdateStatus(item,"2") ;
19         }
20         that._render(item) ;
21     }) ;
22     if(!that._isDisplayMax(this.getOpts()["result"].length)){
23         this.getElem().find(".title .more-mod").fadeIn(function(){
24             $(this).find(".tag").on("click",function(){
25                 var root = $(this).next() ;
26                 root.empty() ;
27                 $.each(that._getItemListByStatus("2"),function(i,data){
28                     $("
").text(data["text"]) 29 .on("click",function(){ 30 if(that._getItemListByStatus("1").length < that.getOpts()["displayMax"]){ 31 that.getElem().find(".title .items div").eq(data["index"]).fadeIn(function(){ 32 that._saveOrUpdateStatus(data,"1") ; 33 }) ; 34 } 35 else{ 36 alert("不能添加任何模块,目前已经是最大数量!") ; 37 } 38 }) 39 .appendTo(root) ; 40 }) ; 41 root.toggle() ; 42 }) ; 43 44 }); 45 } 46 this.getElem().find(".title .items div") 47 .eq(0) 48 .trigger("click") ; // 假定是必须有一项,否则插件意义就不大了! 49 } ;




1 tabProto._setCurrent = function(index){
2     var items = this.getElem().find(".title .items div").removeClass("active") ;
3     items.eq(index).addClass("active") ;
4     var contents = this.getElem().find(".content .c").hide() ;
5     contents.eq(index).show() ;
6 } ;    


1 item.on("click",function(){
2     that._setCurrent($(this).index()) ;
3     that._getContent(data["url"]).done(function(result){
4         that._setContent(result) ;
5     })
6     .fail(function(){
7         throw new Error("Net Error !") ;
8     });
9 })



1 tabProto._setContent = function(html){
2     this.getElem().find(".content").html(html) ;
3 } ;
4 tabProto._getContent = function(url){
5     return $.ajax({
6         url : url
7     }) ;
8 } ;



 1 /* update time 2015 1/26 15:36 */ 
 2 tabProto._isDisplayMax = function(size){
 3     var displayMax = this.getOpts()["displayMax"] || 5 ;
 4     return (size <= displayMax) ? true : false ;
 5 } ;
 6 tabProto._isEmptyResult = function(){
 7     if(!this.getOpts()["result"].length){
 8         return false ;
 9     }
10     return true ;
11 } ;
12 tabProto._saveOrUpdateStatus = function(item,status){
13     item["status"] = status ;
14 } ;
15 tabProto._getItemListByStatus = function(status){
16     var list = [] ;
17     var result = this.getOpts()["result"] ;
18     $.each(result,function(i,item){
19         if(status == item["status"]){
20             list.push(item) ;
21         }
22     }) ;
23     return list ;
24 } ;
25 tabProto._getStatusByIndex = function(index){
26     var status = null ;
27     var result = this.getOpts()["result"] ;
28     $.each(result,function(i,item){
29         if(index == item["index"]){
30             status = item["status"] ;
31         }
32     }) ;
33     return status ;
34 } ;




3 大熊君{{bb}} - DXJ UI ------ Tab 4
9 + 添加学生信息 10
12 15
19 20
26 33




  1 .dxj-ui-hd {
  2     padding:0px ;
  3     margin : 0 auto;
  4     margin-top:30px;
  5     width:780px;
  6     height:60px;
  7     line-height: 60px;
  8     background: #3385ff;
  9     color:#fff;
 10     font-family: "微软雅黑" ;
 11     font-size: 28px;
 12     text-align: center;
 13     font-weight:bold;
 14 }
 15 .dxj-ui-bd {
 16     padding:0px ;
 17     margin : 0 auto;
 18     width:778px;
 19     padding-top : 30px ;
 20     padding-bottom : 30px ;
 21     overflow: hidden;
 22     border:1px solid #3385ff;
 23 }
 24 .dxj-ui-bd #tab {
 25     padding:0px ;
 26     margin : 0 auto;
 27     width:720px;
 28     overflow: hidden;
 29     position:relative;
 30 }
 31 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title {
 32     width:720px;
 33     overflow: hidden;
 34     border-bottom:2px solid #3385ff;
 35 }
 36 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title .adder {
 37     width:160px;
 38     height:32px;
 39     line-height: 32px;
 40     background: #DC143C;
 41     color:#fff;
 42     font-family: "微软雅黑" ;
 43     font-size: 14px;
 44     text-align: center;
 45     font-weight:bold;
 46     float : left;
 47     cursor:pointer;
 48 }
 49 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title .more-mod {
 50     overflow:hidden;
 51     border:1px solid #DC143C;
 52     width:70px;
 53     position:absolute;
 54     right:0;
 55     margin-right:6px;
 56     display:none;
 57 }
 58 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title .more-mod .tag{
 59     height:32px;
 60     line-height:32px;
 61     width:70px;
 62     background: #DC143C;
 63     color:#fff;
 64     font-family: arial ;
 65     font-size: 12px;
 66     text-align: center;
 67     cursor:pointer;
 68 }
 69 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title .more-mod .mods {
 70     overflow:hidden;
 71     width:70px;
 72     display:none;
 73 }
 74 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title .more-mod .mods div {
 75     height:24px;
 76     line-height:24px;
 77     width:62px;
 78     font-family: arial ;
 79     font-size: 12px;
 80     cursor:pointer;
 81     padding-left:10px;
 82 }
 83 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title .items {
 84     height:32px;
 86     width:480px;
 87     overflow: hidden;
 88     float : left;
 89 }
 90 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title .items div {
 91     padding:0px;
 92     margin-left:10px;
 93     width:84px;
 94     height:32px;
 95     line-height: 32px;
 96     background: #3385ff;
 97     color:#fff;
 98     font-family: arial ;
 99     font-size: 12px;
100     text-align: center;
101     position:relative;
102     float : left;
103     cursor:pointer;
104 }
105 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .title .items div span.del {
106     width:16px;
107     height:16px;
108     line-height: 16px;
109     display:block;
110     background: #DC143C;
111     position:absolute;
112     right:0 ;
113     top:0;
114     cursor:pointer;
115 }
116 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .content {
117     width:716px;
118     padding-top:30px;
119     overflow: hidden;
120     border:2px solid #3385ff;
121     border-top:0px;
122     min-height:130px;
123     text-align:center;
124 }
125 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .content table {
126     margin : 0 auto ;
127 }
128 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .content div.c {
129     padding-top : 20px ;
130     padding-left:20px;
131     background:#eee;
132     height:140px;
133 }
134 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .content div.c .input-content {
135     margin-top : 10px ;
136     font-family: arial ;
137     font-size: 12px;
138 }
139 .dxj-ui-bd #tab .console-panel {
140     width:716px;
141     padding-top:20px;
142     padding-bottom:20px;
143     overflow: hidden;
144     border:2px solid #3385ff;
145     border-top:0px;
146     border-bottom:2px solid #3385ff;
147     background:#fff;
148     display:none;
149 }
151 .active {
152     font-weight:bold ;
153 }



    大熊君JavaScript插件化开发------(实战篇之DXJ UI ------ Tab功能扩展完结版)_第2张图片

	var win = window ;
	var bb = win.bigbear = win.bigbear || {
		ui : {}
	} ;
	var ui = bb.ui = {} ;
	var Tab = function(elem,opts){
		this.elem = elem ;
		this.opts = opts ;
	} ;
	var tabProto = Tab.prototype ;
	/* update time 2015 1/26 15:36 */ 
	tabProto._isDisplayMax = function(size){
		var displayMax = this.getOpts()["displayMax"] || 5 ;
		return (size <= displayMax) ? true : false ;
	} ;
	tabProto._isEmptyResult = function(){
			return false ;
		return true ;
	} ;
	tabProto._saveOrUpdateStatus = function(item,status){
		item["status"] = status ;
	} ;
	tabProto._getItemListByStatus = function(status){
		var list = [] ;
		var result = this.getOpts()["result"] ;
			if(status == item["status"]){
				list.push(item) ;
		}) ;
		return list ;
	} ;
	tabProto._getStatusByIndex = function(index){
		var status = null ;
		var result = this.getOpts()["result"] ;
			if(index == item["index"]){
				status = item["status"] ;
		}) ;
		return status ;
	} ;
	tabProto._renderConsolePanel = function(status){
		var that = this ;
		var root = that.getElem().find(".console-panel") ;
		this._resetConsolePanel() ;
			var elem = $("
").appendTo(root) ; $("") .data("item",item) .appendTo(elem) ; $("").text(item["text"]).appendTo(elem) ; }) ; if(root.find("div").size()){ $("") .on("click",function(){ var data = root.find("input[type=radio]:checked").data("item") ; if(that._getItemListByStatus("1").length < that.getOpts()["displayMax"]){ that.getElem().find(".title .items div").eq(data["index"]).fadeIn(function(){ that._saveOrUpdateStatus(data,"1") ; }) .trigger("click") ; } else{ that._saveOrUpdateStatus(data,"2") ; } that.getElem().find(".title .adder").trigger("click") ; }) .appendTo(root) ; } else{ root.text("暂无任何可添加的项目!") ; } } ; /* update time 2015 1/26 15:36 */ tabProto._setCurrent = function(index){ var items = this.getElem().find(".title .items div").removeClass("active") ; items.eq(index).addClass("active") ; var contents = this.getElem().find(".content .c").hide() ; contents.eq(index).show() ; } ; tabProto.getElem = function(){ return this.elem ; } ; tabProto.getOpts = function(){ return this.opts ; } ; tabProto._resetContent = function(){ this.getElem().find(".content").html("") ; } ; tabProto._setContent = function(html){ this.getElem().find(".content").html(html) ; } ; tabProto._getContent = function(url){ return $.ajax({ url : url }) ; } ; tabProto._deleteItem = function(elem){ var that = this ; this.getElem().find(".title .items div") .eq(elem.index()) .fadeOut(function(){ that._resetContent() ; that._saveOrUpdateStatus(elem.data("item"),"0") ; that._triggerItem(elem.index() + 1) ; }) ; } ; tabProto._triggerItem = function(next){ var nextStatus = this._getStatusByIndex(next) ; var items = this.getElem().find(".title .items div") ; next = items.eq(next) ; if(next.size() && "1" == nextStatus){ //后继dom节点存在 next.trigger("click") ; } else{ items.eq(0).trigger("click") ; } } ; tabProto._resetConsolePanel = function(){ this.getElem().find(".console-panel").empty() ; } ; tabProto.init = function(){ if(this._isEmptyResult()){ this._setContent("暂无任何模块!") ; } var that = this ; this.getElem().find(".title .adder") .text("+" + this.getOpts()["buttonText"]) .on("click",function(){ that.getElem().find(".console-panel").slideToggle(function(){ that._renderConsolePanel("0") ; }) ; }) ; $.each(this.getOpts()["result"],function(i,item){ if(that._isDisplayMax(i + 1)){ that._saveOrUpdateStatus(item,"1") ; } else{ that._saveOrUpdateStatus(item,"2") ; } that._render(item) ; }) ; if(!that._isDisplayMax(this.getOpts()["result"].length)){ this.getElem().find(".title .more-mod").fadeIn(function(){ $(this).find(".tag").on("click",function(){ var root = $(this).next() ; root.empty() ; $.each(that._getItemListByStatus("2"),function(i,data){ $("
").text(data["text"]) .on("click",function(){ if(that._getItemListByStatus("1").length < that.getOpts()["displayMax"]){ that.getElem().find(".title .items div").eq(data["index"]).fadeIn(function(){ that._saveOrUpdateStatus(data,"1") ; }) ; } else{ alert("不能添加任何模块,目前已经是最大数量!") ; } }) .appendTo(root) ; }) ; root.toggle() ; }) ; }); } this.getElem().find(".title .items div") .eq(0) .trigger("click") ; // 假定是必须有一项,否则插件意义就不大了! } ; tabProto._render = function(data){ var that = this ; var item = $("
").text(data["text"]).appendTo(this.getElem().find(".title .items")) ; data["index"] = item.index() ; item.on("click",function(){ that._setCurrent($(this).index()) ; that._getContent(data["url"]).done(function(result){ that._setContent(result) ; }) .fail(function(){ throw new Error("Net Error !") ; }); }) .data("item",data) ; if("2" == data["status"]){ item.hide() ; } if("1" == data["showClose"]){ $("X") .on("click",function(){ if(win.confirm("是否删除此项?")){ that._deleteItem(item) ; return false ; // 阻止冒泡 } }) .appendTo(item) ; } } ; ui.createTab = function(elem,opts){ var tab = new Tab(elem,opts) ; tab.init() ; return tab ; } ; })(jQuery) ;









你可能感兴趣的:(大熊君JavaScript插件化开发------(实战篇之DXJ UI ------ Tab功能扩展完结版))