PP: Reconstructing time series into a complex network to assess the evolution dynamics of the correlations among energy prices


detect the dynamics in time series of their correlation


1. calculate correlation coefficients

2. Network construction: 

i. node: AAB, ABC, etc. totally 5^3=125个nodes. 但是不是所有的mode情况都会出现,于是the number of nodes 是个随机数, 并且满足<125.

ii. edge: 如果出现了从mode1到mode2的转变则增加一条mode1---->mode2 的边. 

iii. weight: mode1---->mode2的转变出现的次数. 

3. clustering: 


1. major modes: high outdegree nodes. 

interpretation: The higher the weighted outdegree, the more important the node is. 

2. evolution dynamics of correlation modes. 

i. total 6 clusters and shows the evolution relations between clusters.

ii. the evolution of one cluster over time. 


Lacking: lack the interpretation of each clusters, just showed there are 6 clusters and the transfer probability between clusters. 

Supplementary knowledge:

1. sensitivity analysis; 敏感度分析

sensitivity analysis is the study of how the uncertainty in the output of a mathematical model or system (numerical or otherwise) can be divided and allocated to different sources of uncertainty in its inputs.[1][2]

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