Deferred shading rendering path翻译

Overview 概述


When using deferred shading, there is no limit on the number of lights that can affect a GameObject. All lights are evaluated per-pixel, which means that they all interact correctly with normal maps, etc. Additionally, all lights can have cookies and shadows.



Deferred shading has the advantage that the processing overhead of lighting is proportional to the number of pixels the light shines on. This is determined by the size of the light volume in the Scene regardless of how many GameObjects it illuminates. Therefore, performance can be improved by keeping lights small. Deferred shading also has highly consistent and predictable behaviour. The effect of each light is computed per-pixel, so there are no lighting computations that break down on large triangles.



On the downside, deferred shading has no real support for anti-aliasing and can’t handle semi-transparent GameObjects (these are rendered using forward rendering). There is also no support for the Mesh
Renderer’s Receive Shadows flag and culling masks are only supported in a limited way. You can only use up to four culling masks. That is, your culling layer mask must at least contain all layers minus four arbitrary layers, so 28 of the 32 layers must be set. Otherwise you get graphical artifacts.

从缺点来看,延迟着色没有真正支持抗锯齿,并且无法处理半透明的游戏对象(他们是用前向渲染的)。也不支持网格渲染器的接受阴影标记(启用后可以显示投射在网格上的阴影)并且对culling mask的支持也是受限的。你最多使用4个剔除遮罩(是light的Culling Mask),即32个层最少勾选28个。 在unity上测试,当light.cullingMask不渲染的层超过4个时,就会出现不正确的图。


Requirements 要求

It requires a graphics card with Multiple Render Targets (MRT), Shader Model 3.0 (or later) and support for Depth render textures. Most PC graphics cards made after 2006 support deferred shading, starting with GeForce 8xxx, Radeon X2400, Intel G45.

pc上使用延迟着色需要一张有MRT(一帧里可以同时渲染多个渲染目标)功能和shader model3.0功能并且支持深度渲染纹理的显卡。从GeForce 8xxx, Radeon X2400, Intel G45开始,大部分06年以后的显卡支持延迟着色。


On mobile, deferred shading is supported on all devices running at least OpenGL ES 3.0.



Note: Deferred rendering is not supported when using Orthographic projection. If the Camera’s projection mode is set to Orthographic, the Camera falls back to Forward rendering.



Performance considerations 性能注意事项

The rendering overhead of realtime lights in deferred shading is proportional to the number of pixels illuminated by the light and not dependent on Scene complexity. So small point or spot lights are very cheap to render and if they are fully or partially occluded by Scene GameObjects then they are even cheaper.



Of course, lights with shadows are much more expensive than lights without shadows. In deferred shading, shadow-casting GameObjects still need to be rendered once or more for each shadow-casting light. Furthermore, the lighting shader that applies shadows has a higher rendering overhead than the one used when shadows are disabled.



Implementation details 实现细节

Objects with Shaders that do not support deferred shading are rendered after deferred shading is complete, using the forward rendering path.



The default layout of the render targets (RT0 - RT4) in the geometry buffer (g-buffer) is listed below. Data types are placed in the various channels of each render target. The channels used are shown in parentheses.


  • RT0, ARGB32 format: Diffuse color (RGB), occlusion (A).  RT0 ARGB32(每个通道分别是8bit)格式:漫反射颜色 (RGB),遮挡(A)
  • RT1, ARGB32 format: Specular color(RGB), roughness (A).  RT1, ARGB32 格式:高光颜色(RGB),粗糙度(A)。
  • RT2, ARGB2101010 format: World space normal (RGB), unused (A).  RT2,ARGB2101010 (alpha通道为两位,其余通道均为10位)格式:世界坐标法线(RGB),未使用(A)。
  • RT3, ARGB2101010 (non-HDR) or ARGBHalf (HDR) format: Emission + lighting + lightmaps + reflection probes buffer.  RT3,ARGB2101010 (non-HDR非高动态范围) 或者ARGBHalf(每个通道分别是16位的浮点数)(HDR高动态范围):自发光+光照+光照贴图+反射探针缓冲。
  • Depth+Stencil buffer.  深度+模板缓冲。

So the default g-buffer layout is 160 bits/pixel (non-HDR) or 192 bits/pixel (HDR).

所以默认的几何缓冲布局是每像素160位 (non-HDR) 或者192位 (HDR) 。


If using the Shadowmask or Distance Shadowmask modes for Mixed lighting, a fifth target is used:

  • RT4, ARGB32 format: Light occlusion values (RGBA).

如果为混合光照使用Shadowmask或者Distance Shadowmask模式,第五个对象将会被使用:


And thus the g-buffer layout is 192 bits/pixel (non-HDR) or 224 bits/pixel (HDR).



If the hardware does not support five concurrent rendertargets then objects using shadowmasks will fallback to the forward rendering path. Emission+lighting buffer (RT3) is logarithmically encoded to provide greater dynamic range than is usually possible with an ARGB32 texture, when the Camera is not using HDR.



Note that when the Camera is using HDR rendering, there’s no separate rendertarget being created for Emission+lighting buffer (RT3); instead the rendertarget that the Camera renders into (that is, the one that is passed to the image effects) is used as RT3.



G-Buffer pass几何缓冲阶段

The g-buffer pass renders each GameObject once. Diffuse and specular colors, surface smoothness, world space normal, and emission+ambient+reflections+lightmaps are rendered into g-buffer textures. The g-buffer textures are setup as global shader properties for later access by shaders (CameraGBufferTexture0 .. CameraGBufferTexture3 names).

几何缓冲阶段渲染每个游戏对象一次。漫反射和镜面高光颜色,表面平滑度,世界空间法向量,和自发光+环境+反射光+光照贴图都被渲染进几何缓冲纹理。几何缓冲纹理被设置成全局着色器属性,为了着色器之后访问(命名为CameraGBufferTexture0 .. CameraGBufferTexture3)。


Lighting pass光照阶段

The lighting pass computes lighting based on g-buffer and depth. Lighting is computed in screen space, so the time it takes to process is independent of Scene complexity. Lighting is added to the emission buffer.



Point and spot lights that do not cross the Camera’s near plane are rendered as 3D shapes, with the Z buffer’s test against the Scene enabled. This makes partially or fully occluded point and spot lights very cheap to render. Directional lights and point/spot lights that cross the near plane are rendered as fullscreen quads.



If a light has shadows enabled then they are also rendered and applied in this pass. Note that shadows do not come for “free”; shadow casters need to be rendered and a more complex light shader must be applied.



The only lighting model available is Standard. If a different model is wanted you can modify the lighting pass shader, by placing the modified version of the Internal-DeferredShading.shader file from the Built-in shaders into a folder named “Resources” in your “Assets” folder. Then open the Graphics settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings, then click the Graphics category). Change the “Deferred” dropdown to “Custom Shader”. Then change the Shader option which appears to the shader you are using.

唯一可用的光照模型是Standard。如果需要不同模型,你可以通过放置内置延迟着色的修改版本,用于修改光照阶段着色器。着色器文件从内置着色器进入到Assets/Resources文件夹下。然后打开Graphics设置(菜单:Edit > Project Settings,然后点击Graphics类别)。修改“Deferred”下拉框为“Custom Shader”。然后将着色器选项改成你所使用的着色器。

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