1.List<> 常见操作
IEnumerable<string> lstNew = null; List<string> lstOne = new List<string>(){"January", "February", "March"}; List<string> lstTwo = new List<string>() { "January", "April", "March"}; List<string> lstThree = new List<string>() { "January", "April", "March", "May" }; List<string> lstFour = new List<string>() { "Jan", "Feb", "Jan", "April", "Feb" };
static void PrintList(IEnumerable<string> str) { foreach (var s in str) Console.WriteLine(s); Console.WriteLine("-------------"); }
Enumberable.Intersect(); // Compare two List<string> and display common elements lstNew = lstOne.Intersect(lstTwo, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); PrintList(lstNew);
Enumerable.Except // Compare two List<string> and display items of lstOne not in lstTwo lstNew = lstOne.Except(lstTwo, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); PrintList(lstNew); Enumerable.Distinct // Unique List<string> lstNew = lstFour.Distinct(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); PrintList(lstNew) List.ConvertAll // Convert elements of List<string> to Upper Case lstNew = lstOne.ConvertAll(x => x.ToUpper()); PrintList(lstNew); Enumerable.Concat // Concatenate and Sort two List<string> lstNew = lstOne.Concat(lstTwo).OrderBy(s => s); PrintList(lstNew); Enumerable.Concat and Enumerable.Distinct // Concatenate Unique Elements of two List<string> lstNew = lstOne.Concat(lstTwo).Distinct(); PrintList(lstNew); List.Reverse // Reverse a List<string> lstOne.Reverse(); PrintList(lstOne); List.RemoveAll // Search a List<string> and Remove the Search Item // from the List<string> int cnt = lstFour.RemoveAll(x => x.Contains("Feb")); Console.WriteLine("{0} items removed", cnt); PrintList(lstFour); Enumerable.OrderBy and Enumerable.ThenByDescending // Order by Length then by words (descending) lstNew = lstThree.OrderBy(x => x.Length) .ThenByDescending(x => x); PrintList(lstNew); Use the Enumerable.Aggregate method C# // Create a string by combining all words of a List<string> // Use StringBuilder if you want performance string delim = ","; var str = lstOne.Aggregate((x, y) => x + delim + y); Console.WriteLine(str); Console.WriteLine("-------------"); Split the string and use the Enumerable.ToList method C# // Create a List<string> from a Delimited string string s = "January February March"; char separator = ' '; lstNew = s.Split(separator).ToList(); PrintList(lstNew); Use the List(T).ConvertAll method C# // Convert a List<int> to List<string> List<int> lstNum = new List<int>(new int[] { 3, 6, 7, 9 }); lstNew = lstNum.ConvertAll<string>(delegate(int i) { return i.ToString(); }); PrintList(lstNew); Use Enumerable.GroupBy, Enumerable.Select and Enumerable.OrderByDescending // Count Repeated Words var q = lstFour.GroupBy(x => x) .Select(g => new { Value = g.Key, Count = g.Count() }) .OrderByDescending(x => x.Count); foreach (var x in q) { Console.WriteLine("Value: " + x.Value + " Count: " + x.Count); }
multiSpecialRoute[0].Sort(delegate(CorpFlightSearchFlightEntity x, CorpFlightSearchFlightEntity y) { return x.PrintPrice.CompareTo(y.PrintPrice); });
this._appFlightsList.Sort(AppFlightSorter.CorpSort); public static int CorpSort(FlightOnlineAppEntity Entity1, FlightOnlineAppEntity Entity2) { //起飞时间对比 int Result = Entity1.DepartTime.CompareTo(Entity2.DepartTime); //如果两者的起飞时间不同,按起飞时间排序 if (Result != 0) { return Result; } //如果两者的起飞时间相同,再按价格排序 else { Result = Entity1.Flight.Trim().ToUpper().CompareTo(Entity2.Flight.Trim().ToUpper()); if (Result != 0) { return Result; } else { return Entity1.Price.CompareTo(Entity2.Price); } } }
this._appFlightsList.RemoveAll(FirstSingleFlightFinder.IsFirstSingleFlight); public static bool IsFirstSingleFlight(FlightOnlineAppEntity flight) { if (flight.PriceType.Trim().ToUpper() != "SINGLETRIPPRICE") { return false; } if (flight.Class.Trim().ToUpper() != "F") { return false; } return true; }
一般你会想到for(int i=0;i<count;i++){}这种写法,还可能想到foreach(var item in collection)这种写法,但是下面的写法比较简洁了。
this._appFlightsList.ForEach(ShowFlightsUICommon.SetAppFlight); public static void SetAppFlight(FlightOnlineAppEntity flight) { flight.HasTicketLimit = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(flight.TicketLimit); flight.HasRecommend = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(flight.RecommendString); }
List<ChoiceItem> items = row.ChoiceItems.ForEach(delegate(ChoiceItem item) { item.ItemContent = item.Option + "." + item.ItemContent; });
CheckBoxList chklist = e.Item.FindControl("chklist") as CheckBoxList; chklist.Visible = true; List<ChoiceItem> items = row.ChoiceItems; items.ForEach(delegate(ChoiceItem item) { item.ItemContent = item.Option + "." + item.ItemContent; }); chklist.DataSource = items; chklist.DataTextField = "ItemContent"; chklist.DataValueField = "Option"; chklist.DataBind();
如果仅仅List<student> list;编译不通过:使用了未赋值的变量list。
如果仅仅List<student> list = null;这样编译不报错,运行的时候报错:未将对象引用设置到对象实例。
所以只要List<student> list = new List<student>();可保正常运行。
public class student { private int _id; private string _name; public student(int id, string name) { this._id = id; this._name = name; } public int ID { get { return _id; } set { _id = value; } } public string Name { get { return _name; } set { _name = value; } } } protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List<student> list = new List<student>(); list.Add(new student(1, "a")); list.Add(new student(2, "b")); list.Add(new student(3, "c")); list.Add(new student(4, "d")); List<student> curr = list.FindAll(delegate(student s) { return s.ID == 6; }); foreach (student item in curr) { Response.Write("ID:" + item.ID + " Name:" + item.Name + "\r\n"); } }
List<RecipientEntity> recipient8 = tempConfirmRecList.FindAll(delegate(RecipientEntity re) { return re.MailType == 8; }); List<RecipientEntity> recipient8 = tempConfirmRecList.FindAll(re => re.MailType == 8); 注意括号里面没有;
2.IQueryable, IEnumerable, IList的区别
TestIQueryable private static void TestIQueryable() { using (var ctx = new WrappedNorthWindEntities()) { IQueryable<Product> expression = ctx.Products.Take(5); IQueryable<Product> products = expression.Take(2); // A 不执行SQL Console.WriteLine(products.Count()); // B SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ( SELECT TOP (2) * FROM ( SELECT TOP (5) * FROM [dbo].[Products] )) Console.WriteLine(products.Count()); // C SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ( SELECT TOP (2) * FROM ( SELECT TOP (5) * FROM [dbo].[Products] )) foreach (Product p in products) // D SELECT TOP (2) * FROM ( SELECT TOP (5) * FROM [dbo].[Products] { Console.WriteLine(p.ProductName); } foreach (Product p in products) // E SELECT TOP (2) * FROM ( SELECT TOP (5) * FROM [dbo].[Products] ) { Console.WriteLine(p.ProductName); } } }
TestIEnumerable private static void TestIEnumerable() { using (var ctx = new WrappedNorthWindEntities()) { IEnumerable<Product> expression = ctx.Products.Take(5).AsEnumerable(); IEnumerable<Product> products = expression.Take(2); // A 不执行SQL Console.WriteLine(products.Count()); // B SELECT TOP (5) * FROM [dbo].[Products] Console.WriteLine(products.Count()); // C SELECT TOP (5) * FROM [dbo].[Products] foreach (Product p in products) // D SELECT TOP (5) * FROM [dbo].[Products] { Console.WriteLine(p.ProductName); } foreach (Product p in products) // E SELECT TOP (5) * FROM [dbo].[Products] { Console.WriteLine(p.ProductName); } } }
TestIList private static void TestIList() { using (var ctx = new WrappedNorthWindEntities()) { var expression = ctx.Products.Take(5); IList<Product> products = expression.Take(2).ToList(); // A SELECT TOP (2) * FROM ( SELECT TOP (5) * FROM [dbo].[Products] Console.WriteLine(products.Count()); // B 不执行SQL Console.WriteLine(products.Count()); // C 不执行SQL foreach (Product p in products) // D 不执行SQL { Console.WriteLine(p.ProductName); } foreach (Product p in products) // E 不执行SQL { Console.WriteLine(p.ProductName); } } }
IQueryable Data Inconsistancy IQueryable<Product> products = ctx.Products.All(); //开始的时候数据库product表中有10条记录, count = 10 int count = products.Count(); Console.WriteLine("Count of products:"+count); //此时另一进程添加一个产品进数据库 //会重新读取数据库并输出11个产品名称 foreach (Product p in products) { Console.WriteLine(p.ProductName); }
var q = from c in db.Customers where c.City == "London" select c;
再如:筛选1994 年或之后雇用的雇员:
var q = from e in db.Employees where e.HireDate >= new DateTime(1994, 1, 1) select e;
var q = from p in db.Products where p.UnitsInStock <= p.ReorderLevel && !p.Discontinued select p;
筛选出UnitPrice 大于10 或已停产的产品:
var q = from p in db.Products where p.UnitPrice > 10m || p.Discontinued select p;
var q = db.Products.Where(p=>p.UnitPrice > 10m).Where(p=>p.Discontinued);
返回集合中的一个元素,其实质就是在SQL语句中加TOP (1)
Shipper shipper = db.Shippers.First();
选择CustomerID 为“BONAP”的单个客户
Customer cust = db.Customers.First(c => c.CustomerID == "BONAP");
选择运费大于 10.00 的订单:
Order ord = db.Orders.First(o => o.Freight > 10.00M);
var q = from c in db.Customers select c.ContactName;
这个语句只是一个声明或者一个描述,并没有真正把数据取出来,只有当你需要该数据的时候,它才会执行这个语句,这就是延迟加载(deferred loading)。如果,在声明的时候就返回的结果集是对象的集合。可以使用ToList() 或ToArray()方法把查询结果先进行保存,然后再对这个集合进行查询。当然延迟加载(deferred loading)可以像拼接SQL语句那样拼接查询语法,再执行它。
说明:匿名类型是C#3.0中新特性。其实质是编译器根据我们自定义自动产生一个匿名的类来帮助我们实现临时变量的储存。匿名类型还依赖于另外一个 特性:支持根据property来创建对象。比如,var d = new { Name = "s" };编译器自动产生一个有property叫做Name的匿名类,然后按这个类型分配内存,并初始化对象。但是var d = new {"s"};是编译不通过的。因为,编译器不知道匿名类中的property的名字。例如string c = "d";var d = new { c}; 则是可以通过编译的。编译器会创建一个叫做匿名类带有叫c的property。
例如下 例:new{c,ContactName,c.Phone};ContactName和Phone都是在映射文件中定义与表中字段相对应的 property。编译器读取数据并创建对象时,会创建一个匿名类,这个类有两个属性,为ContactName和Phone,然后根据数据初始化对象。 另外编译器还可以重命名property的名字。
使用 SELECT 和匿名类型返回仅含客户联系人姓名和电话号码的序列
var q = from c in db.Customers select new {c.ContactName, c.Phone};
var q = from e in db.Employees select new { Name = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName, Phone = e.HomePhone };
var q = from p in db.Products select new { p.ProductID, HalfPrice = p.UnitPrice / 2 };
var q = from p in db.Products select new { p.ProductName, Availability = p.UnitsInStock - p.UnitsOnOrder < 0 ? "Out Of Stock" : "In Stock" };
var q = from e in db.Employees select new Name { FirstName = e.FirstName, LastName = e.LastName };
var q = from c in db.Customers where c.City == "London" select c.ContactName;
select操作使用了匿名对象,而这个匿名对象中,其属性也是个匿名对象,使用SELECT 和匿名类型返回有关客户的数据的整形子集。查询顾客的ID和公司信息(公司名称,城市,国家)以及联系信息(联系人和职位)
var q = from c in db.Customers select new { c.CustomerID, CompanyInfo = new {c.CompanyName, c.City, c.Country}, ContactInfo = new {c.ContactName, c.ContactTitle} };
返回的对象集中的每个对象DiscountedProducts属性中,又包含一个集合。也就是每个对象也是一个集合类,使用嵌套查询返回所有订单及其OrderID 的序列、打折订单中项目的子序列以及免送货所省下的金额
var q = from o in db.Orders select new { o.OrderID, DiscountedProducts = from od in o.OrderDetails where od.Discount > 0.0 select od, FreeShippingDiscount = o.Freight };
var q = from c in db.Customers where c.Country == "UK" || c.Country == "USA" select new { c.CustomerID, c.CompanyName, Phone = c.Phone, InternationalPhone = PhoneNumberConverter(c.Country, c.Phone) };
public string PhoneNumberConverter(string Country, string Phone) { Phone = Phone.Replace(" ", "").Replace(")", ")-"); switch (Country) { case "USA": return "1-" + Phone; case "UK": return "44-" + Phone; default: return Phone; } }
XDocument doc = new XDocument( new XElement("Customers", from c in db.Customers where c.Country == "UK" || c.Country == "USA" select (new XElement("Customer", new XAttribute("CustomerID", c.CustomerID), new XAttribute("CompanyName", c.CompanyName), new XAttribute("InterationalPhone", PhoneNumberConverter(c.Country, c.Phone)) ))));
筛选字段中不相同的值。用于查询不重复的结果集。生成SQL语句为:SELECT DISTINCT [City] FROM [Customers],查询顾客覆盖的国家
var q = ( from c in db.Customers select c.City ) .Distinct();