throwaway052199(未知主队球迷):这场比赛我没看,但我一直看到有人在说,曼城这个名叫戈麦斯的小将超级厉害的,对阵蓝军一个失误都没有……于是我高高兴兴地打开了比赛集锦,然后……你TM的在逗我么?(I didn't watch the game and kept seeing comments like "wow Gomes shut Chelsea down, didn't put a foot wrong!" and I was excited to watch highlights later. I've been bamboozled.)
william701(切尔西球迷):最起码他们说的没错,不是么。(Well they weren’t lying ha.)
greezyo(费内巴切球迷):这孩子可了不得,秒均一冠,曼城最强之人已在阵中。(Imagine the kid's career if he can keep up those numbers, one trophy per second.)
Gwyn-LordOfPussy(曼城球迷):他的躺冠效率可比门迪还高……(His trophy/minute record is even better than Mendy...)
koptimism(利物浦球迷):巴克利简直就是日光浴型中场……他就像在球场上度假一样。虽然他的内心告诉自己还要防守,但他明显不喜欢这样又苦又累的活。(Ross Barkley just enjoying a sunny stroll through Wembley, though about doing a spot of defending but didn't fancy it.)
fap4jesus(切尔西球迷):他们一定还想着后面有坎特给他们擦屁股。(must've thought kante was playing.)
lionofjordan(沙特球迷):巴克利简直就像个追着孙子屁股后面的老爷爷。(ross barkley looks like an old man running to catch one of his grandchildren.)
svjestan(未知主队球迷):瓜迪奥拉对萨里说,’你以为传控是你的盟友?但你只是利用了传控。我则是生于传控之中,长于传控之中。(Pep to Sarri: Oh, you think tiki-taka is your ally. But you merely adopted the tiki-taka; I was born in it, moulded by it.)
Kalidouuu(那不勒斯球迷):虽然这只是一场友谊赛,但我的心却在滴血。(I don’t want to care about this match but part of me is crying inside.)
DriesMertens(那不勒斯球迷):客场,0-3,紫色球衣……这一切好像都似曾相识。(3-0 down away to a team playing in purple ... ptsd :()
LFC_Joe26(利物浦球迷):你为什么能在替补席上玩手机啊?(Why are you tweeting commenting from the bench?)
HazzaHSC(西汉姆联球迷):有点担心我们的联赛揭幕战呢……(Only slightly scared about our first game of the season.)
simwil96(西汉姆联球迷):别说了老弟,速效救心我早就准备好了。(I've already purchased some Vaseline.)
yaraelshab(未知主队球迷):这守门员太可怜了8,上次对阵利物浦的时候也是被打了个0-5,那时候他还在沃特福德。(Poor GK.last time he played Liverpool it ended 5-0 as well when he was playing Watford.)
bacary_lasagna(利物浦球迷):就像苏亚雷斯的诺维奇一样,萨拉赫也找到了自己的温柔乡。(Mo has found his Norwich.)
NathDriver(利物浦球迷):上一次有球队在8月初就赢下联赛是什么时候的事情了?(When was the last time a team won the league in the first week of August?)
idkfunnyusername(巴萨球迷):就是去年,8月,利物浦赢下英超……亚洲杯。(Last year. Liverpool won Premier League Asia.)
JoshuaFC(巴萨球迷):造梗之战。(For the memes.)
repsaj33(巴萨球迷):这一刻迟早都会来的,让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧。(It had to happen.)
MoodReyals(巴萨球迷):很多所谓的“球迷”只关心胜利而不是球队本身,我想很多豪门都会有这样的问题吧。(Some "fans" are only in it for the victory. That's the problem with big clubs I guess.)
rowerine(巴萨球迷):马尔科姆真没有风度,他居然在自己曾经的新队友面前庆祝,太过分了~(Bad sportsmanship, celebrating in front of his past future teammates, smh.)
OkWill4(未知主队球迷):马尔科姆:逆转未来(Malcom days of future past.)
注:X战警系列中有一部电影就叫做逆转未来(days of future past)
JoshuaFC(巴萨球迷):段子手们的送分题。(For the memes.)
_longtimelistener(利物浦球迷):足球就是22个人在场上比赛,最后由罗马获得胜利的游戏。(Somehow Roma always wins in the end.)
MagyarFoci29(匈牙利球迷):山中无老虎,猴子称大王。("My team now")
sheedz225(皇马球迷):求求你比目鱼,不要再祸害我家贝尔了。(Please stay fit.)
bany-chan(利物浦球迷):贝纳尔多,成了。(It's time for balenaldo.)
Marc0sMenendez(皇马球迷):我们今天打进了四个球,说实话,谁还需要C罗呢?(We scored 4 goals today. Seriously, who needs Ronaldo?)
Barkasia(未知主队球迷):也许是那支今天一个球都没进的队伍吧(The team who scored 0 today.)