












Naive and impractical but do something new and not old stuff for all!

2 wake up maybe 5 hours enough

Dieter again and again fatter and fatter

Charles Einstein 视频听了听,ok啦,没啥大的不同点!

老大很早就站在我面前,一脸温暖,没抓到脚说我:when u move the hands, your feet also moving

给了我pasasana again。

applied to majorim last time then not any more, so I got one month more in between which I can go to Sri Lanka.https://www.ashtangayogamorjim.com


avind learning:

I asked him how he sees krishnurmuti enlightenment experience, he got irritated and asked me: u interested in I got enlightenment or enlightenment? both? if u see enlightenment is high there, u low here, u will never get enlightenment. I can guarantee u even write down for u. why u want all these enlightenment thing, u should just do Yama, niyama and relaxed, then things will happen. look for enlightenment will never happen.

He is right, if I do not put I in front, completely accepting what he is saying, I said too much ego of course no way for enlightenment this life or other lives, but I want to know if enlightenment really happened or just something putting there to give a comfort for miserable life, is buddha really exiting or we just self-comforting. I am not contemplating to god 100%, still wonder.

so stop by then, class start!

Anitya is I do not have the knowledge, ignorance, it is an universal error that I am mortal.

life is full of burden, freedom is most wanted, body is a house of sorrow and deteriorating, body is dump and insentient. body is aging, we watch it, not we are aging!

we lingering the feeling " things can be bette! not everything is all right! we go to learning philosophy by thinking it might get me better? "

Ananda is from me! self-knowledge is not happening, why? just like tongue can not taste itself, eyes can not see itself. We can not see God, since god is behind our eyes, but we want him be in front. Existence need no proof, body does not know body but I know! u can ask your friend " am I exist?" by asking the question u are existing!

Candle in pumpkin but pumpkin is not giving light.

asmita: moon does not admit existence of sun since it has not seen it, star has not seen it; I am the thinker, the scholar, I can make it better! I want to see god even heart is beating!

pursuit pleasure, liberation is similar, but we might be lucky to meet a right teacher to make it clear.

We want limited things to make limitless person pleased, will never happen. Void after pleasure is suffering.

attachment to life is not desire, it is instinct.(he throw a brochure to me I flipped, out of instinct, which is intellectual reaction). now I am interested in this www.charaka.in brand, quality looks good.


4.15准时到,看到melony,澳洲华人,36岁本命年,Kumar比她大5岁,属羊,我们去了楼上就是聊天,关于我的guilt和conflict,childhood,他们中国体验,james碰到中国snake martial art guy,他们对待我犹如James女友一般,邀请我们去farm house,也许是我兴趣表现太明显,但也很喜欢这个想法,毕竟是新的一年比较特别,定好周六去,他们儿子回来7岁,不理我们;谈到印度政治modi,Kumar很正面,gang rape说是被夸大很多,提到中国疫情,Kumar说中国人一致拥护国家,印度人只顾自己,我也没说啥。就这么决定了,我和james回到guest house,terrance上他很激动提到书要卖到12million copy,我不得不提醒他接受不确定性,希望他可以不屈不饶,但知道非常不容易,anyhow我们提到基本都是他的说,他也分享很多信息给我,经常惊奇我不知道,最后认为我恢复他西班牙语谢谢用 “de Nada”不合适,应该是“con gusto”我克制住自己temper,就是接受。需要学习的东西很多。他约我明天散步,对话和时间都以他为主,包括周六日放弃团地活动,其实也没啥意义,还不如去country house,和有意思当地人一起。我们谈到接下来彼此计划,各走各的,有缘就会碰面。他问我纽约公寓是否真的可以去,我100% yes,尤其是我不在的时候!

以下分享内容,我还在看,但是他欣赏的两个男人charles和russel brand简直不合胃口,爱吗!这个目标和想象让我略失望,就是放松和接受!不过知识量确实很大,我在听他yogaanytime mythodology,学习的地方很多啊!

Jordan Peterson Outline of the book:

Stand up straight with your shoulders back

Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping

Make friends with people who want the best for you

Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today

Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them

Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world

Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)

Tell the truth – or, at least, don't lie

Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don't

Be precise in your speech

Do not bother children when they are skateboarding

Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

oasis in the dessert, band from UK, live forever, listen up.

russel brand interviewed,

a tennis player Novak Djokovic interview

Clarrisa pinkola estes  http://www.clarissapinkolaestes.com/contact 与狼共奔的女人

The Faithful Gardener: A Wise Tale About that Which Can Never Die

woman who runs with the wolf!

Chamundeshwari Temple on Chamundi Hill, Mysore. Here, the goddess is identified with Durga, who killed the buffalo demon. Chamundeshwari or Durga, the fierce form of Shakti, a tutelary deity held in reverence for centuries by the Maharaja of Mysore.
