Does mobile phone change your life?

Does mobile phone change your life?_第1张图片

It is a fact universally acknowledge that mobile phones have changed our lives.In all respects,we have been influenced by smart products deeply.Our convenient lives is in great measure due to the multi-purpose smart phones. Smart phones are used to chat with others,shopping,navigation,take selfies, payment and so on.  Which  of  these functions  is most important for you?For me it is payment which let me go out with no cash.

With the advent of AI,we can just make a video call to our friends and families instead of phoning them only.On the opposite of convenience,the loss of our  face-to-face emotion communications tend to be serious。When we are gathering together,most of us are not willing to chat with each other but glue to their smart phones。After the meeting,we get nothing and still keep this state all the time until the next meeting。What happen to us?Why are you perfer phones to social activities?Something has changed unconsciously until you

are aware of it。Do you remember the last time you had a heart-to-heart talk with your families?Comfortable life takes the basic emotion away from us by ever changing technology。

I think we need to change because we need social ties to have relationships with the world in warm words but not cold apps。The temperature of the world is setted by us ,can you image the world  where our offsprings will live one day is full of impassive robot or persons verge on robots?We are hunans,we need sincere love,warm hug,open minds to others,all these need get along。It is useless for us to put various of emojis on wetchat when we are upset 。

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