
盈利模式 profit model

社会适应能力 social adaptability

二手房 second-hand properties

证券投资基金 securities investment funds

政府资产净值 government's net wealth

环保品牌  eco-friendly brands

情绪控制 emotional control

企业所得税 enterprise income taxes

基本养老保险费 premiums for pension

气象条件 meteorological conditions

高端产品 high-end products

罔顾事实 disregard the facts 

基本医疗保险费、失业保险费、工伤保险费、生育保险费 medical, unemployment, occupational injury and maternity insurance


China will continue to deepen market-oriented reform, protect property rights and intellectual property rights, encourage fair competition and do more to expand imports. The CIIE will be held annually as a way to further open China's market. China will continue to improve its business environment, and hopes that all countries will work together for a free, open, inclusive and orderly international economic environment.


China is firm in its resolve to eradicate poverty. Our goal is to eliminate absolute poverty as currently defined by 2020, and we have every confidence to meet this target. China owes its progress to reform and opening up, and will continue to advance on this path. Earlier this month, the first China International Import Expo (CIIE) was successfully held, and was warmly received by the international community.


During the past 40 years, with the support of the international community, we in China have forged ahead with perseverance and made historic achievements in development. In the years since the global financial crisis, China has contributed over 30 percent of global growth.


We should employ the three tools of fiscal and monetary policies and structural reform in a holistic way to ensure strong, balanced, sustainable and inclusive growth of the global economy. Developed economies, when adopting monetary and fiscal policies, should give more consideration to and work to minimize the impact such policies may exert on emerging markets and developing economies. The international monetary system should become more diversified, and the global financial safety net should continue to be strengthened.


The global economy is embracing the trend of digital transformation, and the new round of industrial revolution will reshape human society in profound ways.


Development holds the key to many problems facing the world today. Development also provides a strong guarantee for greater equity and justice. We should protect the development interests and space of developing countries so as to ensure global growth that is truly equitable.


Greater coordination and complementarity among countries meet the need of productivity growth. They will also shape the future of relations of production. In this process, countries are increasingly becoming a community of shared interests, shared responsibilities and a shared future. Going forward, win-win cooperation is the only choice for us, be it in good times or bad. Facing various challenges, we must have a stronger sense of urgency, be rational in approach and look beyond the horizon. We must fulfill our responsibility and steer the global economy in the right direction.


In humanity’s relentless quest for development and progress, the trend toward openness and integration among countries is unstoppable despite ups and downs in the global economy.


The new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is triggering profound changes, the wealth gap keeps widening, and social contradictions are growing. The world economy is facing another historical choice.

今年是国际金融危机发生10周年,也是二十国集团领导人峰会10周年。尽管世界经济整体保持增长,但危机的深层次影响仍未消除,经济增长新旧动能转换尚未完成,各类风险加快积聚。It's been 10 years since the global financial crisis broke out and the first G20 Summit was convened. Today, the global economy, while maintaining growth on the whole, is still not free from the underlying impacts of the crisis. Old growth drivers are yet to be replaced by new ones and various risks are building up rapidly.



