
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. ---2Corinthians10:5

Release from sin is not release from humanity. Some things, such as prejudice can be destroyed so long as saints ignore. Some things must be broken down by strength from the heavenly power of God. Other things don’t have to fight. We just stand still and watch God saving us. Any theory or idea that stands in the way of the knowledge of God must aspire to be destroyed by the power of God, not by physical effort or compromise. “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” ---2Corinthians10:4

It is only when our character is transformed by God into the experience of sanctification that this battle begins. This battle is not against sin; we can never confront the sin, because the redemption of Jesus Christ has dealt with sin. The battle line is to turn natural life into spiritual life, which is not easy, and God does not want to make it easy. The thing is finished, which must experience a series of moral choices. It is not in character that God sanctifies us, but to make us sinless and then turn the sinless into a holy character through a chain of moral choice. These choices are often in constant conflict with the places where our natural life resides and the barriers that prevent us from knowing God. We will return and have done nothing in the kingdom of God, or we may decide to tear these things down so that Jesus may have one more son and go to glory. 

Dear God, may this day be a day that belongs exclusively to your king. Move us, God, all our spiritual and material may fit into your plan. As long as it is out of your touch, everything will become better.
