22 June, 2017

1. teak: A tall tropical Asian Timber of the vervain family.

tectona grandis

2. Eugenia

3.monsoon: a periodic wind especially in the India ocean or Southern Asia.

                    a season of southwest monsoon in India and adjacent area that is characterized by very heavy rainfall.

                     rainfall that associated with monsoon.

4.Tamalan  缅甸黄檀

5.convening: to come together in a body

                     to summon before a tribunal

                     to cause to assemble

6.emporium: a place of trade, a commercial center

                     a retail outlet

                     a store carrying many different kinds of merchandise.

7.poultry: domesticated birds kept for meat and eggs.

8.hatchery: a place for hatching eggs.


10.immunoglobulins: 免疫球蛋白

11. dovetail:to fit together perfectly or make two plans,ideas  fit toghter perfectly.

                      to jiont two pieces of wood by means of dovetial joints.

12.conduit: a pipe or passage which through water, gas, a set of eletric wires passes.

13.resonate: if somrthing such an event or massage resonates, it seems important or good to people, or continues to do this.

                     to make a deep loud and clear sound that continues for a long time. 

resonate with something : to be full of particular meaning or quality.

                                          to be full of particular sound.

14.tenterhooks: be on tenterhooks: to feel nervous and excited beacuse you are waitng to find out somthing or waiting for someting to happen.

SYN: be on edge.

on tenterhooks : 坐如针毡


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