主办单位/Hosted by
Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Nanjing Engineering Institute of Aircraft System, AVIC (NEIAS)
承办单位/Organized by
Aviation Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aero Electromechanical System Integration
协办单位/Co-organized by
Galleon (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd.
“十三五”期间,国内民机在干线、支线、通用航空与直升机4大领域得到了快速发展,而机电产业也由此迈入了新阶段。配套航空机电产业已初步形成,民机机电产品从随机取证迈向单独取证,中国民机机电系统形成了系列化、标准化的机电货架产品配套体系。根据预测,未来20年,中国将需要7000多架新飞机,总价值超万亿美元,国内民机市场超万亿美元,机电系统年均市场空间超80 亿美元。随着航空机电市场的不断发展,机电系统已经成为飞机二次能源(气压能、液压能、电能和机械能)的源泉和载体。这一新的转变使得航空机电系统越来越向着集成化、系统化、智能化的方向发展。目前,航空机电系统作为C919、MA60、MA700、AG600、ARJ21、运12、AC313、小鹰500、海鸥300等民用飞机提供包括电力系统、燃油系统、液压系统、辅助动力系统、空气管理系统等11个机电系统和产品,拥有包括设计研发、生产制造和服务保障在内的民机机电产品配套能力。在此背景之下,由中国航空学会和中国航空工业集团公司金城南京机电液压工程研究中心联合主办,航空机电系统综合航空科技重点实验室承办,上海广尧商务咨询有限公司协办的“2019(第四届)民用飞机机电系统国际论坛”定于2019年10月22日至23日在南京召开。本届论坛以“智能机电,畅享航空”为主题,将通过主题演讲、小组讨论、展览展示、一对一商务洽谈及媒体采访等形式,深入了解中国民机机电产业发展现状及未来趋势,聚焦飞行安全。
【Event Background】
During the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, domestic civil aircrafts have developed rapidly in such four major sectors as trunkliner, regional aircraft, general aviation and helicopter. Relevant data shows that China needs more than 7,000 civil aircrafts in 2017-2036, with a total value of more than USD 1 trillion. The annual average market space of China's electromechanical systems exceeds USD 8 billion. At present, the electromechanical system for aviation industry provides 11 systems, including power system, fuel system, hydraulic system, auxiliary power system and air management system, for civil aircrafts such as C919, MA60, MA700, AG600, ARJ21, Y-12, AC313, LE 500, and HO 300. The Civil Electromechanics System International Forum 2019 is committed to optimizing the electromechanical products of civil aircrafts and digital manufacturing with information technology so as to achieve excellence in the automation of electromechanical systems.
Against this backdrop, ‘International Forum on Civil Aircraft Electromechanical Systems 2019’ (CAES 2019) will be held on October 22nd to 23rd, 2019, in Nanjing city. which is hosted by Chines Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AVIC Jincheng Nanjing Electromechanical Hydraulic Engineering Research Center, organized by Aviation Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aero Electromechanical System Integration, co-organized by Galleon (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd. the CAES 2019 will focus on development trend of civil electromechanics market and flight safety through the session such as keynote speaking, panel discussion, exhibition, 1 to 1 meeting etc.
1. 飞机智能化引领未来机电系统革新Aircraft Intelligence Leads Innovation of Future Electromechanical System
2. 民用飞机机电系统技术发展趋势Development Trend of Civil Aircraft Electromechanical System Technology
3. 民用干线飞机、支线飞机、通用航空飞机、民用直升机及民用无人机的航空机电技术Aviation Electromechanical Technology for Civil MainLine Aircraft, Regional Aircraft, General Aviation Aircraft, Civil Helicopter and Civil UAV
4. <小组讨论 / Panel Discussion>
The Matching Between The Development Trend Of Civil Aircraft Electromechanical System And The Requirement Of Main OEMs
5. 民用飞机机电系统地面设备技术及测试技术Civil Aircraft Electromechanical System Ground Equipment Technologyand Testing Technology
6. 机载机电系统设备适航技术
Airworthiness Technology of Airborne Electromechanical System Equipment
刘芷彤女士(Sara LIU)
电话:(+86) 021 - 5155 9030
传真:(+86) 021 - 5155 9049
Company name: Galleon (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd.
Name: Sara LIU
Email:[email protected]
Web: http://www.galleon.cc/conference.asp?id=76
Phone: +86 0 21 5155.9030
Fax: +86 0 21 5155.9049