
New Year’s Resolution (175)

A: Did you read this? It says that the number one new year resolution people make is to spend more time with friends and family.

B: Why would that be funny?

A: Well, think about it. We are a society that is always on the go, not because we have to, but because we want to.

B: Why?

A: We work hard and spend less time at home because we are trying to provide for our family with goods and services that are usually unnecessary.

B: I don’t agree, but anyways, I think you should start thinking of a new year’s resolution yourself.

A: What’s the point? We always make new year’s resolutions and by February we will have forgotten about it. It’s pointless.

B: Well maybe then you should resolve to sticking to your goals and objectives.

A: What about you? Your gym bag is gathering dust and you still have brand new running shoes that are yet to be jogged at.

B: Well, I would go if you kept your promise of going to gym with me every day!

A: Yeah yeah whatever.
