(Ubuntu + IJKPlayer 编译) + Android Studio 3.2.1

1:ubuntu 系统 (windows 交叉编译问题和某些脚本不能识别,放弃了windows 系统;MAC系统可以的,)
3:NDK (用版本为10e 的,其它的版本会出现版本的问题,,目前只能用该版本,下载链接:https://developer.android.google.cn/ndk/downloads/older_releases.html?hl=zh-cn)


1:git clone https://github.com/Bilibili/ijkplayer.git ijkplayer-android
2:cd ijkplayer-android
3:git checkout -B latest k0.8.8


5:cd android/contrib
6:./compile-ffmpeg.sh clean
7:./compile-ffmpeg.sh all

8:cd ..
9:./compile-ijk.sh all

# Android Studio:
#     Open an existing Android Studio project
#     Select android/ijkplayer/ and import
#     define ext block in your root build.gradle
#     ext {
#       compileSdkVersion = 23       // depending on your sdk version
#       buildToolsVersion = "23.0.0" // depending on your build tools version
#       targetSdkVersion = 23        // depending on your sdk version
#     }
# If you want to enable debugging ijkplayer(native modules) on Android Studio 2.2+: (experimental)
#     sh android/patch-debugging-with-lldb.sh armv7a
#     Install Android Studio 2.2(+)
#     Preference -> Android SDK -> SDK Tools
#     Select (LLDB, NDK, Android SDK Build-tools,Cmake) and install
#     Open an existing Android Studio project
#     Select android/ijkplayer
#     Sync Project with Gradle Files
#     Run -> Edit Configurations -> Debugger -> Symbol Directories
#     Add "ijkplayer-armv7a/.externalNativeBuild/ndkBuild/release/obj/local/armeabi-v7a" to Symbol Directories
#     Run -> Debug 'ijkplayer-example'
#     if you want to reverse patches:
#     sh patch-debugging-with-lldb.sh reverse armv7a
# Eclipse: (obselete)
#     File -> New -> Project -> Android Project from Existing Code
#     Select android/ and import all project
#     Import appcompat-v7
#     Import preference-v7
# Gradle
#     cd ijkplayer
#     gradle

以上操作没有问题后,可以用Android Studio 打开工程,工程目录为:ijkplayer-android\android\ijkplayer

本人成功打开后,用Android Studio 开启的工程已经上传到Github上

你可能感兴趣的:((Ubuntu + IJKPlayer 编译) + Android Studio 3.2.1)